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  1. **Blizzard**
    Crystal stood , "Fine i will go talk to her then, " said Crystal as she approached Phisoxa, "May i speak with you..." she said not glancing at the bundle. Crystal walked to the outside balcony and looked around at the moist earth waiting for Phisoxa.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Oct 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. **Blizzard**
    The orbs crashed and missed the two, Rose looked up with fright, "why are you trying to save me?" she said as she sat up, the heartless was about to send another wave of dark orbs when there was a crack and the bridge broke out from under sending them into the water, the rapids carried them far down and away from the heartless, Rose had gone under as the rapids pushed onward.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Oct 2, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. **Blizzard**
    Rose reached her hand out but stopped, the heartless shot dark orbs from its arm, the orbs traveled at fast speeds hurtling towards the two, Rose looked at the orbs, paralyzed.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Oct 1, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  4. **Blizzard**
    Crystal lay back in her seat, she landed the ship slowly in Hallow bastion and looked over at the man, "That went by quickly.." She said as she stood up and looked over at the door, when she walked out they had landed on a flat topped hill of crystal, Crystal looked at a palace surrounded by big mountains that glimmered in the sun, she noticed that there was a tunnel consumed of crystal, "I guess thats the way, but is that the place he wanted to go..."


    Rose stood quietly not wanting to speak, then she urged herself to talk, "I don't have a past, i don't remember anything accept that i was living here in twilight town..." Suddenly there was a crack that signaled a branch to fall to the ground, a heartless was in the tree and was looking at them, but it looked about the size of a giant... it jumped down and stood , Rose looked around, "There is now where to run..." she said scared.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Oct 1, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. **Blizzard**
    "Whats that in her arms...." Crystal said quietly as she took her seat again, "Why doesn't she come to sit with us?" she then closed her eyes, "Shes hiding something, " she said as she looked over at Riku. These questions filled her mind, she was always one to notice things quick enough, "Riku? Does she freak you out that much that you choke on orange juice."
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Oct 1, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. **Blizzard**
    "No i haven't seen her...maybe Phisoxa would know," she turned her head wondering why Riku nearly choked, "Phisoxa your here, " she said with a smile, she then noticed the bundle of blue , wonder crossed her face as she stood from her seat.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Oct 1, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. **Blizzard**
    Name: Crystal Mindell
    Age: 30
    Race: Immortal/Human
    Weapon: Twisterblade
    Gender: Female
    Relationships: Phisoxa(Sister) , Nathura and Moegiro (niece and nephew), Pippi (niece), and so on...
    Side/Occupation: Light.
    Appearance: Crystal has waist length sapphire hair and the dark blue of deep down into the ocean colored eyes hair girls/anime_girl80.jpg&t=1
    Bio: Still to come...

    Name: Pippi Mindell
    Age: 17 (had messed up her age in the last rp)
    Race: Immortal/Human
    Weapon: unknown
    Gender: female
    Relationships: Krone(Brother), Phisoxa and Crystal (aunts)
    Side/Occupation: Light
    Appearance: She has long Auburn hair , foggy blue eyes,and is starting to look just like her mother. Girls/Butterflies.png&t=1
    Bio: Still to come....

    Name: ?????
    Age: ???
    Race: ???
    Weapon: Two swords he has had for many years (
    Gender: Male
    Relationships: None
    Side/Occupation: Dark
    Appearance: A cloak usually hides his face, locking away his shoulder length night black hair and his darkened silver eyes
    Bio: Soon to come...

    Many more characters in store, i will create their character forms when they are introduced.


    A woman with Sapphire hair sat at a table staring out a window next to her, it had just stopped raining, on her coat a badge was pinned on and it read of the League of knights, the woman looked down at it as it glinted and she couldn't help but recall watching Robbie's funeral, all of the guests were dressed in black, as was she, she found the scene rather depressing as it drifted through her mind, she looked across the table to see a man with long silver hair, he was much younger than she, she then realized he was talking to her, " Oh sorry Riku... i couldn't help but think of the funeral..." she said as breakfast was set out in front of her, they were in the dinner hall..
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Oct 1, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. **Blizzard**
  9. **Blizzard**
    Rose searched her pockets looking frantically, she had dropped the picture and she hadn't even noticed.... "It was the only thing i had left when i was abandoned..." she said quietly.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Sep 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. **Blizzard**
    Rose's face was concealed underneath the hood of her cloak, she looked around for somewhere to run but was trapped she looked down not speaking. She stuck the hair back in her hood.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Sep 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. **Blizzard**
    Rose continued to walk as she stopped when she heard a twig snap, she turned to see nothing was there, she then begun to sprint across the dampened grass till she was near the bridge where a river lay below, she glanced at the water and hung her head, a bit of hair falling out from her hood, that was shown to be sliver.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Sep 27, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. **Blizzard**
    ooc: This was the last post i had done before the site was hacked.


    Rose had walked down the stair not even noticing Drake, she was wearing a cloak and the hood was covering her face, she walked down the stairs quietly and looked at the living room one final time, she sighed and opened the door slowly, she then walked out and closed it. She had dropped something on the way out though, a picture was laying on the ground and the people in the figure were younger versions of Drake and Shira, they seemed happy as they looked down in the arms of Drake, where a male toddler with silver hair was held.


    Crystal was examining the ship, and she listened as she turned to the man, she seemed happy as she sat down in the pilots seat. Once everything was ready to take off, Crystal slowly lifted the ship off the ground, "Here we go," she whispered to herself as the ship ascended higher till they were in the endless space. Crystal hesitated a moment as she looked over to the stars then turned the ship as it headed East.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Sep 26, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. **Blizzard**
    Rose looked at her cat who jumped out of her arms and walked over to Phisoxa , he looked at Genservant and had the same confused look he gave Phisoxa, he hissed. "He isn't limping anymore..." Rose said confused.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 7, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. **Blizzard**
    Leera sighed, "okay calm down..." she said breathing in and out.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. **Blizzard**
    Rose looked over at the two... " There has always been a handful of keybladers who are to guide other keybladers.. So you can believe what you want too but i still think we can live on." she said petting Mamuro.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. **Blizzard**
    A river was flowing around them and a small narrow path lead down the river. Leera nearly jumped.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. **Blizzard**
    Rose looked over the town and closed her eyes, the light of the sun warming her face ,"As long as keybladers live ,our worlds will never end..."
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. **Blizzard**
    Everything was still darkened , yet the ground seemed to move, Leera stopped in her footsteps... there is a river around us isn't there..."
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. **Blizzard**
    Rose held Mamuro and looked over at Phisoxa, she felt the warm breeze float by and couldn't help but smile. "Don't worry Mamuro, I'll get you to the vet as soon as i can.." she thought to herself.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. **Blizzard**
    They soon reached the bottom and Leera landed lightly on her feet... she looked around...
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 6, 2010 in forum: Retirement Home