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  1. rikufanattic


    Leila blinked and grinned as the teen playing the game looked at her for a moment.

    'He's heart itsn't beating fast at all... It's like it's second nature to him...crazy.' she thought smiling for a moment. Today seemed likea good day to go into the arcade, at least to watch other people play, that way it'd give her time to tune out the noise.
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. rikufanattic
    Thank you, thank you. Well here you go!

    Chapter Eleven: Preparations

    Cloud looked up from the corroding chapel, staring at the blue skies from Radiant Garden, he had found his way back here, and like last time he ended up falling through the small hole in the roof.

    He was still in a daze of some sort, watching the time pass by. No one had come inside, which was a good thing for him, sense he of course didn’t want anybody to find him like this. The paopu tree which Aerith had obviously grown had in fact grown to be of standard size, and he had landed on it.

    “Amaterasu was right…†he said to himself blowing some strands away from his face.

    At that point he decided to slide off the tree, and he looked around the chapel, it was still that same way he remembered it. He made sure not to land on top of Aerith’s flowers or else she’d murder him or something.

    The aroma of flowers it was something he never grew tired of, and he was glad he didn’t.

    “It’s me, Amaterasu, Yomigami’s sister…†the girl said withdrawing her weapon to the side.

    “Yomigami’s little sister…†he said repeating it slowly to himself. “How did you find me?â€

    “I guess it doesn’t matter how I found you, but why I was looking for you in the first place…†she said watching the last Heartless leave this area.

    She had missed Cloud’s sword fighting. Amaterasu sat down on a crumbling pillar, this was the wasteland of Traverse Town, people stopped living here about a couple of years ago.

    “Aerith asked me to find you… I can’t break a promise…†she said noticing Cloud’s eyes widen at the mention of her name. “She misses you a lot, boy…â€

    ‘I miss her too…’ Cloud thought to himself as he walked around the chapel. He would stay here for a while to relax and then he’d be on his way. The SOLDIER yawned for a moment and cleared his throat to fight off a yawn.

    “She doesn’t get to see you laugh, or smile, or cry, or even get angry!†she was obviously losing her temper with him, any mother would when their child didn’t listen.

    “You know that’s not very mother like…â€

    “If I was your mother, I’d tell you to go and visit her…†she said. “Now go Cloud… Please you know she's waiting for you..."

    “I'm not one to say much on this subject...†he said looking back down at the scene below them, "But it'd be nice if you took your advice once in a while...â€

    “Cloud…†a gentle whisper was heard a bit far away from where he stood. He turned around and met the gaze of two emerald eyes. He moved forward a bit, but the girl had obviously started to run towards him.

    She stopped close to his feet, and panted for a moment, giving a big smile. He noticed that she was wearing the same pink dress from last time.

    “I came back…†he said.

    “You landed on the tree…†she said picking out a leaf from his hair.

    “I didn’t want to land on the flowers…†he said looking back at the lilies. “I missed you…â€

    “You have no idea how much I missed you… You didn’t so much as even write to me or anything…†she said hugging the blond individual. He knew of course that she was crying, and he held her tight.

    Amaterasu watched from overhead, carefully so as not to fall from one of the boards on the old chapel. ‘It’s really a sweet sight…’ she thought smiling happily. ‘It’s moments like this that make me feel good to be alive for so long…’ As she gave out a small sigh she heard something from underneath her stomach creak.

    “Ah…†she moved herself slowly, still hearing the boards from the roof crack from her weight. “Damn it…†she whispered crawling quickly to the other side of the roof.

    “What are you doing, Ammi?†Gekigami asked as she patted the soil.

    “Planting a tree…†she said taking the whole ordeal very seriously.

    “For who?†he asked watching her handy work.

    “Riku…†she said watching the storm clouds loom over the isle. “He’s on this place, so I thought I’d give him a nice little reminder…â€

    “Why don’t you just tell him how you feel?†Tachigami said watching her little sister for a moment.

    “Cuz, Ammi is still under the impression that actions speak louder than words…†Kazegami said smiling at his older sister.

    “What are you doing right now Riku?†she asked herself looking up at the blue sky Cloud was gazing at earlier. “Does the sky look better from your view?â€
    At that point the roof was starting to give way, and the young girl found herself falling back. She stared at the sky as she started to fall, not once letting her heartbeat race fast. She could hear the wind howl in her ears as she fell, and she, like Cloud, landed on the paopu tree with a heavy thud.

    “Ouch…†she said blinking her eyes for a moment. “At least it broke my fall…â€

    “Amaterasu, what are you doing up there?†Aerith asked calling down from the tree.

    “Just thought I’d drop by…†she said lazily getting out from the paopu tree. “But I didn’t think fate would let me do that literally…â€

    Cloud shook his head looking at Amaterasu, he knew why she came. It was to see if he did in fact come back here to Radiant Garden. Amaterasu apologized for ruining their moment, and noticed that the two of them were blushing a bit. They each knew what the young girl was thinking about, as perverted as her mind was, she was still in fact just a kid on the outside.

    “Anyway…†she started walking out the chapel. “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!†she said teasing the two of them.

    Aerith noticed a small smile spread across Cloud’s lips and she smiled at the peaceful expression placed on his face. She was glad she could see him smile like, because it was a smile only she could see, meant for her eyes only, and just for her.

    “I missed watching you smile…†Aerith said walking down the flower patch at times she would look back at the blue eyed SOLDIER.

    Cloud had missed everything about her. He missed her voice, her appearance he was glad he decided to follow his heart once again, and maybe this time he’d stay with her.

    “How did you find your way back here?†Aerith asked as she patted a small spot for him to sit on.

    Cloud walked up and sat on one of the fairly sturdy pews catching a small glimpse of Aerith’s green eyes once more. He searched the back of his mind for a while thinking of a good reason as to why he came back. ‘Because I couldn’t live another day without you? Or maybe because I missed the scent of flowers in your hair? This is harder than I thought…’ the young man thought to himself, he looked down watching the brown sun-faded floor for a moment.

    “I came back, because I couldn’t live on with what I became…†he said giving her his genuine smile. “My light, and her are very persistent.â€

    Traverse Town…​

    “We’re going to be staying in Traverse Town for a while, just until we finish getting our supplies and stuff…†Sora said looking at Riku and Kairi. He started to ramble on again. “That and well, since we came all this way I thought we’d pay Selma a visit.â€

    ‘I really wish we could…’ Riku thought to himself following Sora and Kairi as he was behind them. The pain in his heart was gone, which meant that the human sun goddess, Amaterasu was gone. ‘Human sun goddess…’ he thought to himself. That was a small nickname he had placed for her, even though he knew she wasn’t a goddess.

    He walked with his two friends and noticed a tree pot with a familiar plant inside of the clay pot. There in one of the pots a paopu sapling was starting to develop. ‘I’ve been seeing these saplings all over the place…’ he up ahead and noticed that Sora and Kairi were about a couple of feet farther from him.

    ‘Maybe I can talk to her some more when she comes back… If she ever comes back that is…I hope she does…’ the silver haired teen placed the headphones back over to his ears and listened to another playlist on her mp3 player. Blood + it was a somewhat popular show back home, and he was surprised to find all the theme songs in her mp3 player.

    Radiant Garden…​

    “Reeve…†Amaterasu was a bit glad to hear the man’s voice on the other end of the phone line. “I…uh… Can you meet us down by the café?†she asked, waiting for Reeve’s response. “Just come right away…â€

    Her dark eyes watched her oldest brother as he pulled up a seat next to her.

    “Miracle…†Yomigami said sipping the context from a crème colored cup. “You actually called him…†he said laughing a bit as he took another sip of his coffee. Something caught his attention for a moment. “Females… They’re really weird, I mean the clothing on some of them is provocative these days.â€

    “If I remember correctly, someone’s older sister use to dress like that, remember?†the youngest sister said hinting at something from the past. She looked her reflection in the crème color liquid, it was hard to make out but she could see it.

    “I honestly forgot…†he said rather coldly. “Are you going to look at your reflection, or are you going to drink your coffee?â€

    “I don’t know…†she said feeling tears starting to come down. “I…â€

    “Stop staring at me like that, people are going to think I broke up with you or something like that…†a younger Amaterasu said starting at the boy.

