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  1. **Blizzard**
    Leera smiled, "I'm not lying... but i won't be there to save you when you fall down.." she said smirking.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. **Blizzard**
    a small cat lay in the arms of the girl and it looked over at the girl, it then looked at Seth and jumped onto his shoulder and meowed at him. The girl still didn't move.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. **Blizzard**
    Leera thought about it ," All i am going to tell you is that the sword is guarded by a powerful guardian of which you should really keep an eye out for, oh and the temple of which it is in has dozens of dozens of death traps and 100 foot drops," she said with a smile.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. **Blizzard**
    One heartless had remained as it had jumped forward at Seth, leaving the cold body of the 15 year old girl, she had a cut on her head from pieces of broken glass upon the ground.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. **Blizzard**
    The girl looked up at a man who had began to slash through the heartless, three heartless jumped at her and she screamed falling back and slamming her head onto the hard ground below her,her thud echoing, then the heartless jumping onto her.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. **Blizzard**
    Leera eyed Seth, "What are you implying exactly?" she said as she raised her hand, "Do you want me to make you end up like Krone here and then tie you to the front of your train?" she said sighing.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. **Blizzard**

    Soon enough the conversation between the two had ended, and Shira was looking up into the endless sky wishing for her children and Crystals safety.


    A girl with short black hair had walked out a building in Twilight Town and was soon enough being chased by a group of heartless, she ran quickly as she rounded a corner and found herself surrounded by heartless and a dead end, with nothing around her she could even use as a weapon, she looked up at the same darkened sky and closed her eyes hoping the heartless would disappear, yet they had seemed to edge in closer.The girl shivered with fear.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 5, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. **Blizzard**
    Krone sat up, "Wait don't leave me alone with her.." krone said still dazed a little and he fell back again from a blow Leera had given him. Rose and Shira smiled, "Hurry back okay, "Rose had said, and Pippi smiled, "Well, good luck," Pippi said with a thumbs up.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 4, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. **Blizzard**
    Leera looked at him, "It Didn't sound like that with that sort of tone in your voice.." she said sighing.

    ooc: Well g2g byes :3
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 3, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. **Blizzard**
    Krone smirked, "Would it of happened to be Leera?" Leera looked irritated with Krone and Seth as she raised her arm and moved it sending a force on Seth to send him hurtling towards Krone and colliding with him.. Krone looked dazed as he lay on the ground and snapped out of it, "What was that for you brat!!!"
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. **Blizzard**
    Shira looked at Seth, "But..." Leera eyed Seth, "This is a task he wishes to accomplish by himself, i can see in his heart."
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. **Blizzard**
    Crystal stood up from the table and left a tip, she walked into an accessory shop where she worked on delivering packages to any world, she tied her hair back in a bun and looked on where she were to deliver the packages today.

    Shira nodded, "We'll see her soon enough, i know we will," she said looking over at Drake.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. **Blizzard**
    Shira looked over at Seth, "What do you mean, where are you going?" she asked worrisome.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. **Blizzard**
    Leera grinned, "I guess i have unlocked some of my other abilities since I've grown." she said happily.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. **Blizzard**
    Leera held her hand up and facing Seth, made a movement with her arm, a sudden force came down fast on Seth, as though someone had slapped him on the back of his head hard...
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. **Blizzard**
    Shira nodded," I see, even though we were not there to see Phisoxa pass... from the dreaded scream i heard... Oh i remember Crystal... she was clinging to her sisters body...crying like a restless child.."


    Crystal was sitting outside at a table with a cup of water in front of her sighing, wondering if she had been invisible to people because they had never spoke to her and had just walked away... she hadn't spoke to anyone in so long... she must of sounded awkward , Crystal leaned back in her chair and looked up in the sky.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. **Blizzard**
    "And the touch of a child," she said with a motherly smile. The three of the remaining of the Walker family. Krone sighed and nearly yelled as he had something fall on him, "What the...." Leera stood up, "Such a nice landing spot, whoops, sorry i didn't see you Krone." Krone stood up, "What was that for? He looked at her and froze......Leera looked at him and kicked him, "stop looking at me that way you creep?" Krone pointed at her," How come your older?"
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 1, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. **Blizzard**
    Shira stood up and hugged Seth, "I have my children in my arms finally, thank you all..." Shira said smiling.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 1, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. **Blizzard**
    Krone nodded, "I see.. the phantom huh?" Rose gently shook her mother, watching as she awoke, Shira's eyes were filled with tears, "Rose?" she said, "Mom..." Shira embraced Rose. "i wish your could of met your father..." Rose smiled, "I did though mom, i saw him.."
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 1, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. **Blizzard**
    Rose had followed Seth and looked around till she had spotted a woman sleeping against a tree, Krone was close by and noticed the group walk in, he walked over to Seth and Rose, "So this is her huh? Your moms been going on of how she wanted to see you but she talked herself to sleep. So Seth did it go as planned, your journey?" Rose was kneeling down beside her mother smiling.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Jul 31, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home