i like Linkin Park my brother likes Nickleback. he keeps playing Far Away for 129 times on itunes
both. there just the same song but in different version.
Stay Beautiful-Taylor Swift
keyblades are the best for me
i dont know there's a lot that i like
i have the vol. 1 only from last year. my cousin say's she saw a vol. 2 at salisbury mall in booksamillion. last time went to booksamillion i didn't see the second vol. i think she was wrong, but i think someone bought it, a person who likes the kingdom hearts serises a lot like me 'cause i draw kh2 people out of my kh2 magma book. my brothers thing im a kh bit**, and i am. :D:lol: :ninja: :mail:
are you playing on computer or gameboyadvence? if your playing on computer you might have to use cheat. axle moves too much, clould is kinda of easy, & hades is a butt 'cause he moves too much & he recovers. i play on computer though. those are my tips.
yeah right go to my page and click on www.photobucket.com and type in riku and sora
i still remember how sora looked like 'cause im playing chain of memories and i have picturestoo, but i cant descibe him
i think so. i realy dont remember 'cause i haven't played it in a long time.
only sora and kairi :) . who would put sora and riku? riku's gay and sora's not. :dead::xp::gunwtf:
If these characters where in a fight, who would win? i have sora and cloud. and for the top 10 video game characters it's sora, clould, and sonic. C: :D
she's kicks a**. who would hate her even i dont hate her, besides sora likes her anyway
i dont know!!!!! there all great games!!!!!!!!!!!!!
thier all great
i dont get it!
sony rocks
its a great vid
blue or red i dont know
Crisis Core, Dirge Of Cerberus, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy X, & Final Fantasy X-2 are my favorite :D