    “Would you ever break up with me?†the younger teen asked.

    “What?!†she was thrown off guard by the question. “Xeno what makes you think I’d get with you in the first place?â€

    “The blush on your face says something different…†Xeno said sticking out his tongue. “Anyway… Your big brother’s here, it’s probably time that you start getting ready for your trip…â€

    “I’ll come back in a couple of weeks and then I’ll tell you all about it, okay?â€

    “Sure…†he said giving her his trademark smile. “Ammi…†he said softly.

    “Yeah?†she turned around slightly to look at him.

    “You know I love you, right?†he rubbing the back of his head.

    “Yeah…†she said, blushing a bit. “I love you too…â€

    “I guess that means we’re together then…†he said laughing a bit.

    “What, no!†she said shaking her head. “You know what it’s over…â€

    “At least know I know you would break up with me… But take care little sis.â€

    “You know that’s all we’ll ever be…â€

    She was brought to reality by her big brother. It pained Yomigami to see his sister get all worked up. It had been three days since she returned from Traverse Town, and when she came back he had noticed Cloud Strife was with her.

    Amaterasu had locked herself up in a spare room Reeve Tuesti had in his home. She only spoke to the male members in her family, while Tachigami found out by means of her twin brother.

    Amaterasu sighed heavily, just looking at her older brother while forcing a smile to play across her lips. Both of the siblings sipped their coffee, and then they each heard a familiar voice. They both turned around trying to figure out where the noise came from, there were a couple of people walking around the area. A man in a white shirt with formal black pants walked to their table.

    “And I so did love your blue suit…†Yomigami said sarcastically.

    Reeve gave a good hearty laugh as he pulled another chair to sit next to the two of them. The two siblings just blinked at each other for a moment, they weren’t use to seeing Reeve in civilian clothing.

    “What’s the occasion, Amaterasu?†Reeve asked looking at the young teenager for a moment. “Surely you didn’t call me down here to drink coffee with you and your brother?â€

    “Yes… and no…†Amaterasu said rubbing her eyes slightly. She ordered a cup for Reeve even though he told her not to, she still did.

    “Are you paying for me?†he asked her.

    “Right now I’m not really in a sarcastic mood…†Amaterasu said slowly drinking her coffee. “Just accept the coffee…â€

    “I take it this has to do with your little rendezvous from Traverse Town?†Reeve said. At that moment the waiter came out with Reeve’s cup of coffee.

    “Riku knows…†Yomigami said preparing Reeve’s coffee. “He knows her real name… Besides he’s a smart boy, he probably figured out that she’s a Chaser… or rather was one… Stupid Lucifer was kind enough to give a brief explanation for Jack Sparrow…â€

    “Captain Jack Sparrow…†the younger one said.

    “It’s not like he cares what we call him…†Yomigami said handing Reeve his cup of coffee. “That’s not the point… Long story short, Riku knows and Ammi’s been having a nervous breakdown since she came back…†he said all in one breath.

    “It’s not a nervous breakdown…†she said responding a bit sourly to her nickname.

    “How are you feeling physically?†Reeve asked sipping his caffeinated liquid.

    “Okay, I guess…†she said looking up at the blue sky for a moment. “I mean I’m still eating. Besides it’s been only three days I’m sure I’ll get over it…â€

    “Why does this remind me of Xeno all over again?â€

    “It’s not like that, Reeve!†she said slamming her hand down on the table. At this point her mother like title went out the window. “I guess I’m just worried or something…†she really couldn’t explain everything that was stirring inside of her. “But it’s not like that at all… I wanted to ask you, the real reason why I asked you to come over, was to ask you, if you’d be willing to arrange a meeting with King Mickey and the rest of us…? If it’s not too much trouble...â€

    “From what I know the king is busy…†Reeve said placing a serious expression. “We haven’t been able to contact the king for about two weeks now, though that’s what one can expect when the darkness is starting to grow strong… But I can arrange a meeting with the next best thing, the Keyblade Master.â€

    “Well from what I can tell they’ll most likely be in Traverse Town…†she said thinking about it for a moment. “I’ll just take everyone over there.â€

    “You’ll be in time for the festival over there…†Reeve said thinking about the whole event. “It’s marking the second year of light… At least that’s what they call it ‘Festival of Light.’â€

    “Don’t tell me you’re going?†Yomigami asked.

    “Probably…†Reeve said smiling slightly. “The HBRC deserves to take a break once in a while.â€

    “We all deserve a break…†Amaterasu said sighing for a moment. “You know who I miss the most?â€

    “Riku?†Reeve and Yomigami asked in unanimity.

    “No…†she said flatly. “Shelke and Vincent…â€

    Traverse Town…​

    “Mr. Valentine, we should probably start going now…†a young girl roughly around the age of ten spoke to the older man.

    Riku paused for a moment and watched the two of them. The taller older man and the young girl, standing side by side one would think they’re related somehow, but truth be told they weren’t.

    “Our gummi ship is all ready repaired, why are you procrastinating our leave?†she asked in rather gentle tone.

    “I thought I felt her presence around here…†the man referred to as Mr. Valentine said.

    “It was here, but that was days ago, Vincent Valentine.†The girl said staring at the man in disbelief for a moment. “She has probably left this world and had simply gone to another one… Don’t you think that’s true?â€

    Riku walked on knowing that it was rude and awkward to be eavesdropping especially when you would be caught eavesdropping. Another song popped into his headphones and it brought back a feeling of nostalgia.

    ‘She was obsessed with this song…’ Riku thought to himself, he looked around and noticed that Sora and Kairi were out of his sight. ‘Damn it…’ he thought to himself sitting by one of the nearby benches and pulling out his cell phone.
    He dialed Sora’s number by memory and waited to Sora’s voice on the other line. It took after three rings, and Sora finally picked up.

    “Where are you, Riku?â€

    “In First District…†Riku said looking at the coffee shop, it brought a poignant memory to his heart. “Hold on I have another call…â€

    “Riku…†it was Amaterasu. “I’m making this brief…†he could hear other voices in the background.

    “Are they whistling?†Riku could hear Yomigami’s voice. Apparently he was singing a little rhyme.

    Amaterasu sighed heavily and Riku could hear Yomigami whine a bit. “I want you to postpone your leave from Traverse Town, we have to talk to Sora…â€

    “Wait, who’s ‘we’? Ammi…†Riku could barely speak. “How did you know I was still in Traverse Town?â€

    “It’s the power of the paopu fruit buddy… Ah, ‘we’ you know who ‘we’ is, come on Riku, I know you’re not dumb, but anyway I’m roaming so I have to go, Riku.â€

    “Roaming…?†somehow Riku fond this a bit comical. “Anway it’s nice hearing your voice.â€

    “Same here see you in a couple of days…†and the line was cut.

    R I K U​

    See a lot of people would mostly likely start giving me their opinions on the whole matter. Many would be saying, why are you still talking to her if she’s causing the problems you’re trying to fix? Call me crazy or something, but I know she wants me to stay with her, and I’m going to stay with her till the bitter end of it all.

    At least she called me, and I’m glad at least she’s not mad at me, I really thought she was after the second day, but the third’s the charm.

    I yawned for a moment and sighed heavily, I was getting a bit sluggish for some reason, just feeling really lazy, but as least what would keep me going was the fact that she was coming in a couple of days or so. ‘Losing your love…’ it was a lyric that popped into my head.

    “Losing your love is without sunshine…†I sang to myself remembering the song on Ammi’s mp3 player.

    Amaterasu… It’s a name that I won’t be forgetting anytime soon, but I still have an urge to call her ‘ Selma,’ even though I know it’s not her real name. It’s only been three days since I saw her, and it feels like it was only yesterday.

    It might as well have been yesterday the wound in my heart is still fresh, but I’m not letting that affect me. Still I have feeling that our friendship has somehow created a bigger gap than what happened days ago.

    With time I’m afraid we might have to start off from scratch again, and if it ever does come it’ll be hard on her, no doubt. ‘Don’t bite me now with your teeth of fear, I’m searching… All I want is pleasure…’ I thought to myself moving to rhythm of the music I had in my head.

