That's like the best story ever!
Hey this is my first AMV and would like to know what all of you guys think. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c9TLMh-KAZ8
Come on! We know that they will deffinetley bring out a final mix of some kind, so this should be the end of connversation.
That's what i was saying
Ah, interesting. Going to the spice Girls theory thread when it says that Riku and Sora are brothers, when aqua catches terra in the KHll FM Secret Movie, Aqua was probably the last one to touch Ven before no one did, so if you put two and two together, you might get that Aqua, (if she is Sora's mother) might have trannsfered the Ven trait to Sora.
Well u could be right... But they might decide to bring a bundle pack like KHll Final mix and KH Fcom. With the 2 most succesful games in the bunch.