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  1. LittleArtistNamine
    Thanks. I've been working on it. Any hints on puctuation, 'cause I'm lost. D:<
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 18, 2008 in forum: Archives
  2. LittleArtistNamine
  3. LittleArtistNamine
  4. LittleArtistNamine
  5. LittleArtistNamine
    Busy. Very busy. >_> You?
    Profile Post by LittleArtistNamine for Sven XIII, Nov 18, 2008
  6. LittleArtistNamine
  7. LittleArtistNamine
    Our teacher was just going over this. He's like "How much do you guys no about Iraq?" And pretty much it only had to do with war. I'm learning more about the general area, since Mesopotamia (The first ancient civilatization) was between the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. It did come over as a shock that what's now a bloody war fest was the cradle of civilization. And our school, especially aforesaid class, knows WAY more about present day Iraq.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 17, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  8. LittleArtistNamine
    Profile Post

    Hiyah. What's up?

    Hiyah. What's up?
    Profile Post by LittleArtistNamine for Princess Celestia, Nov 17, 2008
  9. LittleArtistNamine
    "Nobody's Home" "Complicated" and "My Happy Ending". I discovered Complicated and My Happy Ending by the help of a friend. One of the parts from Nobody's home was posted on the wall in my Leadership class. But Nobody's Home just makes me feel... Different than her other really rockish songs.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 16, 2008 in forum: Music
  10. LittleArtistNamine
    I'd tell you I love you, but then I'd have to kill you.
    I can't remember who it's by.
    Basically a book about this girl who goes to a secret spy school, and falls in love with some dude. That's all I know, I'm not that far into it yet, but that's all on the back of the book.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 16, 2008 in forum: The Playground
  11. LittleArtistNamine
    Omaigawd. I'm serious, that's just harsh. I mean she's not going to be like, BACK OFF, 'cause the dudes had guns. I feel really bad for Asha (was that who it was) since she didn't even get a word in. It's true, the world is coming to and in. Revelation! One of the things is "Increase in Violence" and now we are all going to die because society is turning upsidedown. But that's just my beliefs as a Christian. Other people may think we just crazy. Anyways, that's really sad.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 14, 2008 in forum: Current Events
  12. LittleArtistNamine
  13. LittleArtistNamine
  14. LittleArtistNamine
  15. LittleArtistNamine
    Welcome to the site. Read the rule, enjoy the spam zone, and try to type as much as you can.

    And thanks for joining, you have officially helped me reach 100 posts in one month. Thanks, and have fun;

    Lannie. Or just Lan. Hope we can be friends.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 13, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  16. LittleArtistNamine

    I don't know. That's his name.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 13, 2008 in forum: The Spam Zone
  17. LittleArtistNamine


    I know how it feels to have an injured dog. Just recently, I was eating over at the neighbors, dragged by my parents, and we were having a jolly good time. But then the other neighbors dog got out of the house and attack my little weiner-dog/doxine/mutt and it was terrifying, mostly because 1. My little puppy-dog's been attacked two times this year, and 2, it's a big labordor. Luckily, Snickers (my little puppy) was able to excape with just a little gash in his lower muscell.

    I hope you dog is going to be better, 'cause dogs must have working legs. May you be able to aford a vet, and anything that may come after that.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 13, 2008 in forum: Help with Life
  18. LittleArtistNamine

    I lived before life was ever created

    And died before death was an option

    And yet sin follows my every step my every shadow.

    I long to cry out to some one or something

    Yet no one will listen and nothing is there to hear the cries.

    But I know that some one is out there to save me

    Save me from this nightmarish road I’m on

    I’m driving myself towards something worse than death.

    But to hear the metronome ticking away again

    Would be my life’s pleasure

    But I can never return to that state of mind.

    Since life has cheated me of that contentment

    Now, breathing just comes as a second nature

    And I’ve never blushed of embarrassment

    Since this life has made me one-hundred percent graceful.

    But sometimes, I wish that I'd trip or something that could prove I was human

    Though I knew that was impossible.

    I knew I would never see my family again

    For I had outlived them, in a race with time.

    I am what I most feared at the time of a child

    I have finally come back with reality at my fingertips

    I am a Vampire.


    This was my... Second poem that I've written on free-will. The other poems I've posted were created after this one. ButI found this deep within my files. This one, I might not have correct puntuation... Again. So, CnC, just please, NOT a whole lot of crud about punctuation, 'cause I know.
    Thread by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 13, 2008, 4 replies, in forum: Archives
  19. LittleArtistNamine
    Wow... That's touching. It makes me feel sad. And I know how you feel on your none-poem thing, I suddenly get the random things to write things like that. But the more I think about the poem, the more deep I can feel how the person feels (Thanks to all those classes in Literature) I can understand it better. You really have a gift. Maybe I should try more on the spot writing. Or post my on the spot vampire poem... Anyways, back on subject, FANTABULOUS job.

    PS That's fantastic and fabulous together.
    Post by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 13, 2008 in forum: Archives
  20. LittleArtistNamine
    I have to give half credit to my mom for this photo. She was the one who noticed this and showed me. I took this on the road trip that most of my really awesome photos have been taken on. But even more of the pictures you see are within an hour of my house. Anyways, I hope you guys enjoy this picture. If anyone can explain why the clouds do this, I would REALLY appreciate it. Thanks. Photography/SD530528.jpg
    Thread by: LittleArtistNamine, Nov 13, 2008, 11 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics