OOC-Coolio to the hoolio!!!! Diego stood up and stretched. He had been there the entire time, but obviously no one noticed the saber tooth tiger. He walked over to his owner, and layed back down at her feet, and closed his eyes. Nyxie had almost forgot about him. Thank GOD i brought him along.... She muttered.
OOC-Cuz i felt like it;... *stomps the yard*
The girl couldnt talk. Girl 1, fear-struck, ran down the street. Nyxie turned, and pointed in that direction. Get her, Diego... As soon as the words escaped her lips, the tiger was after the girl, his strides far bigger than hers, he closed in on her, and quick.
I wanna play them anyway!! GIRL 1: I eyes the nobody approaching suspiciously and snorted my disgust. I elbowed Girl 2. GIRL 2: I looked over in the direction of the approaching nobody. I rolled my eyes. Nobodies. Pfft. Bloody vermin, the lot of them.... I said aloud, making sure everyone heard me. Nyxie heard that last comment. She heard it well. She gasped, and walked quickly over, Diego on her heels. EXCUSE ME? You OBVIOUSLY heard me, since you strutted over here with your deformed cat..
I sorry... Its okay. At least ur human, we have that in common...
Nyxie sighed. Uh... Oh.... She replied, and watched. OOC- I wanna play the girls!!!!!!
"Uhm... I dont roll that way, sorry...." Marly replied. Nyxie giggled. If you were straight, I would hold you....
Nyxie frowned. Diego... watch yourself. She warned. Diego looked up at her. He made a sad, confused, frustrated noise, and looked up at her. Nyxie smiled. AW!!!! LOOK AT THAT FACE!!! She exclaimed, and kneeled down, wrapping her arms around the tiger. Diego licked his owners ear. Nyxie stood up, and dusted off her pants. [color] Nice meeting you too.[/color] She answered, and grunted as Diego sat on her feet, leaning against her legs.
Nyxie shuddered, and buried her head in Marly's chest. Marly snorted, and stroked Nyxie's back in a reasurring way. "Us? RUn? Were the fricking Organization XIII!!!! We dont RUN!!!" Marluxia declared, and scolded Luxord. "Thanks for getting her all worked up.." He snapped. Nyxie looked up as the other nobodies came in. Hey... She greeted shyly.
Nyxie smiled at him. "Thanks. His name is Diego, obviously. And I got him as a present from... She stopped, and looked at the ground. She didnt want to think about it. Diego sensed this, and licked her face again. Nyxie giggled, and kissed the cat's head. Diego returned to all four paws, and began to sniff the other humans. Just to make sure they were safe. He stopped at the fox. It reaked of Canine. His lip curled into a snarl, and his claws dug into the ground.
Nyxie gulped. The butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She frowned, and inched closer to marly for comfort. Marly smiled and wrapped his arms around her. Luxord....It says he'll kill us, and you pay attention to the LOVE part? That doesnt suprise me.
OOC- YAYA!!!! Nyxie smiled and nodded. She heard a familiar snarl, and looked over to see a saber tooth tiger-HEr saber tooth tiger, Snarling at the somebodies. Aw, ****! She cursed under her breath. DIEGO, YOU FAT COW! GET OVER HERE!! She shouted. Diego froze, and looked back at her. He jogged quickley over. He jumped up, placing massive paws on his owner's shoulders, smothering her face with his tongue. Nyxie smiled and wrapped her arms around him. Thats my beautiful boi! She cooed.
Im gonna learn self defense.... just... not karate.
Nyxie watched as the can was kicked down the street, making an awful lot of racket as it went. Yeah.... exactly. ---Can we have pets?
Or else Mansex shall rape you....
WELCOME!!!! Im not sure which way Demyx leans any more... D: NYXIE: *sigh* Im bored. MARLY: Hey, Nyxi!!! NYXIE: Hey, Marly.
Nyxie smiled Pleasure.... She glared at the somebodies. Damn somebodies.... dont know what they got.... She complained.
Or girls...... Us girls need to be a little.... err.... cautious. Were the ones who get raped.....
Nyxie watched from a distance as the somebodies threw things at the fellow nobody. He looked angry. She gulped down her fear, and walked over. Hi. Im Nyxiel... and you are/
So... what?