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  1. LightManifest
    Kairi was never exactly my favorite character (You never got to know much about her because she was always in a trance-like state in KH1, other than her joking with Sora.), but I didn't like her personality change in KH2. She jumped off a balcony only to be attacked by heartless. She seemed to have a more egostical personality, which is probably where dimension was supposed to be added, but I think it turned a bad turn, however. No disrespect to anyone who doesn't agree, however.
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. LightManifest
    That's great!

    By the way, Chεrry, have you talked to your mother about this? If you haven't, I think you should. You know, just give a reasonable explanation for why you need space. *Hippie Jesus* gave a good idea already of calling friends, too.

    About exam results. I'm sure your mother wants to scare you into always getting good test results. Most parents do that with the way they freak out about your grades. However, my parents no longer do that because they know that I know the importance of them and what relation they have to my future and what I'm going to do. Perhaps if you explain that you know the importance of exam results to your mother, maybe she'd understand or believe you?
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  3. LightManifest
    Ooos, sorry! I didn't know what bumping was when I joined, and I was just going through old posts because I'm new...

    Sorry, didn't mean to go off topic. Anyways, I agree with ArchAwesomeman. I care about the people of the future. I'd hate to know what they'd go through.
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  4. LightManifest
    NO! I need to get a DS now! :roll:
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. LightManifest
    Legal owner of Sephiroth's Masamune.
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. LightManifest
    -I found that really funny!

    A racing game with horses. Complete with a deep plot and intense action. Really weird, I know...
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. LightManifest
    No problem. She's part of an anti-bullying organization and gives advice? She's starting to sound nice to me. Well, if you want to talk to her some more, try asking her a question about bullying, perhaps... If you're hiding from people, she probably doesn't know much about you. Try introducing yourself. By the way, best of luck to you! :)
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  8. LightManifest
    Heh heh... I'm on the way to completing the dream; it's not there yet. I wanted to make videogames when I was little, that's the dream. I never knew it really was an actual job. Now, as I'm older, I see people play specific roles in the process, but as for roles and all that, it would be best left for another topic. I'm trying to decide between animator and programmer now... And my family is very understanding and all for it. Thanks dad! (Father's day. He's out right now..)
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  9. LightManifest
    Wears a moogle, mascot costume with a banner glued around it saying, "COME INSIDE AND GET YOURS!!" outside Square-Enix.

    (Just playing... Sounds like something I'd do.)
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  10. LightManifest
    Lenne from Final Fantasy X-2.
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  11. LightManifest
    Aww, don't feel bad. Everyone has the capability to earn an honor roll. All you need to do is pay attention and remember what the teacher teaches you. To tell you the truth, when I first got an honor roll, I didn't know what it was lol. But, as I figure out school more, I find the honor roll meaningless, other than, well, honor, such as making your family proud. So if you don't get one, it's okay.

    I had a dream when I was little, and as I grew older, I figured it was never going to happen. Now, as I'm older, I'm on my way to completing that dream! Life sure does make funny turns, but for my dream, it's for the best.
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  12. LightManifest
    Quite true. Look how much we've advanced in 100 years. How much will we advance in 200 years from now? If the sun is going to explode in 5 billion years, I don't think we will ever need to worry about it.
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  13. LightManifest
    You have a good point. They wouldn't be able to afford to take away freedom of speech. Besides, movies and media are a great source of entertainment for America. We're famous for it!

    Besides, why would they take it away? :wacko: I very much doubt they believe all their great citizens are terrorists. I know bad things happen, but I find if you give trust to someone, they like to live up to it. The government, a body of people, including the people of America voting and all that, are apparently more than a single person. However, it just works in a slower process is all. I don't mean any disrespect to anyone who has a different opinion. I just don't want to see anyone's face turned to a frown. Well, it's the internet, I know, I can't see anyone's face, but that's really not the point...
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  14. LightManifest
    I'm sorry to hear your problem. Well, perhaps I can spread some wisdom... (Although I see people have already done alot of wisdom spreading...) If it's confidence you feel you lack, then why? You feel ugly, and people don't like you for it? I don't believe that. I've never judged anyone by how they look, and I'm a girl. If the girl doesn't like you because she only thinks about how you look, then you should steer clear of her, right? From what you're saying, she sounds like the sweetest girl in the world and would never judge by looks. If that's the case, then she may like you, and she may not. If she doesn't, then it's not your fault. Hey, she may not even like you or your friend. I don't mean to sound harsh or make you feel bad, but it's a possibility.

    Another thing: Do you really like this girl that much? I don't know her, but she may turn out to be a bad person if you get to know her more, so please learn about her some more. Just some advice, because you deserve better than to be with a bad girl. Well, unless she's a good person...

    As for the confidence issue: I went over this before, but I better again so you remember better. You don't want to hang around people who judge by looks. I had a TERRIBLE shyness, and you know what? I'm now completely over it, and happier! You want to know why I got over it? Because it got in the way of my life.
    Example: An employer is hiring, but they won't hire you because you aren't a friendly person, but shy.
    :) I wish you get over it soon, because it's really hard to deal with.
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 15, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  15. LightManifest
    Look at all these people helping! Don't say just yet no one cares about you, please. There's really not much I can say that's not already been said. Strong kingdom945, all I want to say is that everyone can't always understand another. You, after all, have had a BAD life, one no one should have to live. Do you ever want anyone else to feel the same pain you go through? I'm happy no one knows what pains I go through, myself. I actually try my hardest to make sure nobody understands it, or feels bad at all! I want you to start searching your hardest for your own, great life for yourself. I will hope for you the best I can! ^_^

    Thanks to the strength of all who's pulled through their own problems now and now live a happy and healthy life. Thanks to everyone who's been commenting so far, too. I feel great to see that this many people actually care. :)

    For kingdom945: see my signature?
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  16. LightManifest
    There's nothing wrong with not dating at your age. A reason I say this is not only because I don't date yet :roll:, (Yep, that's right! I'm not dating until I'm older.) but because many relationships at that age don't last long, and then it often breaks friends apart and makes alot of people feel bad in the end. I'm sorry if this makes anyone feel bad, because it doesn't always work like this. I'm just saying it's okay to wait until you're older to date. Edit: Along the lines of what wise Last of the Organization said.

    I'm sorry, DestinyStar, about your problem. I know most likely you wouldnl't feel I couldn't give very good advice because I've never dated myself (Like I have repeated before...), but however, your friend likes this guy who you liked too (And maybe still like...?). Maybe this shows the similarity between you and your friend rather than anything bad. Maybe, like a friend, she understands you aren't dating him anymore but is oblivious that you would feel bad about it.

    I know! I really dislike that, actually.
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. LightManifest


    I'm so sorry.

    I'm new at the time of this posting, but he sounds like the member everyone likes to talk with and know. It's really too bad I didn't get the chance to meet him.

    It may seem strange for me talking about a person I don't know, but we're all human. We all have a connection, and I'm sorry to lose one... I hope all his family and friends have wonderful futures...

    Rest in peace...
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  18. LightManifest
    You know, do you and close friends often say and think of the same thing at the same time? I'm sure it's related to that... It's really interesting...
    Post by: LightManifest, Jun 4, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  19. LightManifest
    Hello, I'm pleased to join such a great site and forum. I hope to contribute well in the future! :)
    Thread by: LightManifest, Jun 4, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures