does anyone know that since ffxiii is now coming out for xbox 360 as well, will the quality of the ps3 version go down since the xbox doesnt support bluray, which allows for higher quality graphics? lol thx :)
if anyone tells me what cutscenes/boss fights we DON'T have and i'll record them, as i'm replaying KH2FM when my danm friend gets here so i can back it up.
Main: Ultima weapon, although sometimes i trade off with valor for fenrir Valor: fenrir (once again, sometimes i switch it up with my main weapon) Wisdom: hmmm i wonder.... Master: decisive pumpkin Final: oathkeeper, sometimes oblivion
hey guys, getting some codes ready for when friend brings me back up copy of kh fm+.... how would i make a boss battle of sora vs. roxas? i mean where you play as roxas boss, and fight against sora help? that would be sweet. it'd be even cooler if i could make one ally sora, and another the roxas boss, and make them battle so i could record it...
what exactly do the hackers hack? how is it different from coding? do they just edit/replace models?
i has a question :P i'm importing this game from japan, and i'm going to use homebrew on my modded ps2 to play this game. how do i use codes with this? i have gameshark 2 v1 and codebreaker 9.2
i'm gettin all 3 of these games, and kh bbs+days, altho i'll have to buy a DS xD
"you've lost your memories, but in return you get these cards." lol funny. nice review, hopefully we get more screens/gameplay footage of days/bbs
2 words for you. ZERO - CARDS any well stocked deck would have plenty of zero cards. if you dont, spend some time in past floors building them up.
cool :D so eh... would it be possible to do 1000 heartless challenge in the room after the 1k hc where riku leaves you the box and ice cream? or is that room inaccessible?
hmmm so with dw wisdom code, are you always wisdom? or would you activate "always full drive (cant remember what orange bar is called for life of me) gauge" and "drive gauge doesn't deplete" and just go in to wisdom form? :O would be sick
hmmm new question. would this combo of codes work? axels chakram replaces kingdom key have all keyblades (x98) so you have multiple kingdom keys valor form moveset so that you can equip valor forms keyblade as kingdom key and dual wield two chakrams? O.o
if i had to guess i'd say its cuz of barbosa. whether or not u can attack him depends on a moonlight variable, which isn't implemented into olimpus colliseum. if theres a code for it to always be on moonlight, then that might work.
hey so back on xemnas and seph as allies code, i am loading my save in crystal fissure just before actual 1000 heartless challenge. thanks.
GRR CRASH ON LOAD (bsod with music) EDIT: come on guys, i have to be in bed within 7 minutes from time of posting... clock is ticking xD
k. do i need 2 joker full party code?
so will my way work?
lol ok guys, i didnt refresh after i edited. so since seph and xemnas take goofy and donald (respectively) places, full party wont work?
uh... right.... little more detail? im kind of a noob... will you help me find the codes? EDIT: okay, so i think i got it: Goofy is sephiroth: E002FDFF 0035B55C <-joker R2 2037A3D8 0016EA24 <-code you supplied me with 11CFA400 000008B6 Donald is Xemnas: E002FDFF 0035B55C 2037A3D8 0016EA24 11CF3FE0 00000646 i just thot of something. since sora fights alone in 1000 heartless battle, does that mean i wont have seph. and mansex with me in battle? :( if that is true. oh well still cool if it works xD EDIT EDIT: isn't there a full party code? i think its 40340C9C 00130001 03020100 00000000
ok eh... so help plz, heres what i want to do. i want donald to be mansex, and i want goofy to be sephiroth. i want them to be my allies, and to attack enemies with me. i want to load this on my 1000 heartless battle save and enter the battle and pwn 1000 heartless (:< plz help anyone