Rose watched as the heartless ran off and looked over the horizon to see the sun rising.. Mamuro walked over to Phisoxa and jumped into her arms,he seemed to have limped to Phisoxa.
Leera looked at him, "The end of the tunnel if thats what your suggesting."
Rose stumbled out of the way and tried not to be hit by the powerful swipes, and now the heartless had come running towards them.
Leera sighed, "Show off.." The tunnel went on for at least 30 minutes, then there was a dead end,the floor gave way...and they began falling.
Rose fell back nearly getting hit as one of the swipes came close to her, she was still dazed as she sat up.. Mamuro however was not so lucky as he was hit by a swipe and fell back landing on the ground..
Rose looked over at Phisoxa, "Please don't try and go after that thing Miss!!! I just don't want anyone to get hurt anymore because of me.." she said as she tried to run over to her. Mamuro was walking next to Phisoxa.
Rose tried to get up but with heartless overpowering her it was useless, soon the heartless disappeared and Rose slowly got up feeling woozy... Mamuro jumped in front of Rose and seemed to hiss at something in front of her, nothing was there...
Mamuro landed on the heartless's face and began to scratch it violently, the heartless had fell back from the impact and Mamuro jumped to the next heartless.
"Not you guys again!!" yelled to herself as she ran into the sandlot, the heartless had somehow trapped Rose, she screamed loud as she was overpowered by heartless, she threw a brick at a heartless knocking it back, she then fell onto the ground as heartless on nearby building jumped towards her. Mamuro awoke and jumped off Phisoxa running to find Rose, he hissed, and looked as though he wanted her to follow.
The cat hissed as a warning and decided to take a nap on her head, and did so.
Mamoru hissed but then just jumped onto her shoulder resting, he had already seemed to have gotten use to her and accepted her apology, he then ripped her dress a bit from the rude comment.
The entrance went on in a long dark tunnel..."I wish we had a light.."
Leera looked at the middle of the three doors once they were deep in the cave and sighed, "It says it says you must shatter the entrance but be warned.. choose the wrong door and well you get the picture.."
Rose shivered, "Excuse me i must leave, i'm sorry.." she said as she ran off.. Mamoru jumped onto Seth's shoulder, and meowed watching Rose run off.
Leera sighed, "I thought this was something your heart wished to accomplish itself."
Leera grabbed his collar and dragged him back, suddenly the earth in front of him gave way into a dark hole.
Mamoru jumped into Rose's arms and continued to his at Phisoxa, "I'm sorry, I'm very sorry! Mamoru only does things like that if something is unnatural.." she stared at Phisoxa..."I guess that means..." Rose stopped speaking....
Leera pointed at the mountain,"Your swords in there."
Mamoru looked at the woman and hissed, he then jumped onto her head and began to scratch her face. Rose ran into the scene and gasped, "Mamoru!!"
Mamoru jumped out of Rose's arms and ran out the door, Rose ran after him ,"Mamoru? Where are you going.." Mamoru stopped in front of a tall woman with starlight hair, he sat in front of her and looked at her confused..