    So what if I looked pretty random, I liked the song a lot, that and because the title of it was pretty strange, it was named after a fish, Barracuda.

    “Riku!†I looked around blinking slightly.

    “Riku!†Again another person called out my name, but it was a male voice this time, I spotted Sora’s spiky hair from about ten feet away, he’s so easy to pick out from a crowd.

    I saw Kairi and Sora finally come up to me. They smiled slightly and Kairi showed me what Sora had bought her, it was a ring from the accessory shop. ‘Oh yeah, I have to start buying some items soon… I wonder if that Moogle still has those Earrings of Destiny, if they do then I got a good gift for her, which is a miracle because I actually have enough money…’

    “What are you thinking about Riku?†Kairi asked breaking my train of thought.

    “Uh… Nothing!†I said laughing nervously. “Nothing at all…â€

    “Hey…†Sora popped into the conversation. “How did your talk with Selma go?â€

    ‘What can I say it was bittersweet? How did my talk with her not go? It wasn’t what I was expecting, in fact I didn’t expect for that to fall on me, knowing she’s an ex-Chaser, I’m worried about her more than I ever was before. I’m scared for her, and I know she’s scared for all of us… And I couldn’t find a way for her to stay with us, I can’t force her, but I wish she could be right here for now…’

    Aerith’s house…

    “You’re going to have to give me two days at the minimum,†Aerith said watching Cloud lean against one of the blood red walls. “But why that one?â€

    Cloud watched Amaterasu take off her pink sweater, underneath it she wore a long sleeved red shirt with white designs. She took off her shoes and rested against the black colored c eyed Cloud for a moment, and noticed he seemed different somehow. For one he wore blue tight jeans and a black muscle shirt. Aerith once told her that black was a good color for him since it brought out his eyes.

    “It’s either that one or Sora ha itsum naite iru,†the young girl said. Cloud had made a slight look of distaste at the mention of the second option. “Your pick, Cloud.â€

    “ Santa Fe,†Cloud said looking away from the black couch. “I like that one,†he noticed the pleased smile on Aerith’s face. “I’m only agreeing to do this because you’re a good kid.â€

    “Kid?!†Amaterasu whined slightly. If there was anything she hated more it was either being called short or a kid.

    The other slightly older people just smiled seeming pleased with the look on the girl’s face. Amaterasu asked, in a rather serious voice, if Cloud was going to share a paopu fruit with Aerith. At that moment the man with the black attire just covered his face with his hand.

    “Ah, Ammi…†Aerith said taking Cloud’s hand away from his face, “You want to practice it right now?â€

    “You have it with you?†she asked poking her head to view the others. “Aw, that’s cute he’s blushing!†he dark colored eyes caught sight of the light red hue on his face.

    “So, when are you going?†Aerith asked trying hard not to poke fun at Cloud.

    “In 3 days, I hear also HBRC is going too,†she noticed Cloud’s eyes lit up a bit. “I see Cloud’s kinda happy about it,†she smirked a bit. “Anyway… If you want to practice it right now I’m up to it.â€

    “Hey Cloud, are you still good with the bass?†Aerith asked in a sweet tone. He didn’t say anything but she knew the answer already.

    Cloud followed behind her as Aerith led both him and Ammi to a smaller room. Amaterasu hummed a bit as she walked, but from time to time she would suddenly think back to what had happened a couple of days ago. ‘I’ll be seeing you soon, Riku…’ she thought to herself.
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Archives
  3. rikufanattic
    I had a feeling it was going to be confusing, but Selma and her siblings change their appearance physically, and Riku hasn't seen her in a while, he doesn't know how she puts her hair, or if she's changed in personality. He only knows Amaterasu as the girl with the wicked Keyblade, like he said before he thought her knew her only because of the skin color.

    Confusion comes back in full circle... -__-;;; It clears up though.

    Chapter Ten: Innocente

    This battle ended very quickly, since Lucifer couldn’t even manage to keep up with one person, let alone three of them. Lucifer dodged one coming attack, while Riku and Sora took the chance one attacking coming from the air, and one from the ground.

    The Chaser fell backwards, and Amaterasu dashed forward, seeming as though she levitated due to the speed. Her elbow collided with Lucifer’s back, and he cried out in pain, it did hurt as bad as it appeared. If there was one person the girl with the name of the sun goddess didn’t like, at that point it was Lucifer.

    “Hey, what’s the deal?†he called out to her.

    Amaterasu was 15 years old at that point, and she stuck her tongue out at him. She replied saying that this was not his concern, and well it apparently ticked off the blond Chaser.

    “Neo’s our subject, not a friend!†he called out trying to reach the young Chaser. “Hey, you can’t go messing up our plans, we’ve worked to hard for this! Amaterasu!â€

    Neo, that was his nickname the Chasers had given him, and it seemed to fit a bit, but Amaterasu started to grow a conscious during the whole procedure, and it was starting to hinder the plans the Chasers, including the ones she herself had worked to hard for.

    If anything, the heart was to blame for the young Amaterasu’s action. It was something she wished she could never feel, and that was love for a friend. She had grown attached to the subject, like as if he were a family member, but that wasn’t seen all too well in the eyes of the Chasers.

    “I know that…!†she called out looking at Lucifer.

    “Then throw your heart away, stop making it worse!â€

    “You still mad because of what I said…?†Lucifer asked, tasting the sand once again.

    Lucifer had placed a barrier that kept anything in it, trapped, and anything outside had no way to penetrate it. The barrier would break down once the battle was over, which meant either he won, or he paid with his life. Lucifer knew that somewhere in his own heart he was going to pay it with his life, either even if he won, he’d die at the hands of others, or simply he was defeated which meant he paid with his price.

    “I can’t kill you…†the girl with the ironic name said, holding her Keyblade mere inches away from his throat. Both Riku and Sora were taken aback by her actions, believing her to be some kind of cold killer, but obviously they thought wrong.

    “Thinking with your heart was what got you into trouble… Remember?†Lucifer said unable to move his body, Sora had injured his right leg, while Riku, with his attack, dislocated his left shoulder.

    “If you don’t finish me now Gabriel will… I don’t want to die by his hands…†Lucifer said.

    Riku looked back at Sora, his own heart was telling him, in one way or another, the same thing Amaterasu’s heart was telling her. ‘It’d be better if he was destroyed right now, than prolong it… But, it doesn’t feel right…’ Riku thought to himself, feeling Amaterasu’s pleading eyes on him.

    “Sora…†she spoke out to the young Keyblade wielder. “Can you open the lock in his heart?†she asked him, no, rather she pleaded with him.

    “Open, his heart?†Sora asked flabbergasted.

    “Release it…†she said, still pinning Lucifer down on the ground.

    “Why-†Sora held his tongue as he noticed that Amaterasu just sighed in little annoyance.

    “It’ll be better to do it like that, than actually kill him…†she said as Lucifer closed his eyes for a moment. “He’s gone through to much already…â€

    “You always did have pity on all of us… Mother…†Lucifer said.

    In folklore Amaterasu was considered to be the sun goddess, and mother of all since she provided warmth and light, it was something motherly.

    “Just do it, kid!†Lucifer was practically begging him. “I can’t stand being in this kind of pain, heck I’d rather die than go back with my *** handed to me!†pride was speaking for him, in truth he wanted to die to preserve his pride, it was something that not even Amaterasu could understand, for she had no pride at all.

    Sora walked forward, and everyone was watching from behind the barrier. He pulled out Kingdom Key and placed the blade over Lucifer’s beating heart. Sora closed his eyes and the tip of his weapon was beginning to emit a white cleansing light, it was the first time Sora ever unlocked a person’s heart.

    The soon to be defeated Chaser closed his eyes welcoming the light, and Amaterasu looked away. A piece of her heart felt like it was crumbling, she had harbored some dislike to the blond man, but she saw as to why he did the things he had to do.

    ‘You didn’t want me to get hurt, but I did anyway no matter how careful I had been that day. You were a big brother to me when I couldn’t find Yomigami…’ for a moment she could feel tears swell up around her eyes.

