So. Your using Microsoft Word, yes? Hm... It might be the problem of not having enough space in your computer. You are lucky. When I don't have enough space, my computer shuts down and when I turn it back on... Everything from pictures, to music, to writing is gone. You might also want to check if you have a password on your or other family members account. If you have a family member and they came and looked at the project and saved it to their side, and they have a password, then it can make it unavailible. I've tried it with pictures on my brother's account. Hope I helped.
Ah. Okay. I'm working my way up the ranks right now, it's kind of weird. Looking at accounts that have been part of this website for years, and I...
So... Why'd you change your name to P E A N U T?
Yeah. He's like "I've been getting a lot of entries about how terrible a certain teacher was from Math?" And everybody's like "Yeah, Sturtz."
I am proud to report that this group is bigger than Team Edward. Way to go, TEAM JASPER! xD Also, we have a warning. We're currently trying to get the Twilight people to come to our town. If they visit you, one person will be missing. This is because PyroLover will have kidnapped Jasper, and had him go to Band with her. Just a warning. xD
I love Thanksgiving. I get to eat Turkey that Grandmother makes, and that really good gravy and stuffing. I don't think it's physically possible to gain 30 pounds in one night. But I will gain a few pounds, then run it off during PE 'cause we'll end up running the mile the next day I know it. Well, Happy Stuff Your Selves Day when Thanksgiving comes.
Afterlife by Avenged Sevenfold
[Ooh. Tricky. You can't see what I wrote either.]
The fights are actually really un-lame. And I know several guys who have read the books, and they're fan-guying (is that a word?) Over Bella. They tried to steal the book from me when I had it checked out. Also, I am a girl. I HATE chick-flicks. The book is NOT equal to a chick-flick. Hope that I helped.
Video: Durations: Whole thing. It's only four seconds. Size: Small Text: Totally Owned Text Color: Whatever Looks Nice Text Placement: "Totally" On the Top and "Owned" on the bottom. Both centered. Notes: PM me if you can't use that link. And going ahead and don't rush. I can wait. *sits in computer chair.*
I don't hate it but I agree. I kind of agree with you. I don't hate the books, but I was REALLY hoping she'd be just a tad bit clumsy. But she was forgetful, ripping Alice's nice skirt. I hated Edward. He was WAY to perfect. I hate perfect people. They get on my nerves. That's why I'm fan-girling over Jasper and Emmett. They're just so much cooler.
You should totally buy the book. I'm a girl, but I know three different guys... Four actually who tried to kill me for th ebook when I checked it back into the school library. I didn't really find it all that romancey. It's kind of... Stressed Love. Which isn't all gushy, in my opinion. Some of the books do get a little too romantic for me, but I think you should still read them. I know most of the guys at my school who've read it love it completely. But then again, I have the suspicions that those dudes are gay, but, who knows.
Yeah... I don't really like the stills. To much Edward. I don't like. Haven't ever liked him, and I hated him more in Book 2. By the time I actually got to Book 3, my hate was to deep to fix. They need more Jasper and Emmett... And Alice. Alice is cool looking.
Zuko didn't die, because he's the Prince. Which means he's have the second most control over the element of fire, therefore, he'd be able to survive more higher attacks... Or at least, that's my thought.
Yeah. I think I'm color blindish. Oh well. I'll change it later once I get a chance.
The black hole left from a once bright star. *records that.* I could use that for journal entry. Our teacher doesn't mind us complaining about...
I know. The last name reminds you of something like her persona, sour and bitter. Sturtz.
If the spam zone was shut down... I'd have to find a new place to talk about random stuff like this. I wouldn't be able to help people count to 300. It'd be a little dull, but I'd still be here, just 'cause it's KH dudes.
Here's mine. Had to edit it so it 's better now.
Good job. That happened last year because of an EVIL teacher ruined my math grade. But I'm still doing good this year.