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  1. LittleArtistNamine
    It was okay I guess. I'm really not the biggest fan... Those songs just get stuck in my head so easily. They're catchy. But I think that Gabriella is WAY to emotional in the second movie. But yeah. Not my favorite, but I do want to see number three, since the song from the preview's been in my head ever since I heard it.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 13, 2008 in forum: Music
  2. LittleArtistNamine
    I really like it, the effects on the sides are really cool, but I think the robot kind of stands out, like it doesn't fit in with the effect. you could try softening it a little bit, or toning down the colors... If that's possible. Other than that, it's pretty good.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 13, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. LittleArtistNamine
    Title: Nobody's Princess
    Author: Esther Friesner
    Notes: It's a really good book. If you like the Percy Jackson series (saw that above me) then you might like it. It's about a princess who's Kingdom is intent on serving the Gods. Then, she starts taking fighting lessons with her brothers... And that's as far as I've gotten, but the pictureon the has a girl with a knife slung around her waist, so... It should be a good book.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 13, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  4. LittleArtistNamine
  5. LittleArtistNamine
  6. LittleArtistNamine
  7. LittleArtistNamine
  8. LittleArtistNamine
    But... There is a little 'o' in the post. About mid-way. I'm NOT crazy I swear. And I think the ones on the end our parentheses. I'm not quiet sure though.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 11, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  9. LittleArtistNamine
    It's very anomynous. (Don't think I spelled that right). But I love the black and white. Maybe I could convince my mother to let me put pictures like that online. She doesn't approve of my putting pictures online, but maybe some unknown photos like that will be okay.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 11, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. LittleArtistNamine
    My favorite genre of music wasn't listed up there. It's country, but I'm adapting more to more recent music and so I listen to pretty much everything, but hard core metal and stuff hurts my ears since I listen to my music really quietly, since mother gets mad if I can't hear her beyond the music, and rap gets on my nerves.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 11, 2008 in forum: Music
  11. LittleArtistNamine
    Bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour, bonjour. Now after reading me singing the welcoming song thing from Beauty and the Beast, I shall welcome you. Hi. And I hope you enjoy your time here, 'cause I sure have.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 11, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  12. LittleArtistNamine
    I agree. I mean, what's the point of Cinderella 2 (That's a Disney movie, right?) I mean, yes, she was married, but we don't need to leanr more about her love life. Lion King Two was very enjoyable, but Disney needs to not end a film in "Happily Ever After" if they're going to make a sequel.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 11, 2008 in forum: Disney Galaxy
  13. LittleArtistNamine
    If your into music I have this. You can rezixe it and brush it up, but it's a rough sketch. Hope you like.

    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 11, 2008 in forum: Art Shop
  14. LittleArtistNamine
    Wow... Well, I have noticed that, but I haven't really thought about that very much. The only reason when I notice it is when I'm typing, and you miss the "O" and then what's supposed to be a friendly greeting, isn't. But some people need to let it rest. Hello, as aforesaid by Repliku, probably derived from some other language. It was not meant to be offensive. Say Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening, or Night if your so "offended" by it.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 11, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  15. LittleArtistNamine
    I love the Sonic Collection and the Adventure Battle.

    The Sims and Animal Crossing. I'm serious, those are SO ADDICTING. xD
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 11, 2008 in forum: Gaming
  16. LittleArtistNamine
    It's a really touching story so far. It kind of reminds me of Charlie's Angels for some reason. I'm not quite sure, but as I started reading it I'm like, "I want to watch Charlie's Angels". But I really like it so far. Keep up the great work Master Tummer.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 11, 2008 in forum: Archives
  17. LittleArtistNamine
  18. LittleArtistNamine
  19. LittleArtistNamine
  20. LittleArtistNamine