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  1. **Blizzard**
    Ahh, the chance I've been waiting for!
    Time for me to replace those old and torn Kingdom Hearts: Chain of Memories manga volumes.
    Thanx a bunch!
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 22, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. **Blizzard**
    Nikolaj looked surprised as Io fell to the ground, he ran over to her as Mercury scrambled around in panic. He kneeled down by her side to examine the thorn, he then gently picked her up, "If anyone is going to help her in her current condition, it should be Doctor Theissenwiser. You need to take Io to her," Nikolaj said as he looked to the doctor's tent. He placed Io in her friend's arms. He looked down at her quietly, "I'm not letting any of my fellow SOLDIER die today," he thought as he looked up at Mercury, "I'll stay here and keep guard, now hurry. "
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 21, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. **Blizzard**
  4. **Blizzard**
  5. **Blizzard**
  6. **Blizzard**
  7. **Blizzard**
  8. **Blizzard**
  9. **Blizzard**
    Nikolaj glanced at Mercury as he entered the campsite, "I guess you were right," he said as he walked over to the other SOLDIER. He leaned up against a nearby tree, giving a small chuckle. "However, we SOLDIER need to be more careful about what we lead the scientists into. We knew before we started this mission that there were many dangerous creatures and deathtraps located in this massive forest. So just make sure to keep your guard up," Nikolaj said as he looked over at Tristan and Io.

    The SOLDIER was soon plummeting down the massive waterfall after the unconscious Infantryman. He was rapidly approaching the Infantryman by holding his arms and legs in, which gave him an initial boost. He quickly prepared impact as he shielded the Infantryman before hitting the surface. The impact was tremendous for the SOLDIER, but he soon recovered and surfaced with the Infantryman on his back. He swam them both to the shoreline and inspected the Infantryman for any sort of injury. He picked up the Infantryman and threw him over one shoulder. He looked upon the top of the waterfall at Zack, "He should be fine," he thought to himself as he began walking back to the campsite.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 16, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. **Blizzard**
    "Wait! Sequorra!!" Anastasiya shouted as Sequorra ran after the two vampires. Anastasiya watched as Sequorra jumped upon the roofs. Even though her master had run off somewhere after another vampire, Anastasiya could not abandon Sequorra when she was running towards her own demise. Anastasiya decided she would follow, "I can't let that young one die by the hands of that monster...." she thought as she began running. She suddenly stopped, and turned to the other man hiding in the shadows. She felt a rather strong presence emitting from the man and it was unusual in a way. She must not of felt it during the battle, yet it made her slightly uncomfortable. "Who are you?" she asked.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 15, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. **Blizzard**
    Vika was taken rather by surprise as the vampire took hold of the collar of her shirt, she squirmed in his iron-grasp, trying to free herself. She shouted at the vampire, "Let go of me! That hurts!!!!" Vika tried to look back at Sequorra, "Mistress, save yourself! These vampires are too powerful for you!!" Vika yelled as she was taken away. Anastasiya stood in shock as the young girl was being carried off, "She's very gifted for being so young," Anastasiya thought to herself. She froze, completely terrified, realizing who the man was who had grabbed the young girl, "He's Konstanze Nachtnadel," she muttered quietly under her breath.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. **Blizzard**
    Anastasiya stood in dismay from the Ludo's comments. He was right, she couldn't defeat him, and most of the time, her master avoided confrontation. Yet, it was strangely odd that he would waltz right into a three way battle, something was rather off about him tonight. Her thoughts had quickly disappeared as she heard Alux's angry voice flood towards Sequorra, she had to stop him. She quickly turned, ready to throw herself at Alux until a rather small child came running from the opposite end of the alleyway. She was very petite, with long silver locks flowing behind her. Anastasiya had hardly noticed her since she was so quiet. That was until the silence was broken, as the young girl held both her hands in front of her and shouted from behind Alux, "Take this, Summon, Wave of Teeth!" It was dead silent, but soon enough, many scatters could be heard approaching from behind the girl. Then, a cluster of small white mice emerged from the darkness. They soon surrounded all the vampires in the area, jumping on them, and proceeding to bite them. The young girl laughed, "It's all right Mistress, I'm here to save you!" she said as she ran towards Sequorra. Anastasiya had the advantage as she jumped from the attack, and pulled herself up onto a nearby window ledge, watching the scene below.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 14, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. **Blizzard**
    The blow given by Alux had caught Anastasiya off guard due to her poor reaction rate. She lay there, having changed back into her natural human form. She looked over at Alux, examining him to figure out if she could actually take him on. She sighed, concluding that she couldn't fight a Ludo as strong as him. Never the less, she would not accept defeat, she would fight, no matter what the cost. She stood slowly, brushing the hair from her face. "I will not let you put harm to my master," she said in a serious tone. She surveyed him, hoping to find a weak point on Alux. She wasn't aiming to seriously inflict harm on him, she just wanted to distract him from charging Sequorra, whom she noticed walked in only a moment ago. "I won't let him hurt my master or my friend..." she thought.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 13, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  14. **Blizzard**
    Nikolaj let out a breath, his dark green mako eyes focused on the creature. He then turned and started his walk back to camp, watching as Io walked out of sight. Suddenly losing balance, he caught himself by grabbing a nearby tree. He was out of breath,trying hard to sturdy himself. He let out a chuckle, "I guess I over did it again," he said as he slowly brought himself up. He then headed back to camp, hiding his exhaustion as he approached his fellow SOLDIER.

