It's not important to the manner of the story. All that's known is that a Organization member took it from the peddler. If it was majorly important, it would have been the main focus in the level.
IN all honesty. I hated Atlantica. But my least favorite world is Agrabah. Ohh.... It makes me so mad! D:< But my favorite world was Twilight Town. Never before in a video game have I felt so welcomed within an ingame area. (Not to be cliche) But it has a nice "vibe" to it. You guys should know what I mean. :)
Hey guys! *burns flowers* >:D
Thanks. I appreciate your words. And I will keep making them. :D
Well here goes. *gulp*
Rawr Imma be back
Quite so. I honestly don't mind as long as the voices aren't screwed :S
*jumps down* Hey guys!
gday ;D Fellow XIII member
<3 the axel 1.
I think I had typed the wrong word. ;-;
I liked it. But better one ^^
Have you touched that little thing inside that look like lenses? If so. It's dead. Sorry. :(
Well uh... Potatao Pahtahto.
Only? Because if that's the problem then its just SSBB
Knowing trolls though they will be back D:<
That's good. Don't want underage members looking at naughty stuff :S
It depends really. I personally thought it was the best GBA game. If you are a big KH fan get it.
Rumpelstiltskin (As the Disney version will be out by then) Emperor Zurg (Hells Yeah) Maleficent.
In the most non funny way possible this seems like the work of some of my friend on other forums though I doubt it :S. As Catch said he is using a proxy. And there are alot of different ones on the internet. Isn't there a way to block a proxy from a certain site?