    “Ammi…†Lucifer said smiling warmly as the light pierced his heart. “Don’t cry, it’s better this way… The light’s warm, just like the sun…†those were his last words when the light dissolved away from the Keyblade. His whole body began to glow, unable to take the gigantic amount that coursed through his body.

    Riku watched as the Chasers body began to break away into little white orbs. For a moment he could see butterfly wings on the orbs as the fluttered about. He looked at Amaterasu as she outstretched her hand to an orb that hovered near her.

    For a moment Riku thought back to a point in time when his mother hand done the same hand movement. When Riku came back to reality he could see it now. ‘She treats them like her children… Even if she is the youngest, she cares for them on a high emotional level, no matter of what happened in the past… I wonder if the real Amaterasu would do that…?’ he looked at Amaterasu, and noticed she gave a sad smile when the little orb flew away.

    The barrier came crashing down, like a howling wind. Riku could hear his name being called out and he turned around. Sora was standing near Amaterasu, and somehow he felt sympathy for her.

    “You have a heart?†Sora asked her in a gentle whisper.

    “I’m human… all Chasers’ have hearts, because we’re human.†She said looking at Sora, as his eyes grew wide in realization.

    He had defeated another person, one with a real heart, it wasn’t a Heartless or a Nobody, but a human, one with a heart. How her phrase shattered his heart, and that’s when he felt tears of anger fill his eyes.

    A human life was taken, and nothing was gained except one less member in the Chasers. Crying wouldn’t bring back that human life, but Sora wanted to cry.

    From the shock his heart felt, he wanted to puke, knowing he took someone’s life away so quickly. Had it been a Nobody or a Heartless it probably would’ve been different, but this was a human.

    “You knew I would do it, wouldn’t you?†he asked her angrily as he fell on his knees, the sand started to kick up with the wind around the area. “Why did you tell me he was human?!â€

    The others turned around and looked at Sora and the ex-Chaser. Amaterasu knelt down to face Sora, who was not crying a bit. She wanted to cry with him, knowing what she had done to the poor boy, it was something no one wanted to experience, the fact that you took a human life away.

    “Cry all you want, Sora…†she said stroking his spiky brown hair. “It’s okay…â€

    “But why? Answer me…†he said begging her.

    “He wanted it…†she said looking back at the others, they were coming forward. “I know you’re mad at me, I mean I would be too if I was in your shoes…†she said hoping to give the boy some peace of mind. “Go ahead and loathe me if you want, you have every right too…â€

    “Crying won’t bring that guy back… You were his friend weren’t you?†Sora asked her, looking at her through his teary eyes.

    “I was…†she said recalling a happier time she shared with Lucifer. “But that’s in the past for right now… He would’ve been happier this way.â€

    “How would you know?â€

    “Would your mother want you to die a painful death, or just fall into the warmth of the light?â€

    R I K U

    I can still look back on that day as if it were just yesterday, but that was one month ago. Sora still had some doubts about something, but he still did what he believed was right. We ran into another Chaser, she called herself Lene. She was defeated by Kairi and myself, while Sora was fighting off a Heartless that was in the area.

    Donald and Goofy had left since the King had sent an urgent letter. Sora told the two of them that the King needed them and that he had to be protected.

    ‘Riku, how have you been? I hope you’re not hurt or anything… I don’t know how to say this but, as I’m typing this out the Heartless have been conquering numerous worlds, and I know you’re aware of that. I’m in Traverse Town… They took Destiny Islands a month ago… At least now it’ll take a day for our txt mssg to get across…’

    That was all that her text message said, and my heart sank a bit. There was no joy, I couldn’t feel it in any of the words she had sent out, and I wanted to go to her, but I can’t, not right now…

    “Riku, just go…†Sora said. “I’ll be fine, besides we unlocked the light from Port Royal and from the Pride Lands. We have a little vacation time, so why not just go?â€

    “Are you sure?†I asked him, he hadn’t been his cheerful usual self since we came back from Port Royal. I asked him why, but he didn’t answer, I’m not sure even Kairi knew.

    “You need to see her. She’s missed you, no doubt…†Sora said grinning slightly. “Tell her I said hi, okay?â€

    “Yeah…†I said patting Sora on the shoulder as I got up from my chair.

    That’s how I ended up here in Traverse Town now, it was still the same as always, it got really dark at night, just like it was two years ago. More people inhabited this world, seeing as how the Darkness was still being its unrest-less self. Since we were both in the same area I decided to text her.

    ‘I’m in the Third District, by the fountain…’

    I sat down by the fountain; it was the only place that people rarely went to, the Third District. There weren’t any homes, just an abandoned house and a fountain, with a door, that once had a magician living on the other side of it. I heard the door open from the First District area, but to my disappointment it wasn’t her.

    People were coming and going through the area, and of course it was a Saturday. As she had once said Saturdays were for couples, I still remember that day. I smiled slightly to myself not really caring if people thought I was crazy.

    I popped in the headphones from her mp3 player. I still carried it with me. I promised her that I would give it back to her.

    My cell moved as it received a message from someone. I jumped slightly and picked it up, scanning trough the messages.

    ‘Riku, hey I’ve been standing over here for a couple of minutes, look up…’

    I looked up and noticed someone waving, it was her. My heart was beating pretty fast, and the pain in my heart came back again, I thought it had left me. It was hurting just as bad as when I first met that Amaterasu girl…

    “Riku!†Selma said happily hugging me with all her might. She kissed my cheek and hugged me again. I couldn’t breathe as she continued to hug me so hard. “Sorry!†she said apologizing as I almost fell backwards from the lack of oxygen.

    “I…Missed you,†it was the only thing I could tell her before I held her tight.

    Current Scene

    Riku held on tight to her burying his head in her chest, just like a scared child would. For now, she would be called Selma, just for his sake and only his. Selma sighed happily, embracing him.

    ‘This is real…’ she thought to herself closing her eyes as she placed her chin gently on his head. ‘I’m glad it’s real…’ What seemed like ages, they finally parted from their hug. Riku noticed that Selma had some tears in her eyes, but she quickly rubbed them off.

    “How… How have you been?†she asked shyly, just like the first time they met.

    “I’ve been all right,†the boy with silver hair said. He stood up, stretching his legs for a moment. Selma sat down by the edge of the fountain looking at the young boy for a moment smiling.

    It did pain her to tell him her real name, but it was probably the best thing she could do for now. If she did tell him her real name it would pain him badly, causing his heart to shatter the same way it had happened to Sora.

    She didn’t dwell on that for right now, what she cared most about was seeing Riku, and that’s why she came to the Third District. Riku smiled slightly and outstretched his hand to her. It brought back a good memory when Selma had been living on the island.

    “How’s mom?†Riku asked walking hand in hand with her.

    “She’s fine…†Selma said remembering Riku’s mother. She was living in one of the nearby hotels. “She’s misses you…â€

    “Same here…†Riku said as the two of them walked to the Second District. He pulled out her little mp3 player and felt proud of himself. “I’ve been keeping it safe, like I promised.†She in turn closed his palm, telling him to keep it a bit longer.

    Selma’s eyes lit up slightly as she felt a sigh of relief come over her knowing the familiar item was safe. She gave him a big smile, and Riku felt his cheeks get a bit red. He loved watching her smile like that, it made his heart calm down a bit.

    “I’ve been keeping my promise too,†she said taking his hand and pointing to where his mother was at. “Your mother and I have been sharing a room in that hotel.†It was close to an area where hats and shoes were sold. “She’s out though, visiting one of the neighbors that came with us.â€

    Everything was silent to them as they walked around just enjoying each other’s company. Riku wanted to hold her longer, just like that day he told her that he was leaving, but he didn’t want to ruin anything.

    Time and distance had somehow formed a gap in-between each other, and it was hurting both of them emotionally. ‘She needs me…’ Riku thought looking at her, she was talking about a good area where they could eat. ‘And I need her… But I can’t take her away from her family. It’s selfish of me, but I need her…’

    “Riku…†Selma tried to snap her friend out of his daze.

    Riku blinked slightly as Selma placed a hand on his forehead. He felt embarrassed for dozing off like that and he apologized.

