what did he do?
crap gtg so bye
ahh hey waxz up my fam?
haha lol i know just messing with you!!
whoah wats the frown about??????!!!!! its good SHES back!1!! well at least i think so.....
oh no i meant on random family
anyone here ever heard of one republic? what time is *tonight*
who is the member besides me online??
yeah if ound the dot long time ago
gotta go so buh bye! say bye to rax for me!
pretty awesome! huh..... no one ever thought i was a girl..... Unless *looks around* ....got any confessions? um AND IF YOU LEAVE! I WILL..... UH.... ALWAYS ROLL IN YOUR PRESENCE So.... there.... hah!
ugh............ im bored
cool. so finished with the movie???? oh and how many of your brothers are working on it?
the cat god???!!!!
Rax is that the dude from x men on your sig??? a monkey????? how a bout a cookie or..... ! some muffins!
dont leave pwease dont weave
im ahamed of myself right now....:rockdoversad: i thought ctr was the roll person but she likes to bounce...... I HAVE dISHONORed THE RANDOM FAMILY!!!:crybaby:
im a guy shes a girl oh you have? sorry to keep you waiting if you checkedyour messeges you would understand why there was a hold up
ok im back
oh yeah i started cleaning my room so i will finish it!!!!!!!!! as soon as i say hi to rax hey there she is !!!!