Hey people,I like to make videos in my spare time so I made this,If you could rate and comment that would be nice.This is my first AMV so be nice please :D. http://s267.photobucket.com/albums/ii285/Chocobo_Dyl/?action=view¤t=Theultimateshowdown.flv
yeah,u seem like a nice person
Yeah I thought this was good,I'd give an 8/10 because as obbsessedwithsora said the lyrics didn't always fit with the scenes.Apart from that I loved it :D
Oh yeah britain rules and so do chocobo's.Thanks for the nice welcome you two.
Hello,I am Chocobo Dyl,I've actually been here for months but I left when I had chicken pox and never came back,so here I am. I make videos,Graphics(though I'm only an amature that just got Photoshop.)I do allsorts of things...And I really like elipses..... Anyway some of you may already know me(for various reasons) so hi,I hope I have a good time....
No, Einstein proved that time and space are the same thing so changing time will warp everything repeat EVERYTHING.So no
WE WE what do you mean by WE
I just finished a bacon sandwich mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm...
what I got Final version Thank you for filling out this questionnaire. Your Aspie score: 37 of 200 Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 171 of 200 You are very likely neurotypical So I'm not?
(!!) (!!) ( () () ) (_____ ) (..) ) (!!) (!!) A mad rabbit.......Oh and Hi
Here's my guide like DF said he has Deathsycthe and blossom shower however for me these were rubbish you can aviod both Deathscythe: just keep moving to the left and to the right and it'll miss Blossom Shower:Move to the oppisite side of the screen and it should miss,just after dodging a slate attack with a three card combo that isn't a slate rinse and repeat until dead
Do you mean the I Will not kill you Today
I'll be happy to test for you
well erm I beat her by..............oh thats arrange it so you have sonic blades at the front and use all sonic blades then have 3 or more Hi-potions use one spam sonic blade then after that technique use Repliku card for slate lock and spam omni slash if still not dead a few attacks should kill her.
here we go and........ it worked but, when u hit it and it turns into smoke and flies around it's gone EDIT:fixed Doesn't work in Disney castle and in Timeless river it goes black and white LOL also it takes away donald so I think you've done it right
may I have some steak and gravy pie please.
I got 250 hits some about me others about some body called dyl dyl
I'll sign to stop this from going any further
Sorry realized they weren't glitches(my ones) unless they always happen on my disc only.Can someone find out for me. but got some new ones there not to do with KH.On lego star rs the full saga(DS)I fought a invincible droid it took every bit of damage I hit it with I foughht it for 10 minutes then give up.Here's a funny one.playing on Oblivion and chorrol crashed everybody froze you could see the insides of them there eyes there nose and all the face parts.LOL