    “Are you sure you’re okay?†she asked sitting him down on a bench. “How come Sora and Kairi aren’t with you?â€

    “Sora’s spending some time with Kairi, so…†he said smiling. “You get the idea…â€

    “Those two make a good couple…†she said breathing in the crisp night air. “Are you hungry? I know a good place that sells some awesome coffee-cake, and…†she started to ramble on again.

    Riku let her grab his hand, and she led the way this time. They went deeper into the First District area and Selma found the area she was looking for and hurried Riku along. The silver haired teen smiled and followed her the whole way, not once protesting.

    “Here…†he offered to pull out a chair. Selma decided it was better to sit outside the coffee shop.

    K a i r i

    “Sora, how are you feeling?†I asked looking at him feeling a bit worried.He sat up and gave me his trademark smile, but I knew he was still feeling a bit of regret. I told him it wasn’t his fault, but I don’t know if he’s listening or not.

    “I’m feeling better…†he said sating next to me this time. When he said that, I could feel that somehow I knew he was telling the truth this time.

    “I’m glad Riku went to go visit her…†I told Sora watching him rest his head on my shoulder. “He deserves to have a good time.â€

    “We all do…†Sora said pinching my cheek slightly. He kissed my cheek softly, it was still something that could make me blush madly.

    “It’s not your fault Sora…†I told him holding his hand, he had taken off his outfit and wore some tan shorts and a white shirt.

    “It still feels like it…†he said squeezing my hand for a moment. “But I know it’s not… But I can’t help it… I mean I…†I sighed quietly and placed a hand on his mouth. I shook my head slightly and he relaxed his jaw.

    “It’s still bugging you, what she asked you?â€

    “Just a little bit…†he said looking back at me. His eyes were mixed with confusion and sadness. I kissed him slightly on the cheek, and he smiled for a moment. “Let’s go walk around, maybe that’ll help…â€

    I stood up, but before I could even sigh I felt something lightly brush against my lips. I could feel my face grow hot with embarrassment. Sora’s eyes looked back at me, he was smiling, letting his worry slip away.

    “Sora…†I managed to whisper out. I could feel my voice crack with awkwardness.

    I could hear him laugh, and he shook his head. He grabbed my hand and led me outside. My first kiss, it was something so gentle, and I didn’t even see it coming…

    R i k u

    I watched her talk on a bit more before she sipped her cup of coffee. She was addicted to coffee, from what I remember that she told, her mother had once given her ‘café con leche’ which was milk and coffee in English. From then on she fell in love with the caffeinated liquid.

    I bit into the coffee-cake she bought, and she frowned slightly as I took the chance to bite it in front of her. She got me back by sipping the contents from my milkshake, and I pouted at her slightly.

    “Since when do you pout?†she asked, and for some reason her tone of voice reminded me of something a mother would say to her child.

    “…Uh…†it was hard trying to answer her that question. Instead I stuffed my mouth with my milkshake.

    “You know, I hope one day I find someone…†at that point I started to listen attentively. “I mean…†she was embarrassed to go on now. “Take Sora and Kairi for example, I want to be able to find someone like that…â€

    ‘I wonder how Sora and Kairi are doing…’ I thought to myself before looking back at Selma. She sipped her coffee again and sighed slightly. It was around 11 o’clock at night now, but you couldn’t tell because the night got dark around 5 o’clock.

    “What about you Riku, you think you’ll find someone like that?†and at that point I couldn’t help but spit out the last drop of my milkshake.

    A m a t e r a s u

    I watched Riku spit out his milkshake a bit when I asked him, apparently I embarrassed him, but why? He cleared his throat and sighed for a moment.

    “Well… do you?†I asked.

    “Yeah…†he nodded, almost afraid to answer now.

    “That’s good…†I said smiling at him.

    “What about you?†he asked taking another piece of my coffee cake. “You think you’ll find one like that?â€

    “Of course…†I said slapping his hand slightly as he tried to take another piece of the pastry.

    “Just a matter of waiting, that’s all…â€

    I wanted to pour my whole heart to him, just tell him everything, who I was, what I was. It would’ve made me feel so much better. What was the point in having a friend like this, if I couldn’t tell him my secret?

    I suppose I don’t want to make a bigger gap, so I won’t do anything. Still with time and distance, there was already a gap there, and I’d just make it worse if I confessed everything.

    “ Selma…â€

    I sighed for a moment and felt Riku tug on my hand a bit. I looked up and noticed that he was standing up already. He asked me if I was all right, and I nodded. ‘I don’t want to shatter your heart Riku, because I know you wouldn’t do that to me,’ I thought to myself, letting Riku pull me up.

    “Come on…†he was taking me back to the Second District.

    There were lanterns and festival items around this time of night. A carnival of some sort was going to be held here, but I just didn’t know when. I know that my brothers and sister would like it, and Riku’s mom. I wish at some points Mom was here to see stuff like that, but she’s in a better place having more fun than I could possibly ever imagine.

    “They say the carnival’s coming next week,†Riku said bringing me back to reality.

    “Really?†I asked, feeling a bit dazed now. “Riku…†my heart was beginning to race. “There’s something I need to tell you…â€

    Current scene…

    Amaterasu felt something caught in her throat, but she shook it off and tried to finish what she started, but it was no use.

    “Never mind…†she said sighing in defeat, she couldn’t bring herself to do it.

    “Hey, Selma?†Riku asked her something. “Have you ever heard of the Shinto sun goddess Amaterasu?â€

    “Yeah…†she said feeling a smile creep up on her. “Why?â€

    How she wished to give him her real name, and yet he didn’t know he had said her true name. Once again there was a pain in her heart. She could feel her heart wept as she kept the truth from him.

    “There’s an ex-Chaser by that name…â€

    “Really?†she asked. “Is she pretty?â€

    “…†Riku didn’t really now how to answer it. “She looks a bit like you…†he said, rubbing the back of his head. “But she’s… I don’t know I don’t feel like she’s good or she’s bad…â€

    It was then and there Riku told her everything that had happened up to this point in time. He spoke of Amaterasu and how she had fought with Kairi. He spoke of his adventure to the Pride Lands, and turning into a lion cub. He spoke of going to Isla Cruces, and getting sandwiched in-between a voodoo priestess and a pirate that didn’t have a general understanding of personal hygiene.

    He told her about how Lucifer had appeared, and what Sora had to do to get rid of him. He noticed that she looked down when he spoke about Amaterasu, somehow in his heart he had a feeling something was going on.

    “ Selma…?†he placed a hand on her shoulder.

    “That’s not my name…†she whispered. Her eyes began to produce tears. “I… My name… It’s…†the tears finally began to come down. “My… name it’s… Amaterasu…â€

    A m a t e r a s u

    What was I thinking right then and there, well absolutely nothing. My mind went blank and I didn’t know what to say or how to say it, but as I did say it, my heart started a twist around a bit, and I knew that was why I started to cry.

    I know how Riku feels now, because I’m ashamed of myself as well, I didn’t want him to ever know about who I really was, but… I wish I told him sooner.

    “If you want, go ahead and finish me off…†I said forcing his Keyblade to appear over head. “I don’t blame you if you’re mad…â€

    “ Selma…†he was still in shock, or he was upset, it was probably both.

    “Don’t call me that…†I said feeling angry at myself.

    “How… but why…?â€

    “I understand if you don’t want to see, maybe it’s better this way…†I looked away from him, and his Keyblade fell with a heavy thud.

    “Are you insane?!†he raised his voice at me for a moment. “What is the matter with you…?â€

    “That’s just it!†I yelled at him, feeling more tears stream down my face. “I can’t sleep well at night knowing that I’m lying to you! Or when I’d see you, I knew I couldn’t run up to hug you, or tell you hi or anything like that. I’ve had to watch you in the shadows…â€

    “I’ve been risking my *** trying to protect you… only to find out we’re cleaning up the messes you make…†he said trying to calm himself down. “You…!â€

    “This is why I didn’t want to tell you…†I said breaking down now. “I was wrong to tell you, I thought you were my friend, I though that we could tell each other something without judging the other… I guess I was wrong…â€

    There was another jab in my heart, and I placed a hand over it, it was starting to annoy me more and more. Riku’s expression was that of hurt, but still he didn’t walk away from me, but he stayed and talked, I’m really surprised, then again he is my friend, but I’m not so sure about that now.

