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  1. AxelsNyxie
    Axel crossed his arms. NO. What are you, obsessed with him? Maybe we should get you and him in the closet, and see if you get pregnant... He pondered.

    He looked wearily back at the closet. the longest seven minutes of his life.


    Nyxie's eyes widened as Riku put his hands in her shirt, but she shrugged it of. She yook a step back, but tripped and fell intentionally, bringing riku down with her

    OOC- O.o *chokes on burrito*
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. AxelsNyxie
    OMG IM SOOOO SORRY!!!! The sig is AWESOME!! *hugs sig*
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. AxelsNyxie
    Axel rolled his eyes and looked at the ceiling, before looking back at her. Jesus, i was KIDDING? Have you ever heard of it? Obviously not. K-I-D-D-I-N-G; GOT IT MEMORIZED? He asked.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. AxelsNyxie
    OOC- Tehehhehehheheh I know.

    Axel rolled his eyes. Im right here you know... He announced bitterly.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. AxelsNyxie
    Axel looked aver at her. And WHY is that? He asked, and folded his arms.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. AxelsNyxie
    Gots to eat....

    Oh yeah, and the closet is sound proof, so the people outside cant hear whats goig on inside, and visa versa.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. AxelsNyxie
    Nyxie grinned back. Its funny you even have to ask that..... She replied, and with that, she put Riku in another lip lock.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. AxelsNyxie

    OOC- Yeah..... I liked that. And how Riku runs up to the door....


    Nyxie smiled, and went in the closet, and waved to Axel in the process. See ya in seven minutes! She cooed.

    Axel muttered bitterly. Longest Seven minutes of my life... He said aloud...
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. AxelsNyxie
    Nyxie giggled as Riku turned red, and then laughed at her boyfriend. Okay.... who's first? She asked herself. But before she did, she looked at Axel. Axie.... if its me and some other boy, you have to let me have a little bit of free rein, okay? She asked.

    Axel sighed, and nodded. Just... dont lose your virginity on me, k?

    Nyxie giggled. That happened a LONG time ago, you of all people should know that.... She replied.

    And with that, she reached into the hat, wich was heald hig above her head.


    she announced, and looked at riku with a smirk.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. AxelsNyxie
    Nyxie giggled. Well.... How I play it is: We all put our name in a hat, and I draw out two names; One boy, and one girl. Or since there's only two girls... two boys XDD. Then you go into the closet here, and do whatever you want for SEVEN MINUTES. Sound good? She explained, and winked at Riku.

    Axel nearly fell coming down the stairs. He was wearing a t-shirt and jeans of medium tightness. Seven minutes in heaven? Saweet! He exclaimed.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. AxelsNyxie
    OOC- Of course its fun...... Im waiting for other people to reply. In the mean time.....*stompstheyard*
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. AxelsNyxie
    Nyxie changed into her outfit.


    ----Not complex, jkjkjkjk----

    She was wearing a white noodle strap, and a green ROXY overshirt. Her silver hoop earings jingled as she walked, her fluffy layered, strawberry blonde hair moved as she did. Her pants were WAY too tight, but oh well. They showed off her butt well. She had a a pair of white skater shoes on.

    She looked at everyone who had showed up.

    Well.... this game is one of my favorites. Im sure everyone's heard of it. Seven Minutes In Heaven.... She said, and paused.
    Sound fun? She asked.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. AxelsNyxie
    OOC- STAMPEDE OF THE NOBODIES!!!!! lolololololol I like how riku was the first out. ...

    Axel climbed out, and ran after them.

    Nyxie stood by a door. She waited for everyone. When they got there, she spoke calmly. Everyone, go change into regular clothes, and meet me back here. She demanded, and headed for her own room.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. AxelsNyxie
    OOC- Damn Straight!!!

    Nyxie tried no to look at him as he surfaced. She didnt want axel to get suspicious. After all, he may be dumber than a rock, he could put 2 and 2 together eventually....

    She looked up at the darkening clouds. She got out. Come on, all! We are going inside to play a game..... She invited, and wrapped a towel around her.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. AxelsNyxie
    Nyxie watched as riku dove in the water. She smiled. Funny... if it werent for Axel, she would be all over him now. As a matter of fact,... she would still be in the bedroom. She looked over at Demyx, and giggled.

    Axel smiled. Yuppers.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. AxelsNyxie
    Nyxie watched as Riku took off. She looked around for something to be used as an excuse. She saw diego- that was it! She walked back out, carrying more margaritas. Sorry, everyone. I was making these, and diego got sick. He's asleep now. She lowered herself in the pool after putting the margaritas down.

    Axel looked at her suspiciausly. He pointed to the spot on her neck. Oh yeah? Where's that hickey come from? He asked.

    Nyxie's eyes twitched. She smiled. Why, Axie... thats the one YOU gave me last night, remember? She lied. She was a great liar, and Axel believed it.

    Axel looked at Demyx. I dont know.. its a reflex, i guess.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. AxelsNyxie
    Yeah, it does...

    Tonight, they shall all play....


    *passes out*
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. AxelsNyxie
    OOC- Well I HOPE hes wearing swimming trunks.....

    Nyxie stood up, and took a dep breath. She looked at the clock. HOLY ****!!!!! Uhm.. we better go back out there... you go ahead, and i wil think up some excuse... She instructed.

    Axel just about tackled Demyx as he got in. DEMYX!!! OMFG DEMYX!!!! He squealed.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. AxelsNyxie
    OOC- That gives me an idea.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. AxelsNyxie

    everyone is at the pool, except riku and nyxie, who are making out in rikus room.
    Post by: AxelsNyxie, Sep 4, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home