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  1. r3troRoxel
    What does Saix mean by 'Which would you rather suffer the loss of - a make-believe friendship... or a real one?'

    Is he talking about Axel's friendship with Xion and Roxas, or Axel's friendship with Roxas and his 'friendship' with the Organization?
    Post by: r3troRoxel, Jun 3, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. r3troRoxel
    That. Picture. Is. GODLY.

    If this comes to the U.S., I am SO buying it. <333 I love how Axel has his hand on Roxas' shoulder, he's so sweet... and Xion actually doesn't look too ugly!

    I love Roxas' pose on the bottom, it's very... ballerina-like. XD
    Post by: r3troRoxel, Jun 1, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. r3troRoxel
    Oh. My. God.

    I just about had a heart attack when I saw this. XD Time to comment!


    I thought the intro was pretty disappointing, what with the lame replays of old clips... though I did like the fact that Axel's little 'bio-vid' was playing during my favorite part of the song. X3

    I REALLY want to know what Axel and Roxas are talking about... I must say, Roxas has an adorable giggle, and so does Axel... but when Axel laughs, it's worse than Kira. And that's saying something. ._.

    I have a crappy theory on what I think they were talking about... This is just guessing, mostly...

    First off, Roxas begins by saying 'It's the 255th day.'

    Then, Axel's all like, 'You counted the number of days?'

    Roxas goes on in emo-mode, saying something like, 'Well, my days as a Nobody are numbered anyway... It's not like I exist.'

    Axel is concerned by this, and he tries to comfort his friend with a nice hand on the shoulder.

    Then, he brutally slaps him and scolds him for talking about that.

    "Don't say that, Roxas! I don't want to talk about you dying! It'd break my heart!" Axel says dramatically.

    Roxas giggles and waves at him to stop, and they both laugh due to the irony - Axel has no heart.

    Roxas sighs, and I can't exactly decipher the rest..

    So, yeah. There's my little rant. :D
    Post by: r3troRoxel, May 28, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. r3troRoxel

    Oh. Snap.

    Did I just see Roxas CRYING? It's the one in the middle of the new ones... Oh, God. If he's crying over XION I'm gonna have to shoot someone. Ugh. I can see it now...


    Roxas: (tears up) Xion... please, no, you can't leave me...


    Roxas: (cries) Xion, no!

    ... disgusting.
    Post by: r3troRoxel, May 27, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  5. r3troRoxel
    Nomura, I love you, but...

    I think Xion was just made female to make (yet another!) annoying frigging trio. There was Sora, Riku, and Kairi, as well as Ven, Terra, and Aqua. And now, ladies and gents, we have - Roxas, Axel, and Xion! So original, right?

    I used to think that the 'trio' for the Nobodies was Roxas, Axel, and Namine... but now, apparently, Nomura wants to give us all a slap on the wrist as if to say, 'No, you guys! We gotta get the Mary-Sue in there! You can't have a good trio without a Mary-Sue!'

    Ugh... it just bothers me. Xion may end up being the greatest female character ever known to meet the series, (though Larxene is hard to beat... Xion doesn't look like much of a sadist.) but did she really need to be there to complete the trio? All I pray is that this doesn't turn into a KH1 type scenario, with Axel and Roxas fighting for her love...
    Post by: r3troRoxel, May 24, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  6. r3troRoxel

    I thought Roxas was in the virtual Twilight Town for 6 days? Although, this kind of destroys my theory on the title...

    I naturally read it as 358 and 1/2 Days. So, I got to thinking. If that's the amount of time Roxas was in the Organization (and Sora was asleep for a year), you would just take the days he was in the virtual Twilight Town and add it to 358. At that point, I thought he was there for 7 and 1/2 days (since, when he merged into Sora, it was probably around noon or whatever...), and the theory fit. But, now that I'm realized Roxas was there for 6 days, I think that might not be it, but I'm not sure.

    Hope I didn't confuse anyone, it made more sense in my head.
    Post by: r3troRoxel, May 24, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  7. r3troRoxel

    It's already been announced, I do believe, that the beginning of the game will be the KH2FM+ scene where Roxas (having just been created due to Sora being a weird, heart-obsessed freak) is waking up in front of the old mansion in Twilight Town, and Xemnas appears and gives him his new name (his name changes from Sora to Roxas). Then, Xemnas gives him a black coat and ushers him into a Corridor of Darkness to meet the rest of the Organization.