    “S… Amaterasu…†he said my real name this time. “I think this little meeting is over…â€

    “Before you leave, Riku…†I noticed he had withdrawn his Keyblade. “Tell Sora it’s not his fault…†but all I felt were his arms wrapped around me, and I could hear him crying. He was mad at me, but he still hugged me, and I didn’t know what to do this time. I cried with him.

    “Then come with us…†he wanted me to go, I could tell by the wavering tone in his voice. “Please…â€

    “I… I can’t…†I told him feeling him push me away. “I wish it were that simple Riku, I really do…â€

    “What’s stopping you?â€

    “The people I love get hurt…†I told him looking away slightly. I wiped the tears from my eyes. “It’s because of them… I love you guys too much to watch you get hurt…â€

    “You’re hurting us at the same time…†he said, and I felt my eyes widen.

    It was true, what I thought was protection was in fact hurting them as well, it protected me and my family, but not my friends, so I had failed right there. He placed his hands on my cheeks, and I could still feel some tears fall. I winced in embarrassment and looked away.

    “You’re too kind to me Riku…†I told him. “Other people would’ve left right after I told them…â€

    “I’m not like other people…†he said trying hard to smile. “I’m still a bit mad at you, but not to the point where I’d leave you crying alone…†he leaned in, and I pushed him away.

    “No… Riku, I can’t…†I told him placing a finger on his lip. “I can’t… It’s better if you leave for right now…â€

    Truth be told as much as I did want his comfort, I couldn’t. My heart, as I felt it, was still too fragile, still mending wounds from over thirty years ago. I shook my head slightly and he stopped in his tracks. He did at least respect me, but how I wished I could hold him close.

    “Why would I leave you?!†he said grasping his hand in mine.

    “Because of what I’ve done…†I said knowing that he was still angry with me. I could feel it in my heart. “I don’t deserve to be your friend… I don’t deserve to have a special place in your heart… I wanted this day to be like old times, but it can’t because of time and distance! I wanted to be able to laugh a lot today, but the weight of my own sins came to me when I hugged you, when I held your hand…†I knew I was crying again.

    “Then let me help you…†he was begging me. “I want to help you…â€

    R i k u

    I don’t understand what happened, but it feels like I’m in a dream or something. I know who she is, but somehow it hasn’t caught up to me yet, but I know it will and when it does, it’s not going to be all that wonderful. I want to hold her and tell her everything’s going to be all right, but I know she’s afraid.

    ‘Truth be told, I care too much for you,’ I thought to myself as I looked at her.

    “Amaterasu…†it seemed really weird coming out from my mouth. I leaned in again, and this time she hugged me. I kissed her cheek softly, it was a bit salty, but I mean she did cry after all.

    Just mere seconds away from sharing my first kiss with her, but she stopped me. Again she told me she couldn’t, and I felt like I had done something wrong. She’s probably doing it to keep me safe, but I want to protect her more than anything right now, that’s something that I know I’m sure of right now.

    Tonight, I wanted to let her cry, and I would hold her close telling her everything would be all right, and that we could work it out. Yet somehow I knew it wasn’t going to be that easy, our friendship would mostly likely end soon, and I was afraid of losing her.

    “They’ll come after you…†she said whispering into my ear. “I don’t want you getting hurt. Lucifer was nothing compared to them…â€

    “Lucifer couldn’t fight…â€

    “True…†she said. “But if I had been in his shoes I would’ve rather died that way than die by Gabriel’s hands…â€

    She kissed my cheek, and she let her lips linger on there for a second longer, and I could feel my face start to blush. At least I made her smile. But I had a feeling I wasn’t going to be seeing her for a long time.

    “Ammi…†I whispered to her, just pushing back some strands of hair away from her face. I kissed her on the forehead and she gave me a sad smile. That was the last time I saw her as she retreated into a dark portal, and for that moment this whole thing caught up to me.

    I fell back onto a nearby bench, and I could feel anger and confusion and sadness rage in me. For once the first person I shared a paopu fruit with had left me alone. I know why I didn’t get that angry with her, it’s because of a thing called love.

    “I wish you knew how much I loved you Amaterasu…â€

    That wd and still do love her, and not a million fights could make me hate her, never… Her and I we’re alike. Each one of us has their own reason for doing what they had to do. Her family, it’s very important to her, and I’m fighting to protect her, my friends, and also my mother.

    The Clock Tower

    A blond spiky haired man looked at the crying girl and sighed heavily. He just placed a hand on her head and patted her gently as a way of comforting. He looked back down and noticed the silver haired teenager.

    “He must care for you a lot…†he said. Amaterasu just stared at the man with the Chocobo like hair, she pouted for a moment.

    “Cloud, you have someone who cares so much for you, why don’t you just go to her already?â€

    “Amaterasu, I don’t want to hurt her…â€

    Cloud Strife a man from another world made his way to Traverse Town believing he had no other place to go to, so that was why he did in fact reside here. A young woman by the name of Tifa had been unsuccessful in finding him, since this world had fallen into darkness about a week ago, and Amaterasu and her siblings had found a way to bring this fallen world back.

    “But you are, Aerith has been waiting for you for almost a year now, she saw you last year, and you didn’t even stay that long! She knows deep in her heart that you can see the light that’s guiding you home, why aren’t you following it?!â€

    “I’m trying to protect her… I don’t want her to get hurt by my return, what if she doesn’t even want to see me anymore?†it was at that point even a mother would scowl their children for thinking like that.

    “She planted a paopu tree for your return…†she sighed heavily for a moment taking a mother like role this time. “You said so yourself once… When Radian Garden was getting destroyed, do you remember what you said?†Amaterasu asked wiping her tears away.

    “I would never get to see her smile, or get angry, or get mad, or even laugh…â€

    “She doesn’t get to see you laugh, or smile, or cry, or even get angry!†she was obviously losing her temper with him, any mother would when their child didn’t listen.

    “You know that’s not very mother like…â€

    “If I was your mother, I’d tell you to go and visit her…†she said. “Now go Cloud… Please you know she's waiting for you..."

    "I'm not one to say much on this subject..." he said looking back down at the scene below them, "But it'd be nice if you took your advice once in a while..."
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Archives
  4. rikufanattic


    Leila looked at the two people on the other side of the arcade. It seemed that one person wanted to go in but the other person decided against it. She tuned out the noise to keep her ears stable, she didn't want to eavsdrop anyway.
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. rikufanattic
    heh, yeah I'm just waiting for people to post or else it'd be considered doubling posting. Little side note I typed up to following chapters before At Worlds End came out thank you very much.

    Chapter Nine: Isles and Lucifer

    Kairi watched as her Keyblade was flung into the air, the metallic luster was glinting a bit as the sun’s rays gleamed across the area. At that point she felt something razor-sharp touch her neck, her blue eyes stared at the edge of the Keyblade, and she let out a small whimper, as would anyone who had something dangerously close to them.

    Her Keyblade fell with a heavy metallic thud, and Riku stopped in the middle of his attack, thinking that Kairi had fallen or something. Yomigami took his chance and knocked Riku down. Yomigami’s blade lightly touched Riku’s shoulder, and Riku could feel a dark presence in his attacker.

    “I told you not to get distracted…†he told the fallen boy. “My sister won’t hurt anyone… But I one the other hand have a difficult time following that…â€
    “Don’t you dare…!†Amaterasu said in a rather cold tone to her oldest sibling. She had Kairi in a corner all to herself. “That’s enough…â€

    “Just one little piercing… I mean I’ll heal it all up, I just want to see if he bleeds black blood, I mean he did once become the darkness, did he not?†Yomigami pushed his Keyblade a bit further, breaking the skin, and Riku winced slightly at the pain.

    “Brother…†she said in a commanding tone.

    Riku took the chance and slowly pushed the Keyblade away using both of his hands, and it was a rather risky move, anyone could admit to that. Yomigami one the other hand pretended not to notice as he watched his sister carefully, she in return did the same.