    Meanwhile, a SOLDIER emerged from the brush where the young Infantryman stood a few seconds ago. He was tall, with slick black hair and pale-blue eyes. He carried a big sword on his back, and wore a somewhat grim expression upon his face. He walked to the waterfall and looked as the boy began falling. He began talking to someone who emerged behind him, "Zack, it's time for one of your first tests," he said as he took the massive sword off his back and lay it against a tree. He turned to the boy, "Take out those Bombs," he said quietly as he turned back to the waterfall. "Show me what it means to be SOLDIER," he said as he jumped over the side of the waterfall after the falling Infantryman. As soon as the SOLDIER jumped over the side, many Bombs burst from the shubbery and surrounded Zack.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. **Blizzard**
    The vampire was thrown off guard due to Alux's shove, which caused him to fall over. He quickly stumbled up and watched as the other Ludo had began running away. "Where do you think your going, Ludo?" the drunkard said as he ran after him, a grin on his face. Even though he was highly intoxicated, he could still run fast, and he soon got close enough, when he struck his sword down towards the Ludo.

    Anastasiya had finally calculated where her master was due to his aura, and she sprinted closer towards him. She then located the three vampires as they fought with frenzy, and then it was quiet. She saw as he master was kicked and beaten by one of the Ludo's and quickly chose her target. She ran and jumped on Alux, knocking him to the ground. She growled at him with her glaring amber eyes.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 9, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  16. **Blizzard**
    Nikolaj grinned as he stared at the giant creature that stood before him. " I prefer not to dirty my weapons, so I'll just make this very quick," said Nikolaj as he ran towards the spider. The spider charged him while Nikolaj just stood there, waiting for it to get closer, and when he had a close shot, he held out his hand and cast Blizzaga, and the beast slowly came to a halt as it was frozen into a big ice cube.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 5, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  17. **Blizzard**
    "Well, that's a relief," said Nikolaj with a smile. He looked up at the tree that he presumed Io had fallen out of. It was a fairly high tree, yet with closer inspection, Nikolaj saw the remains of a spider's web. He let out a chuckle. "First Class SOLDIER Io, did you get tangled up with a spider?" He looked at her and spoke, " Well, from the looks of it, it was pretty big," he said as he turned around. He began to walk back to camp until he came to a sudden stop. Nikolaj quickly moved, grabbing Io as he threw her on one of his shoulders. A giant spider had emerged from the shrubbery. It was at least five times bigger than the previous one, and Nikolaj had jumped out of the way just in time as the spider charged him. He landed on a branch and jumped from one to another. He set Io down on one of the high branches of a tree. "Better stay here," he said as he jumped back down. He looked at the spider as he put a hand on one of his swords.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 4, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. **Blizzard**
    Nikolaj turned to the sound of the screaming as he got up, he put a hand on one of the swords on his back and turned to Mercury, "That scream sounds like Io," said Nikolaj with concern. "I'll go check it out, you stay here and guard the scientists Mercury." Nikolaj ran in the direction of the scream, staying focused as he ran among the greenery. He soon burst through the last part of the thick forest and came into a clearing. "Io, are you all right," Nokolaj said as he ran over to her to help her up.

    At the same time...

    The young Infantryman had been strolling peacefully above a waterfall until a loud piercing scream had flooded his head. "Owww, my head," he groaned as he dropped his weapon, putting his hands over his ears. He was caught off guard, and he slowly stumbled along the path totally disorientated. He then looked ahead to see a weird fire like creature slowly float towards him. He then realized that the strange creature was indeed a type of suicidal monster called a Bomb that would blow itself up in order to kill its opponent. He Immediately began running until the Bomb had blown itself up. The Impact of the Bomb soon sent the Infantryman, who was now unconscious, over the side of the 50 foot waterfall.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 3, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  19. **Blizzard**
    Nikolaj came walking out of one of the tents, he glanced over at Mercury, "Well, it looks like the scientists are occupied... for the moment," he said. Suddenly, an Infantrymen came running up to Nikolaj, his weapon still in hand. He looked up at the SOLDIER and saluted, "I surveyed the perimeter sir, everything is in order," said the Infantryman. "Well done soldier," replied Nikolaj. "Now then, why don't you take a break with the others, we all need to take this opportunity to get some rest," he said with a smile. "Yes sir," replied the young man as he trotted away with a bit of his natural spikey blond hair sticking out from under his helmet. Nikolaj chuckled, "He was rather young, wouldn't you say Mercury," said Nikolaj as he sat down next to Mercury. Nikolaj let out a sigh and rubbed his neck.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 2, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home
  20. **Blizzard**
    Anastasiya stopped and noticed Sequorra trailing behind her, "Sequorra, stop following me, it's dangerous," she shouted as she tried to loose her. She felt the power beginning to rise, she nearly froze. "There's more than one of them," she muttered. She knew that Sequorra couldn't be involved, or they would tear her to shreds. She had to somehow ditch Sequorra. Anastasiya quickly turned a corner and disappeared into one of the darkened alleyways. A silver wolf soon walked out of the alleyway just as Sequorra turned the bend. The wolf looked at her, its piercing orange-tinted eyes staring at her. The wolf then started to walk which soon turned into a fast-paced run. It sprinted to the end of the street.
    Post by: **Blizzard**, Aug 1, 2013 in forum: Retirement Home