Wrong section.... Gratz. What is the line anyways?
Try to avoid you. If possible
I would just wonder
Say OMFG! Then try to escape
Graet plan
No.... its just because of the blueberry!
I wish elmo was under the guillotine as well Now imagine him falling off the surfboard and drowning.
uuuhhhhhh wat?
But...... The muffins.......
Obvious no?
Sleep..... Drool.....
Hey I like socks in a pencil shading threadlol. Well anyways. Welcome to Khvids
With a Dreamcast
You...... Helped blizzard steal my muffins!
:censor2: O noes not teh potato chip! I would say
Scream and somehow burn down the door
Yugioh Pokemon and KH even though I haven't read it =P
Scream and go WTF!? Kick the door down and run outside
Just like Spehiroth. And Roxas will forget ever meeting Sora then meet him again and then try to kill him. Clear? I hope so. (And also did anyone notice that Sora forgot meeting Sephiroth in KH1?)
T_T Dont dis Xigbar. Anyways. WhaTS THE lEXA THING? And I've never read the manga so I have no idea what happens: ;)