    “Kairi, call your Keyblade back!†Riku said straining to push the blade away from his shoulder.

    Kairi’s mind wasn’t focusing at all on her weapon, but rather the dangerous weapon that hovered close to her. Her mind went blank, and she forgot how to call her weapon back to her side. Amaterasu on the other hand just let out a small side, and drew her weapon back down to her side. Yomigami continued to have Riku pinned down, nudging his weapon against his shoulder, the turquoise eyed teen cried out in pain as the Keyblade broke a millimeter of skin.

    “Stop!†Amaterasu cried out to her brother, somehow Kairi could sense that the girl was feeling concerned for his well being.

    Riku held his Keyblade in his right hand, and strained to raise the weapon up, close to Yomigami’s leg. The eldest brother just looked at Riku and laughed slightly, and then smiled at him for a moment.

    “I guess your blood bleeds red… Shame I thought the darkness would still be in you…†Yomigami said pulling out his weapon. Riku’s shoulder was soon beginning to ache in pain as he could feel blood slowly run down his arm.

    At the same time Amaterasu felt a sharp pain pierce her should as well, but she managed to hide her reaction. Her heart was starting to twist a bit, as she could feel Riku’s pain. Such was the fate the paopu fruit had instilled on her. She could feel his pain, but to a minimum, where it would just be just like a little stab, and nothing more.

    “Let’s go…†the girl said looking back at her big brother, his gaze was still on Riku as he casted a Cure on the boy’s bleeding shoulder.

    “I told you I’d fix…†Yomigami said grabbing Riku roughly by his collared shirt. “You’re really lucky my sister has pity for you.†With that Riku was on his feet, with his Keyblade still in his possession.

    Kairi on the other hand managed to call her weapon back, but it was too late now. The Shadow Hound was standing next to the girl with the wicked Keyblade, and Sora’s Keyblade was still in Yomigami’s position.

    “Give this to Sora…†the blood lusting fighter said, throwing the metallic weapon to Kairi. “Tell him we said ‘hi’.†And with that he smiled happily at the two individuals.

    “We’ll see you guys again someday…†Amaterasu said directing the Shadow Hound where to go. “Until then, Kairi… Try and keep your mind on the opponent, please…â€

    Two weeks after…

    Port Royal, believe it or not, the place has been opened back up somehow. Sora and the gang noticed that they didn’t need to clear the pathway, since something, or someone had already banished the Heartless gummi ships from the area.

    Upon arriving to Port Royal Sora, Donald, and Goofy along with Riku and Kairi, discovered that the darkness had been slightly diminished thanks to the Sun Goddess and her children.

    “Sun Goddess?†Sora asked Captain Jack Sparrow.

    “Aye…†Jack said feeling a bit rather detached from the whole conversation. He was contemplating on the events the unfolded before. Sora stared at the captain for a moment trying to figure out why he was acting so distant. “That lass, she sure could fray mighty well against those Heartless…â€

    “Was she the one who helped?†the young Keyblade wielder asked.

    “She be the one who caused this disturbance…†a voice said sitting next to Sparrow.

    This woman’s name is Tia Dalma, not as the goddess of the sea, rather a carbon copy of her human form. A voodoo priestess who traded Captain Jack Sparrow his famous compass seven years prior for a bag of gold. Apparently this voodoo priestess knew Jack Sparrow even before, possibly during his childhood, but that’s best remained unsaid.

    Captain Jack Sparrow spoke of how once the fight with the East India Trading Company and the Brethren of the Coast, things started to go rather peaceful. It wasn’t until two weeks ago that the attack of those Heartless started to worry the people around the area. With Elizabeth on earth and Will somewhere off in another part of the world of the dead, Jack was left with his crew and the Black Pearl. He, believe it or not, was still bent on mastering the Keyblade, he remembered that he’d be the one to take Sora’s weapon away from him. Donald and Goofy laughed at Sora seeing as how he was getting defensive about Jack beating him.

    “That’s besides the point…†Jack said continuing with his story. Kairi and Riku, along with Donald and Goofy were entranced by the captain’s story. “That lass ended up taking something from this heart, I suppose one could call it…â€

    “A heart?†Sora asked.

    Jack Sparrow nodded, “It’s interesting, she pulled something out of that heart, a rather big heart at that too…â€

    “Her name be that of the fabled sun goddess, but she don’t act like one at all…†Tia said recounting what she had seen. “She pulled something out from that heart, something that was as black as night…â€

    “The darkness from the heart of the world…?†Kairi asked looking at the voodoo priestess. Tia nodded in agreement to her assumption.

    “Sun Goddess did look a tad upset, she seemed rather sorry,†Jack said. “That’s when the Heartless came, trying to reclaim that darkness…â€

    “And everything after that has been calm?†Riku asked, still finding it hard to believe.

    “Heartless here and there, but nothing Cap-†as Jack was going to finish his line a familiar monkey jumped on him, causing his hat to come off. The monkey screeched happily and perched himself on Tia’s shoulder. Donald and Goofy jumped at the noise the monkey made.

    “Don’t tell me…†Jack fixed his hat and looked back trying to find that familiar person. Somehow the little are they were sitting in was a very open place where people could find them, and by people it was probably just Jack the monkey. Captain Sparrow didn’t find the person he was looking for and went back on to talking again, before Tia interrupted him.

    “Take it, by how much you’ve been speaking about this goddess, you’ve been smitten by her swordplay?†Tia asked Jack, noticing how much he rambled on about Sun Goddess. Tia Dalma knew her true name, but of course she wasn’t speaking, no one asked her so she did not answer.

    Jack was about to answer when he heard someone come from in back of them. There was Captain Barbossa in the flesh once more. He still was and is the same captain he was before. Both he and Jack did still argue about who would be captain of the Black Pearl, it was still a confusing argument that never once was settled.

    He still had rings on his finger, and cared very much for his appearance. His hat revealed feathers, in fact they were blue ostrich feathers, and the buttons on his coat were made from Incan silver. The weapon he had, his pistol, was taken from a Spanish pirate, which he had won in a duel that the Spanish pirate lost.
    Jack, the monkey took his leave from Tia’s shoulder to that of his preferred owner, Captain Hector Barbossa.
    That’s when he spoke, “There be more of them foul creatures on that isle…†Barbossa said, his voice not missing a beat.

    Sora decided that is was best to ask, but he still was a bit apprehensive in asking Barbossa.

    “That same one the goddess was on, Barbossa?†Sora asked, forgetting formalities with this captain.

    Captain Barbossa nodded, telling them that the isle was called Isla Cruces, which meant Crosses Island. Barbossa and Sparrow looked in back of them to witness the scene. Past the shores their eyes wandered down the horizon, the winds were starting to pick up. The howling signaled that something was aggravating the area, and that’s where the storm was settling in, in the same area around that isle.

    The others started to notice the scene, as it obviously had some meaning to the whole predicament.

    “Something tells me a big one just came out…†Kairi said, feeling something stir up within her soul, a Heartless of this magnitude was waiting on that island.

    “I wouldn’t doubt it lass…†Hector Barbossa said, watching Jack Sparrow adjust his hat as it was going to fly away any second from now.

    Riku felt something on his stomach, like a small twitch or something, but it was enough to make him blink in surprise. His heart, it had stopped hurting for two weeks, but the pain came back, though this time it was dull.

    Everyone took Jack’s example, no not the monkey, the pirate, they all walked with him to the pier where the Black Pearl was stationed at. Tia would accompany them again, this being her second time on the Black Pearl. She explained to Sora that she could help find the lock since she had a general idea of what it looked like, and that he had the key that could unlock it, thus obliterating the Heartless from the isle.

    “Pray tell Barbossa, how did you know there were Heartless on the isle?†Sparrow asked once they were on board the ship.

    “I used my ship of course…†Barbossa answered the man.

    “You’re ship?†Sparrow asked curiously. “It better not have been mine…â€

    “The Black Pearl doesn’t belong to you, Sparrow…â€

    “Oh brother…†Goofy and Donald said in unison hearing Sparrow and Barbossa bicker like children.

    “Don’t be starting this again you two…†Tia warned them.

