and that is why i like him lol
how have you been and tell mitchell next time you see him i have his feral chaos level 100
how are you docyx
no i have hardly played bbs but the mender has let me play on his dissidia 012 and i have leveled up his feral chaos from level 1 to 100 he is a...
i dunno it is weird lol
nice what did you have
nice looool
and you lol what do you like doing in your spare time then
hey how are you
sorry that was the mender but his kh vid account keeps putting the posts as me not him sorry
oh hi good thanks and you
cool what did you have lol
that was the mender but his kh vids keep logging him in as me so...
yeah they are great fight lol
how nice lol what are you up to at the moment then lol
not too bad what about you how was your holiday
i absort the dark fireball "hahaha i am darkness that wont do anything to me"
how are you havent spoken to you in a while
probably with the game did you ever fight the dark aeons in ffx or about penance