AXEL ALL THE WAY " Axel: Do you know why sunsets are always red? Roxas: Why? Axel: Its because of all the colors, Red travels the farthest distance. Roxas: Your just trying to show off. " - Kingdom Hearts 358/2 days, I may havescrewed up some words "Axel acts as if he has a heart" - Forgot
By the way im new to forums and havent quite mastered the SEARCH function, so if i repeat something it isnt me being thick headed, im just stupid
pretty..... im sad now that i cant make the awesome number countdown thingy, question, howd he remove the black parts and the fighting that took place while certain numbers were showing
So if this is Sony Vegas, what might've created the awesome number countdown thingy and the rest of the effects
Hey im just wondering why people think Riku and Sora are gay, and why some people think Sora is straight. I almsot put this under debate but wasnt sure anyway. I believe Sora is straight, and if your gonna come at me with the whole Sora cried when he found Riku thing i have the answer! Now i believe the reason Sora didnt cry when he was reunited with Kairi because he knew she was safe, after the original KH she was left on the island, and when she was taken to The world that never was he knew he would eventually be there to protect her. The reason i believe he cried when seeing Riku was that unlike Kairi there was no closing to what happened to Riku other then he was in the Realm of darkness, Sora didnt know what was going to happen to Riku. Riku was also Sora's enemy at several points of the game so Sora had to fight Riku, never did he have to fight Kairi. Another point of interest i would like to bring up is that Sora added on to the image on the cave wall of him and Kairi, he drew him giving her a Pau...poa......fruit thingy (could never spell it right). She in turn when back on the island did the same thing. But its an open debate so hit me with your best ideas!
Pretty....but yeah kinda long
... what if the only emotions you ever feel are the ones absorbed from your current eviroment
I was reading SWITCHED it inspired me to make a story of a different idea
Hello! Names NovaParadox, can call me Richard if ya want. Im a big fanatic of Kingdom Hearts, i love fan-made stories and joined to find some inspiration to wright my own. Im a real techy kind of guy, know lots of computers and a real 1337 freak. I play San Andreas Online at the moment on the Valhalla Roleplay Server. I used to play Achaea and Lusternia by Iron Realms Entertainment.
It wouldnt be real life anyway, can you imagine Advent Children as a movie with actors? no... Such types of games cannot manifest themselves in real life easily.
uhm this is general discussion according to my screen that was post number 3, you gonna stop trying to point out to me its fake? EDIT: Hm, where did i put the topic then, i cant remember.
clearly fake yes but its effects are professional, i would love to know what made them
Surfing online i found this video for a so called KH movie anyway im pretty sure its fake but can anyone tell me what movie editor might have made effects like that? Mainly the numbers all digital like and shattering and the rest