Why'd you think I was a girl?
I found this site while browsing. Oh, yeah I'll take it hard, no but seriously why did you think I was a girl?
"Edgar Allan Poe" is a source of inspiration for me, as I'm an avid poet.
This is a video I made a while back. It is a simple tutorial on how to manage learning the wall spin and pop wall spin. I hope you enjoy.
Nice profile picture. ^^
Yes .
Excuse me, sorry to bother you but if I wanted to insert a video into a post, how would I do that?
How's it, means how are you doing basically. =/
Eh, I tried to get into Bleach but there was too much comic relief, not a quality that tickles my fancy.
Nice, post it on Youtube and I'll check it out. ^^
Ah, the episode whores of anime.
A milestone, hardly. Women have the same rights as men. To me there is no race, or gender, just people. I believe all people should be given the same rights as anyone. This doesn't really mean anything, to me anyways. And as Guy Garcia mentioned that "Women are the dominant gender" is bogus, there is no dominant gender just less procrastination and less procrastination would be the true milestone if anything in this country.
Cool, what sort of movie you making?
Excellent, party on Smackdoodle McGiggles.
I'm fine thanks, and you?
Hey there.
That seems to be a popular number of episodes in an anime series. (Cowboy Bebop, Big O, Claymore, Samurai Champloo, etc.)
I guess I'll learn to live with him, he doesn't seem like a jerk, just pretentious. (no offense, What?) Thanks for the welcome Mainstream and What?.