    The last scene is supposed to be the KH2FM+ scene (I'm just glad we're getting these here in America, since, basically, we're not supposed to have seen them... thank god for subtitles!) where Axel and Roxas say goodbye on the clock tower... I just hope they expand a bit more on this scene so it fits the rest of the storyline... and for those of you saying that this scene wouldn't work out because it's supposed to be after Roxas leaves the Organization, it could still be the ending scene, though not technically in that part of the time line, and they could have just jumped ahead. Personally, I think the little teardrop falling into the... water? Since when did the clock tower have a little rain gutter on it? And when did it ever RAIN there? (cough) Anyways. Axel's tear falling into the apparently brand-spanking new rain gutters would be the perfect ending. No little mentions of Xion or anyone else, just that one emotional scene would be perfect.

    Wow, that's the longest post I've ever written. I feel literate! (puts crown on head)
    Post by: r3troRoxel, May 24, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  8. r3troRoxel
    Oh. My. God.

    These little cutscene teasers just make me drool over this game even more!!! >_< Did anyone else see that little cutscene where Axel abused poor little Roxas? I thought was... adorable yet... horrible! Gahh... I WANT THIS GAME. NOW.
    Post by: r3troRoxel, May 23, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  9. r3troRoxel
    First off, I must say - I love Axel's smile in the scan with the trio on Destiny Islands. :]] It makes me happy.

    And, I'm glad that there's some news about BBS, too! Despite my lack of a PSP, I can't wait! >:3 I'll just have to rob a few stores, and then I'll be set... (strokes invisible beard)
    Post by: r3troRoxel, May 21, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  10. r3troRoxel
    Wait, what? o_o Quinton Flynn (Axel) has done Mickey's voice? My God. My pile of shock has just increased tenfold.
    Post by: r3troRoxel, May 20, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  11. r3troRoxel
    Aww, it makes me sad to hear there's so much Org. XIII hate going around! :[[ I personally love all of them for their various reasons!

    ... Except Xion. She just doesn't even count. I HATE Xion. She's a Mary Sue that needs to go down in flames... hopefully flames conjured by Axel. ;]
    Post by: r3troRoxel, May 18, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. r3troRoxel
    Hmm... well, some parts were improved, and others weren't. There were definitely some clips in which I thought there needed to be a bit more emotion in the voices, young Riku for example. He just sounded sort of... flat.

    Is Axel's voice actor... British or something? His voice just seemed sort of strange, I kept hearing all these strange accents, but the British was the strongest.

    I LOVED Zexion's voice, Zeftnon did an amazing job. DiZ's voice was a bit strange, but probably as close to the original voice actor's as you can get, so, good job with that.

    Overall, an improvement, what with the added clips and such, although there are a few points that could be fixed.
    Post by: r3troRoxel, May 7, 2009 in forum: Community News & Projects
  13. r3troRoxel
    Ugh, all I can say is this - I REALLY don't want Roxas or Axel to be all lovey-lovey with Xion... I'm beginning to hate her...

    Also, since it appears as though Xion was putting something by Roxas' bed (the creepy little girl...), does that mean we get to see Org. XIII's sleeping quarters? >:]] I wonder if we'll be able to see Axel's room...
    Post by: r3troRoxel, Apr 29, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. r3troRoxel
    This looks friggin' intense. The menu system looks pretty confusing, but that's probably because it's in Japanese. ^^; Overall, this game has AMAZING graphics for the DS, and I can't wait to see how the battle system works out! I wonder if there'll be any stylus-based attacks...
    Post by: r3troRoxel, Apr 23, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  15. r3troRoxel
    So cute!

    I agree completely! Just being to see at least some of Org. XIII's members turned into lions (or at least animals) is priceless! Ahhh, Roxasl the lion sound so ca-yoot. :]] I think Demyx should be a hyperactive cheetah, and Marly could be a flamingo. XD
    Post by: r3troRoxel, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  16. r3troRoxel
    Excellent point...

    I think it'd be awesome to have it in there - it'd give more insight on Axel and Roxas' friendship. I mean, the only real 'proof' we have of it here in America is looking up Final Mix+ scenes online!

    Yeah, I can see how that could be fairly monotonous... but, then again, despite my complete and utter adoration of the Kingdom Hearts series, all it really is is going around beating up Heartless until a cutscene arrives... It might not be much different than the other games... It all just depends on the context, really... Beating up enemies is fun in the Coliseum, but gets boring if you're just running around Beast's Castle, you know?
    Post by: r3troRoxel, Apr 22, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  17. r3troRoxel

    This is a link to 'Somewhere In Time', a short story within the book 'Another Report', which was packaged with Kingdom Hearts II Final Mix+. Personally, I think that they should put these events in 358/2 Days, since it does give some back-story... :]] What do you guys think? Any other scenes that you think should be in the game?
    Thread by: r3troRoxel, Apr 22, 2009, 2 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX