i just turned 13 in june 23
no the mission space is exclusive to florida while the tower of terror is also at a park assosiated with disney land at california
oh isnt the tower of terror the one that goes down while youre stomach goes up? the line and elavator to it is like twilight zone and is scary
ive been on tower of terror like a year ago when i was still 12...... i liked it -sent my parents on it ...... my dad almost threw up or something..
i was just wondering if you were my age and still liked it..... if youre 12 im just one year older than you so i will probably like it....
scotland is not humid is it? does it have good golf courses?
east or west side?
yeah im going to florida fot vacation..... the little tykes in my family wanna go to disney world.... i remember going there once and there were many mosquitos
The west states are hot right now.... well in america at least....... do you live around florida or something? (sofa)
oh in the west coast we get lots of sun, good beaches, yeah and hot weather.
im in california and its 7:51 am right now Scotland? youre telling the truth?
next year i wont have to wake up early cuz i have to do that sport camp if i wanna go into a team in high school
hey whose the third member viewing this page oh never mind they left
yeah i gotta get up at six every day now cause my dad wants me to work at his office....
there was a user named silver bulllet
oh i missed the part of you being at their house.... now that sucks
no the second line was 2 bullet
hey try sitting in your dads office for 4 hours a day working for him..... thats boring
youre not a stalker right? haha wasnt that said by the australians in some flash player movie?
you are right whoah dude i just saw you on a differen forum