wow my friend is not gonna come ... but whatevetr gotta take out trash and clean room so brb!
just took a shower and i feel great!
oh im good ! part of the fam now! o h gotta go bye....
oh yeah right sorry i forgot......:stupid:
the last time i saw you was on the day i joined so ...... LETS ROLL!!!!!!!:roll::roll::roll::roll::roll:
hey my family waz up?
ugh i gotta go ... i know you will all miss me talk to the ceiling it helps! (recognize that rax?) hey theres our gopher!!!
ive talked deeper than this ( amazing i know) it was about dating at school...
hmm....... haha theres a commercial on a dog skating!!! well it s about a phone..... wow i just realized im so random......
whew you two like to deep talk.... wow..... haha lol... same would go for me!
ah......kewl........those marriages stay within the forum right ? oh what am i saying... of course they do! (if im wrong that will make me llook like a ****** so...)
wow im lost and clueless.... what are you guys talking about again?:stupid:
Man!!!! You just broke our intense conversasion!!!! Whats wrong with you?????:nono:Thats not cool dude....
ahh and who would that yes be too????:whatsthat:
thats awesome!!! do you like cut animation scenes out of video games or do you animate them yourselves? i dont have one..... boohoo!!!!! ......:nono:
im still afraid i dont get it..... do they ask each other????? like errr they propose???? aww i can imagin a nerdy geek asking a beatiful girl on the com to merry him.... and she will never no he is a nerd!!!
whoah? a movie? like a cinema? or a music vid ,..... you no something like that..... how long is it
oh wait its an under armor commercial..... with lacross in it whoah youre new to this forum or new to this family? if this forum..... (you no khvids) then you post alot...... oh....... no my country club is having a few junior teams open right now..... hey kairi....... whats the whole forum marriage about...????
ahhh no..... i like to make muffins so ..... im a muffin man not waffle man..... whoah im watching a lacross commercial right now.... its pretty cool...