wow, thank you all for making me feel welcomed so fast! I already love this site ^ ^. Hope we can get to talk with each other more in the future. Nice to meet you all :3 ~Xion
yesh! thank you so much ^ ^
yeah :D I want some more!!! :domo:
never?! OMG!!! it is awesome!!! this is a crime!!! you haven't gone there for real???? If you ever go and you like spicy things eat the spicy...
may I dip my chocolate cookie in my chocolate milk?
XD now I want sumthing from wendy's lol
aww well that ain't fair * pets*
lul why would it be bad? you can satnd in a concert with no problem lol, I can pass people by without being caught lol
I have to agree with you, I mean love is a feeling not a gender. Firstly I don't like to judge anyone for anything as I like not to be judged by others. Secondly a marriage is a marriage no matter how you put it and trsut me there are places where people marry their pets and even threes, so why not let them get married?
hello :3 thanks for the add ^ ^
is so saaaad when its over D':> I must have more! >:
aww hope you get better :3 well more like how small are ya? XD I'm like 58 cm tall or 4'10 tall XD my often nickname is Tiny for that lol. how...
it looks good on ya
lol I just like being old enough for sum stuff like living by my own lolz, I dun wanna grow up XD! yeah here is hot as well @__@ i feel like an...
i love your hair!!!! :3
I'm glad I live by myself lolz I'm 18 and I'm from Orlando Florida, used to be from Puerto Rico lul. well pretty much the same music in general...
me? well I love mangas anime I collect action figures along with asian stuff. I adore suchi I eat it anytime i can! I just gotta know where to eat...
lol same I had a walmart suchi :( never eating a suchi from there again. So what kind of things do you like :3... (miau..?)
hi, yea lol how are you?
thanks o.o I'm a little lost tho.. first day XD