yes golf..... im on a 12 and 13 year old team for my country club...... so ............. rax what time is it (no this isnt a joke i really wanna no what time it is where you live) hey kairi is it cool that i call you that? wow it seems like lots of people like kairi .... but its cool shes cool
ahh call me whatever you want( except for muffin man) hahaha jk on the muffin man though
Hiya! Waz up?:) ahhh yeah we meet again......! yay! but holy crap i have a tournament tomorrow and i wont be on tommorow ..... wait a sec.... rax what time is it right now?
hey you got shot? oh with a pintball oh....k i thoght for real
well........... hey its the big man himself! thanx for the sig hey wats up carcrazy
oh no i wasnt trying to get nosey or any thing i just figured it was like xemnas but thats cool i dont really care ..... so waddya wanna talk about...... crap i gtg ill be back in like ten minutes k? hey its goimez!!!! yay!!!!! whats so bad about badgers though?
oh cool sounds like fun :roll:
is xason's real name jason or something?
lot of guests here..... whered you get fox smilie?
yeah i could tell...... just cuz usually your little bro or sis is at least 2 years younger than you and you are 12 right now . well also i have seen many 1994's at this web site....... i am guilty of being one too but my b day was back in june so now i am 13...
by the looks of it chosen one ....... youre little brother is around the age of ten right??????
what ever your lucky that youre big bro doesnt chuck you into the pool or something:) his idea of teaching you a lesson:)
OMG no that never happened to me!!!!!!! Gosh...... how could you little man?
oh were fine but by the looks of it ..... youre brother screwed up your memory so im afraid to ask how are you doing........... yeah that happened once to me ./.......
oh did he accidently overwrite your memory or something?
Hey im back...
hows this family going? whats up? i hate you chosen one....... i clicked the link ........ after trying to sign book i clicked back to go back to kh vids but then i had to do it 2 more times....... you suck that was mean..... and boring..... and time consuming....STIFF NECK..... uno.......ABC........HAHAHA......... oh my head .
buh bye oh and ill be here this week next week but not the week after tell ctr i want skittles where is ctr? she must have like a lot of friends oh ok i see how it is bye.... jk lol no but i really am leaving
yeah sure ill have somme
well.............. as we have been speaking i have been cleaning windows aat my dads office ......... ughh.......................... then i will have to go to the golf course at 12:00 oh im not gonna be here after this and the next weekbye oh im not gonna be here after this and the week after have fun with chickens