I waved at demmy. Wanna play? I asked.
I giggled slightly at Saix, and rolled my eyes. I stroked the top of my tiger's head affectinatly. Anyone up for Truth or Dare? I asked with a smirk.
I dissagree with ALL OF YALL. There is not ONE rihanna song that i like.... Im not a fan, obviously xD
SEE???? The 'ella, ella, ella,' Part is what makes me hate the song!!! Me and my friends make fun of it all the time. In my opinion, Rihanna is ugly, her voice is ugly, the video was crap, ALL of her songs are annoying, and she just... needs to go away. Thats my opinion. :D
Nyxie played with a peice of her hair, and smiled dreamily up at him. Whats with the angry face? She asked, and played with her hair some more.
O.o this is the first ive heard of this....
saweet!!! I wish mine had an anime club DXX It has an FFA club.... and thats prety sweet.
what the hell is up with this song? Why is it soo popular? Personally i think its the most annoying song in the world, and the music video is crap. Someone wanna fill me in here?
Nyxie giggled. That was entertaining.. She replied, and smiled sweetly at Axel. I hoped that wasnt the case... She told him. If that wasnt giving it away, nothing was.
Fun fun! Poplockanddropit in your pants...
OOC- O.o calm down, Kl... *hands cookie* I was just saying.... Nyxie looked down at riku, And smiled. Whacha up to? she asked. she looked behind her and saw Axel and Roxas walking. She loked at riku again. Be right back. Gotta settle something... She told him. Her gaze narrowed, and she kicked Zanzibar into a gallop, sending him towards the two. she pulled him to a stop, but was off before he actually stopped. She pointed to the two. Are you two goin out? She asked.
ARGGGGG RAP IS MY LIFE!! *stabs* Anyway.... I love t-pain, and all of his songs. I dont know my fav, and so yeah. He is pretty pimp.
OOC-Make them interact with someone.... Its easier to post to.........
Nyxie nodded. Of Course! And with that, she swung up on the horses tall back. She nestled herself comfortably on the bare back of the steed, and began to trot away. She stopped him when she saw Rikku. Hang on, ill be there in a sec. She told LArxene, and jogged zanzibar up to Riku. zanzibar threw up his head and eyes the human. Hi, Riku! She greeted.
Nyxie giggled. sadly... I agree.... She replied with another giggle. Zanzibar head butted his owner, sending the unexpecting girl into the sand. Nyxie got up, and dusted herself off, before turning and scolding her horse.
alright.... That will work! Im adding more to the bloodline now... more AE charries are going to be able to claim.....
Me wants Axel.
Nyxie tilted her head. Ris-what? She asked.
This is a horse RPG, but its got a twist to it; The horses are fantasy, having real powers, can be unicorns, pegasuses, whatever. ~The scenario~ Alright, there are three main herds: The Windsong, The Renegade, and the Haxons. Windsong- This pack is led by the mighty Zanzibar, and has been for over three hundred years. There is no beta for this herd, so its open..... These horses can revive themselves a little, and can portal from one place to another. Renegade- This herd has been around the longest. They are led by the mighty Fizz, who is a black clydsedale. The second in command is Bronson, and then Fizz's son, Obsidian, aka No Name, who is a winged freisian. Fizz and Obsidian are available for claiming. This herd can dissipate and appear in another spot. Haxons- These are the cannibals. They all have long fangs, and are extremly tempermental. They are led By Heinous, the large friesian mix.There is no Beta in this herd, so they are available. Heinous is also up for claiming. * there is a war going on between these herds, but all horses are immortal, unless they commit suicide or is murdered. CUSTOM CHARRIE FORM: Code: [b]Name-[/b] [b]Gender-[/b] [b]breed-[/b] [b]Powers-[/b] [b]Other characteristics ((horns, wings, etc))-[/b] [b]Herd-[/b] [b]Preffered position-[/b] ~The bloodline~ These are all the claimable horses. The Renegade --> THE FOOL A brown and white paint mare with a clownish-looking face, Is about 16 hh and is Fizz's mate -->FIZZ A black clydsedale. He is about 20hh. -->No Name -Obsidian A large winged friesian. Fizz's fisrt son. -->Little Miss Lady Blood daughter of the Fool, she is a brown and white paint as well. But she lacks The Fool's clownish face, hers being more feminine. -->Ace This horse is Axel-themed. He is all black, with red spiked mane and tail. His eyes are a bright green, underlined by triangular shaped tatoos. THE WINDSONG -->Labryth Labryth is a large, 19hh gypsy vanner unicorn mix. He has no fangs, but bright blue eyes. The beta of the Windsong --> The Joker Half brother to The Fool, this black paint is 16.2hh, and has bright green eyes. -->Flyleaf A purebred albino arabian, she is a traitor to the renegade, leaving Playboy Bronson for Zanzibar. She is 15.3hh, and has not a speck of grey on her. She had brown eyes. THE HAXONS -->Heinous A large friesian mix. He has fangs same as Zanzibar, but is more of a cannibal. He is pure black. --> Luminol Not much is to be said about Luminol. No one knows whats goin down between her and Heinous. She is a sweet mare, but is a cannibal and has the fangs of Heinous. If you wanna be an alpha...... I will accept you. If you wanna be a beta..... The alpha of the herd must accept you. You dont need to be accepted to be a follower.
[b]Name-[/b] [b]Gender-[/b] [b]breed-[/b] [b]Powers-[/b] [b]Other characteristics ((horns, wings, etc))-[/b] [b]Herd-[/b] [b]Preffered position-[/b]
Nyxie shrugged. I dont know! She replied,and threw her hands up in the air, accidently hitting Zanzibar's face. He jerked his head up and snorted. Nyxie frowned, and hugged him. Im SOO sorry, Buddeh!! She apologized. She turned back to Larxene. I was hoping youd have an idea.... She said aloud.