Didn't know how to join but yayz. Im in now. ^^ I don't know what number I be.
Prologue. A new Life "So, this is where you live Axel?" Roxas asked his new friend Axel. "Yeah. We got whole quarters in this place and everything." Axel replied. Axel had taken a liking to the newcomer. He seemed, different somehow. "So Axel? Where were you born?" Roxas asked with interest. "Roxas.... Please... Nobodies weren't born. We're outcasts... We... We..." Axel just didn't know how to explain all of this to Roxas. Did he have any idea what he even is? "Axel? What's wrong?" Roxas asked. It was just then that a person came walking out of the main castle gate. "Roxas: Number XIII Report to the Superior immediately." The man had a surfer kind of voice. He was being followed by two white and blue entities with snipers. "Who are you?" Roxas asked. " I am number II. Xigbar. Now report to the Superior immediately." Xigbar boomed. Roxas waved to Axel and walked off with Xigbar. Waiting to start his new life... END. I hope you like it ;-; Chapter 1 will come soon. :F
I was looking at a scan of BBS and then I saw a English version. So I looked at it. I then though; "why don't I check the eye colors of the characters of BBS?" So I looked up Xehanort on Google Images. Spoiler As you can see. He has hazel/yellow/brownish eyes. This might not seem important yet. Then I watched the video of the KH ending. I saw that Terra's eyes turned a color that was almost identical to Xehanort's. But maximized in graphics making them look a bit different than Xehanort's in KHll. Or. Look at Master Xehanort's eyes. They are yellow. Maybe so, that he could be Xehanort. And when he opened Kingdom Hearts. He obtained youth. Spoiler Look at his eyes in this picture. And then telll me what you might see.
There is one thing that would be the worst thing possible.The Incredibles.
Him? I think not. The keyblade has no soul. It's just enchanted by a powerful magic
Exactly my point. But Roxas might attack Axel in anger.
The keyblade is not alive. It responds to the wielders heart. In theory, it only moves becauseit is enchanted with ageold magic.
Anyone actually thought tha maybe Axel would be the last boss? I think it could be likely for this. Axel never made his dub as a "super hard" boss. Comments.
I would choose sora. He seems most worthy as a boss.
Hey and welcome to KHvids! ^^ I dunno how I can be talking... Since I'm pretty new too ^^
Your joking right?
I shall now kill you.
Now i've heard everything.
O.o Same with me.
Is this some kind of plot? Are you going to sneak up to our houses at night and blind us or make us deaf?! I would choose to be blind. Music is the best thing ever.
Pray and hope I'm not really gay.
Aye quiet true
Scream then eat a potato
I lold XD who wouold kno
Very untasteful music tho. SHould've had the Love Hina theme song. ::)