I'm a straight "A" student, so I need to do it, since I kind of don't want to fail.
Me either. *writing about what kind of photography I like* I'm working on school stuff. I just finished one about how I like basketball, now I'm...
Thanks. I do too. It looks like those ones you find offline, with the shadowed boat. I swear I actually took it though, I wouldn't pass off other's photo's as my own.
Yeah... I usually don't either, but I wanted to see what it'd do. Now, I'm trying to find the siggy so I can show them that I was NOT bugged... I...
Thanks you. Guess what? This one person had a siggy and it said "Do not Click" so I clicked it, 'cause it's just so intriging. And the person...
Well I have one up. It's called Sunset Boat. It's quite cool.
OOC: Sorry, been quiet busy. Glad this didn't get to far ahead to catch back up. OC: Xylia nodded, it was hard to get a verbal response from most of the people at the Org. since they didn't WANT to connect with anybody. She gave a side glance at Kaylix and smiled faintly, Kaylix would hold up a conversation, she thought to herself, waving in her direction before leaning against the wall. It was really hard to get anything worthwhile in the Castle until missions came up, and still they seemed a little dull. Maybe they could get a game room or something. That'd be great.
I agree. *putting up more pictures on the photography place.*
Oh how I loved this picture as I saw it camping with my family. It was the night I tricked my brother that I ripped the head off a fish while reeling it in. Ah well, hope you guys like it too. And just so you know, I have NO clue whose boat that is. http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/THE_avery_hilton/My Photography/SD530280.jpg So, I think that's the only picture of that I have. But I enjoy scenery pictures than pictures of people.
Yeah. I'm just a tad bit crazy. But I'm okay with that. xD
See. I have to write four journal entry thingies every two weeks, and I only have one. But by giving you an egg, I remembered that I wrote an...
*Give her egg.* There you go... Oh crap. I gotta do that one thing for school. Thanks for talking about eggs, it reminded me.
Yes. I was voer at a friends and so we stole some eggs from the kitchen.
I actually think those are the only ones I can do. I'm really not all that good at Kirby combinations. Do you still want the pictures I've already...
Cheese is good. I kind of like the bacon, but it's really not my favorite. *eating egg sandwhich.*
Yeah. So. Baked potatoes are better with chives and sour cream. xD
In a car driving down the highway, why? xD
Okay. So. More pictures. This one I took while going to the airport, so obviously I'm in the car. This will be my last photography image for a while, since I need to search through my hundred of pictures to find the really cool ones. | | | | v http://i294.photobucket.com/albums/mm87/THE_avery_hilton/My Photography/P1000118.jpg Hope you guys like. It's kinda eerie, yes? It was also snowing when I took the picture, so that's what the little white dots are that speckle the image.
Um... Sure. I guess. I really don't mind. Just don't advertise it as your own. Just kidding, you could... But then I'd have to hunt you down, and hurt my knee further. xD
I really like it. It's eerie cool. I haven't heard of or seen "I don't love you" but I still think it's cool. Good job. xD