great idea xD that helps us a lot o.O so if i were to turn donald into mansex and goofy into sephiroth when i enter dark depths, how would i do that so they attack me?
because i dont want to type in 50+ lines of 16 bit hex code >.>
lol ya obviously
WTF why no gaurdian soul??? :( i put oblivion
):< ahem, still waiting to know if anyone can make v7+ cbcs/gameshark cheat files for me, plz help! thanks. if not, just say you cant, jeesh...
3(4 depending on how you look at it): I HATE PING/MULAN she blows ASS, esspecialy with her morale gauge. donald sucks, Sora had very high health (this is while i was fighting xaldin btw), beast was dead, donald was at low, AND DONALD CURED ME... and i was too far away of them beatiing on xaldin to have them get healed, too... goofy is kool, but i hate his limit. fav limit = riku's
on my first play through, i never used a summon. after it tho, i used genie most while getting 100% proud save
lol i repp'd u. rep back for rep? start a rep chain xD jk but srsly, rep is always nice ;o
yo can anyone find out how to make gameshark v1 cheat files for me? i dont think v7+ cbc files are possible... thanks, if you find out TELL ME FOR SURE
i got it in timeless river, while fight pete when he stole the cornerstone. i said to my self, "hey, if i go into valor form, i can land even more hits on the wooden cage..."down arrow, down arrow, down arrow, x, x, ZOMG ANTI FORMZ! i got final form while fight xigbar. i was almost dead.... no mp... mp hastega from ultima weapon didn't seem to be working... what do i know, enough drive bars to go master form. POOF final form yay xigbar=died
there obviously connected, but their obviously not the same person, and Ven probably isn't related to sora in any way, shape or form. ven is just ven, period. but ven might be Sora's Uncle XD JK
9.8. when i heard it was officialy coming out here in united states, i ordered my PSP LCD screen replacement, cuz iz been broken for munths.
[MARQUEE] LOL that's comedy. sorry if that's to innapropriate... i cant find out how 2 add spoiler tags ):< lol, but yeah kairi's cool.
thanks mate, rep + FTW for you, nice post
k thanks. it sucks that the all abilities code don't work for me :( can anyone possibly make a gameshark v1 or codebreaker 9.2 cheat file (either one i have both :P) with the all abilities (sora/roxas) cheat? thanks in advance :D
Kingdom. Hearts. Two. All. The. Way. i have beat both with perfect saves (in kh com on GBA and PS2, i collected 1 of every card of every number, premium versions too :P with no cheats), and i say i like KH2 better. but reverse/rebirth is pretty sweet, i really like...
i said xaldin. he'd minitarize (i dont think i spelled that right) one of his spearts, and use it to unwrap the wrapper. after he cut himself many times in the process, he would brush off the blood on the wrapper with a "huh, it must be juice. after all, i did eat a cherry one." axel would be second, just flame the wrapper. DUH. xD then demyx. i hate demyx. what was his name before, anyways? myde? xd
i put berserkers, because i love to daze them with thunder. then beat the $h17 out of them with their own swords. then rape their dead bodies... ...did i just say that? i mean steal their ravine crystals to synth with :)
yo for the have all abilities, does the name of the cheat (which is "All Abilities (Sora/Roxas)" affect if it works or not? cuz i have it named "have all abilities (SORA/ROXAS) thanks guys this forum is awesomeness :)
hey, have all abilities code isn't working for me. do i need to joker it? if i do, can i put the joker as the last line in codebreaker, or will i have to delete and reenter that entire, long code to get all my abilities for sora/roxas? thanks guys. and does that have "synch blade"? cuz dual wield normal sora would be sweet :)