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  1. r3troRoxel
  2. r3troRoxel
  3. r3troRoxel
  4. r3troRoxel
  5. r3troRoxel
  6. r3troRoxel
  7. r3troRoxel
  8. r3troRoxel
  9. r3troRoxel
  10. r3troRoxel
  11. r3troRoxel
    Pancakes rule. Just sayin'. :]
    Profile Post by r3troRoxel for Spaze, Jul 13, 2009
  12. r3troRoxel
    (feels super cliche saying this) I'm gonna have to go with Axel... in all seriousness, (ignoring the super adorable imaginary chibi factor of all the members, especially Marluxia...) I wish he hadn't died... Even though in the end he was kind of a bad guy (since he wanted to turn Sora into a Heartless... that's 'bad', right?) I thought it was so sad how the last time Axel and Roxas met wasn't even real. It's probably just the AkuRoku fangirl in me talking, but even those who saw them only as friends - don't you think it would have been better if they could have just seen each other for real one last time? Axel gave up everything for Roxas, he practically committed suicide for him. I think it would have been awesome (albeit cheesy and kinda stupid) if Axel had decided to go on with Sora and defeat Xemnas with him and Riku... then the four (six, if you count Roxas and Namine...) of them could live on the islands forever. <3 And then Axel could finally be with the person he cares about... in a sense. (sighs) I've thought about this too much.
    Post by: r3troRoxel, Jul 13, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  13. r3troRoxel
    Oh, I've got the manga for KH2. (lovingly pats it) All shredded and torn up from overuse... I'm just amazed the pages aren't falling out. (sighs at her own obsessive tendencies) You mean you've read the novels on Amazon? I've seen them for sale (really cheap, actually - new copies for about 3 dollars plus the 4 for shipping and handling...) but I didn't know what language they were in. Although I'm learning Japanese, (through a video game - 'My Japanese Coach', I feel so lame. Imagine having to whip out your Japan-made DS and load up your Japanese language game just to ask for directions if you were actually in the country... embarrassing or funny - you decide.) I can't read it...

    EDIT: Well, I may have found it... It wasn't exactly the same dialogue ('even Nobodies have people dear to them', etc.) but I think this is it... I wonder why they don't have this clip posted on the KH2FM cutscene archive...?
    Post by: r3troRoxel, Jul 11, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  14. r3troRoxel
    I doubt it would be on onemanga, considering it's most likely part of the novels... the thing is, I have looked up novel translations, but they're mostly for the same chapters... I guess I could try onemanga and just skim through to see if they've put it in the manga... I'd just prefer having the actual segment...
    Post by: r3troRoxel, Jul 10, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  15. r3troRoxel
    At least I think it's part of one of the novels. It's a conversation between Namine and Axel (it takes place after Roxas and Sora have merged in the beginning of KH2, and Riku gives Namine to Axel so Axel can take care of her), and Namine says that despite being Nobodies, they can still have people dear to them, and Axel is moved by this. I only know this information due to the KH wikia... I'd really appreciate it if someone could find a translated version of this conversation/segment...
    Thread by: r3troRoxel, Jul 10, 2009, 4 replies, in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  16. r3troRoxel
    Love them all.

    I love all of the Org. members, but my least favorites are Lexaeus and Xaldin. They just have no screen time... and Xaldin was a really difficult fight for me. I had Mickey rescue me so many times. When I beat him, (after about a million attempts) I cheered. My dad thought I was crazy. Lexaeus just didn't have much of a personality.

    My favorites would have to be Axel, Roxas, and Marluxia. Axel's awesome for too many reasons to describe. Roxas in the beginning reminds me of an innocent little puppy with eyes to match. I'm not a huge fan of angsty!Roxas, though... Angsty!Axel is more my style. You just feel so sorry for him! And Marluxia just makes me feel so happy inside. He's a guy with pink hair and a matching scythe. He scares people by taking off his hood in a shower of petals. I originally thought he was a woman. What's not to love?
    Post by: r3troRoxel, Jul 10, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. r3troRoxel
    Well, I've only read about the first chapter of the KH1 manga... I glanced through the COM manga at the bookstore, but what I saw made me laugh out loud (you guessed it, I flipped right to the chicken-wing scene). The KH2 manga is the only one of which I own all available volumes (though they're currently shredded and torn from overuse... I took them to school and drew from them every day for about 5 months.), so I guess you could say I like that one the best, and in a way, I do.

    Personally, KH2 is my favorite of the games, so it makes sense that I would like the manga most... Although it does have its funny moments, I think that it's the most serious out of all of them. COM is hilarious, and I just don't like KH nearly as much as the other games... Like someone else said, (I'm sorry, I don't know who...) they get better as they go.

    Plus, the KH2 manga is awesome because we get to see cute angsty!Axel. Did anyone else think the scene where Roxas leaves was much more adorable in the manga? X3 In the game, Axel seems... frustrated. In the manga he seems truly sad.

    EDIT: Of course, it was the person above me whom I had quoted... ^^; BlindingLight was the one who said they got better as they went. Sorry!
    Post by: r3troRoxel, Jul 9, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  18. r3troRoxel

    This is all actually pretty interesting to me... because I once read that Nomura had originally intended for the Riku/Sora pairing to be canon, but Disney scrapped that, so Kairi was created... I also once saw that Nomura had purposely made it so that the player could decide who Sora had romantic feelings towards, but it seems obvious that he would put in more Sora/Kairi hints because of the more public acceptance... I guess it's all up to the player's opinions, but Sora/Kairi seems to be the generally accepted canon pairing. Of course, this is all just assuming that what I read was true, and as with many things on the internet, you can't really trust it completely...
    Post by: r3troRoxel, Jul 9, 2009 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  19. r3troRoxel
    Do you happen to have any info on where you saw this? A link would be wonderful.
    Post by: r3troRoxel, Jun 10, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  20. r3troRoxel
    Spoiler Alert


    Well, since Xion is basically Sora, but she looks like a girl (freaky transvestite cross-dresser...), I guess you could say there's /some/ chance that Roxas loves her. Then again, since she is a giant plot hole, it's possible Roxas just 'moved on', so to speak.

    Also, since Xion is Sora... wouldn't that mean that Roxas was in love with himself/his twin (who has no real gender)? That's... ever so slightly, kinda sorta, incredibly disturbing. God, the emo kid has such a big ego that he's paired with himself. Poor Roxas.

    The whole Riku x Xion thing just seems... weird. Since Xion /is/ Sora, that just makes it Riku x Sora all over again.

    You know, I think Xion is just there to provide 'hidden' pairings. Roxas x Sora, Riku x Sora... Axel x Sora, which is basically Axel x Roxas, but, still.

    I feel sorry for Axel, though. He's caught up in this little 'love' triangle. Since they're Nobodies (well, Xion isn't, but, for simplicity's sake, let's say she is), they can't actually 'feel love', but, this is how I see it -

    Axel 'loves' Roxas, but Roxas 'loves' Xion, who 'loves' him back. I know I'm making this sound like a soap opera, but, I think Axel might be jealous. He and Roxas had their little thing until she came along and 'stole' Roxas. I think Axel only cares for her in the beginning just because Roxas was there. You know how it is when you meet a friend-of-a-friend and you don't /really/ like them, but you'll be nice to them just so you don't insult your real friend? That's the situation I think Axel's in.
    Post by: r3troRoxel, Jun 7, 2009 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX