Is's Time to DUEL!! [IMG] Draw Phase: 6 Cards in Hand Stanby Phase: Activate Anyting P.S. I think Graceful Charity is Forbidden And Mirage Of...
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Let's Go!!! Terms: LP:8000 Customs:None Anime Exclusives:None Video Game Exclusives:None God Cards:Yes Hand Refill:None First Player:You Number...
That means 4:00 PM Central Time Zone
Does Anywone wana Duel??? LP:8000 Customs:None Anime Exclusives:None Video Game Exclusives:None God Cards:Sure Hand Refill:None First Player:You Number of Cards per Deck:60 Other conditions(luck based cards, handicaps, etc.):None
My Timezone IS +1
Jaden can we Duel Tomorow At 5:00 PM???
Jaden How to we Start Tomorow?? It's OK?? Jaden do you now some combo for summoning 3 god cards??? P.S. Answer me!!! P.S. I don't wana use to...
Only cards you cannot use is: Elemental Hero Neos Necro Gardna Elemental Hero Necroshide Dark Fusion
Latias do you want duel???
Can I join you???
Jaden can you teach me how I can beat my coptetition how want to take me place.
Jaden I have one combo for winning in 2 turns. Now Can YOU??? Teach me how I can beat Khman 12
Now can you teach me??? Short combo, but powerfull!!!!!
OF COURSE!!!!! Anime Exclusives: None Video Game Exclusives: None God Cards: Your Choice First Player: You [IMG]
Like Yami Yugi... Sometimes Like Yours Deck(full of Elemental Heroes)
Can you PLEASE?????!!!!!!! P.S. I mean now!!!!
You wana Duel?? Set Your Terms