    R i k u

    ‘They’re everywhere!’ I thought to myself as I pulled out my Keyblade for the, who-the-hell-knows-how-many times. It was really starting to get on my nerves. I brought my weapon down on one of the Heartless. It disappeared from my view, and noticed that three more took its place.

    The only thing that processed in my mind were Pureblood Heartless, they were far stronger than the artificial Heartless, which meant that something stronger was controlling, probably that thing that escaped deeper into the abandoned island.

    “Sora!†my mind snapped back into reality as I saw Sora disappear from my sight.
    This place was dark as night, but I could faintly see within the shadows, but not as much as I once did. I could hear Kairi, she was pretty close by, and Tia was reciting an incantation for our health, or whatever she was trying to chant out, somehow it gave me some relief in my heart.

    “Right here!†Sora said. I heard something collided with his Keyblade. “We need some light!†Donald was firing his Fira spells and Goofy was trying his best not to throw his weapon across the room.

    I felt the breath of a Heartless by my arm, and I froze, it stopped breathing and I moved back a bit. Kairi yelled out a Fire spell and the area was lit for a small moment in time as the ball of fire collided with a thick body of Pureblood Heartless.
    Jack Sparrow and Barbossa seemed like they had no problem fighting against them, but there some points where the two of them got to cocky. I felt something going for my leg, and I jumped back, it was really starting to get annoying all right, and I was having enough of it all.

    “Get. Away!†I yelled in-between slashes from my weapon, the Heartless were listening, as more of its comrades were starting to fall down. Pureblood Heartless listen to those who are stronger, but I think that’s only with other Heartless, but they do fear the Keyblade, so I guess that makes sense.

    Something dug its claws onto my back, and an icy cold sensation swept down my back as I felt as though the claws were freezing. I reached behind furiously and flung the thing down onto to ground. It hissed, and it came back up again, I think, I heard something flap so it probably had wings.

    I heard Goofy smack something close by me, and I think it was that Heartless, and Donald performed another Fira spell, and I thanked both of them.

    “I see an opening!†Jack called out. I could hear him close by.

    At last after finally kicking a couple of Heartless to the side, I could see the light at the end of the area. Tia was ahead of us, she had no problem finding her way through the dark, and she let her sixth sense lead the way. We all were out of breath, panting a bit trying to get our muscles to relax once more. Everyone still had their weapons out just in case they decided to ambush us.

    “I hope that’s all of them…†Kairi said panting more than the rest of us. Her magic was beginning to take its toll.

    That girl Amaterasu, the one with the wicked Keyblade, she was right, Kairi did lack in strength and magic would end up being a double-edged sword for her. Tia recited Healing Wind, and our health came back. I was feeling woozy from when that Heartless dug its claws into me, the pain was going away, but I felt that blood was still soaking through my shirt.

    Donald carried some of those strength enhancers and gave some to Kairi, because she really needed it, and Goofy gave me some of the defense enhancers.

    “Are you okay?†Sora asked, his blue eyes holding his emotion of concern in them. I nodded to him and he still didn’t believe me. “Are you sure? You’re still bleeding…â€

    “At least it’s not that serious anymore…†I said smiling a bit, leaning against my Keyblade for support. “I’m just a bit tired…â€

    “We all are…†Sparrow said as Tia checked Sparrow’s arm for a moment. She frowned and Sparrow laughed a bit as she placed her hand on his arm, and with a gentle blue glow the flesh that was cut on his arm started to rapidly close back together.

    “What’s your compass say, Jack?†Barbossa said as Jack pulled out his second prized possession.

    “Hold on…†he handed it to Tia and the voodoo priestess pointed to what she believed was north. “It says, that way…†Jack Sparrow pointed to whatever direction that compass pointed.

    “Are you sure that’s the right way?†Donald asked trying to catch up with Jack.

    “It’s never failed me once…†Jack said feeling confident.

    “Tia, you know where it is?†Goofy asked looking at the voodoo priestess, and she nodded. Somehow Goofy felt that the compass was right.

    We followed the bewitched compass, the further we went into the area the narrower the path became, and we all ended up squeezing together, I unfortunately got stuck, more like sandwiched in-between Tia and Jack Sparrow, I know any other female would’ve loved to be in my position, well sort of anyway.

    “Riku, I’ll traded places with you next time, savvy?†Jack said, and yet I wish he could understand the meaning of personal hygiene.

    Deeper in the area…

    “This thing is huge!†the younger sibling cried out. A messy of spiky orange hair was visible from the sibling as he ran down the opposite path of the area. He was wearing baggy shorts and a light blue shirt.

    “Ammi is fighting that thing!†the other twin called out. Both Moegami and Kazegami had laid their eyes to the battle that was still ensuing with their young sister and the gargantuan Heartless.

    Yomigami was the first to make a mad dash to the area. Of course since this was an island all there was, was in fact, sand, and the Shadow Hound known as Chico picked up the scent of his owner’s sibling within a second.

    The others went behind their big brother, with their own Keyblades, ready to lend a hand to their sibling if she did in fact need it. ‘Please, I’m praying don’t let her die…’ Yomigami prayed in his mind over and over again as he ran down the area,
    finally seeing the shore.

    He could see that there was a Heartless that was roughly the size of a Behemoth, or rather probably close to one of the Pureblood Heartless called Darkside, that was the first Heartless to touch the ground of Destiny Islands, and the others worlds that were first touched by the evil darkness.

    Amaterasu pulled out her second Keyblade, to block the enormous fist of the Heartless, and a small crater formed in the sand as the impact was very strong. She was breaking a sweat yet, but the Heartless was very persistent.
    Yomigami was going to jump in when Tachigami pulled her male twin back. She shook her head, and at that point Yomigami would’ve just cussed her out because he felt helpless watching his sister fight that Heartless.

    “But…I…†Yomigami tried to pull his arm away from his twin.
    Amaterasu did a two step move she had learned when she was younger, and it kept the Heartless confused for a moment. She took the chance to run up its arm and she raced frantically and with her wicked looking Keyblade struck the enemy dead on, but as it was falling backward, it managed to grab her with his other hand.

    She cried out as she could feel her bones slowly crack as the Heartless finally landed with a thud on the ground. She was trying to wriggle out, just so that she could just escape with a broken shoulder, but it wasn’t working.

    This Heartless’ name was called ‘Deadly Detonation’ due to the fact that once it was destroyed that the victor had about 30 seconds to escape from the area, since it would most likely explode.

    To everyone’s surprise however the Heartless stood up, still holding the girl in its grasp. The wicked Keyblade was pined in-between the eyes and it picked it off with some ease. Yomigami couldn’t stand it anymore and he rushed forward, pulling out his own Keyblade. He watched his sister Keyblade fall to the floor, and her strength was running out from the pain, since she didn’t call it back to her.
    Amaterasu turned her head slightly in pain as she heard her name being called out. Yomigami, Tachigami, and the others were speeding up with their weapons. Multiple Firaga spells were targeted on the hand that held their sister.

    With that Amaterasu was free of the grasp, but she felt that she could no longer respire that well, feeling woozy from moving so much, and as she made her decent to the sand her eyes caught one small glimpse of silver hair.

    ‘So close… Yet so far away, Riku please don’t be angry with me…’ she thought to herself before she ended up in her big brother’s arms. Sora and the others had arrived to the area, hearing Amaterasu cry out in pain.

    ‘What the?! They’re here?!’ it was the same thing Riku and Kairi were thinking when they say the familiar boy and girl. Sora’s group advanced forward and noticed that one of the other group’s members was down. There was a pain in Riku’s shoulder and he twitched slightly groaning for a moment.

    Riku rushed forward with his Keyblade the Way to Dawn and Sora with his version of Oblivion. Kairi ran forward with her own Keyblade, while Donald went with his Save the Queen staff and Goofy with his Save the King shield.

    Barbossa and Jack stayed behind for a moment playing rock, paper, and scissors to determine who would still the glory of running down first. The voodoo priestess beat the two pirates to it, preparing another incantation.

    Tia noticed that the fallen girl was the sun goddess, Amaterasu, and her children, the children were in fact the siblings, though the names of the children stemmed back from ancient folklore. ‘She’ll wake up in a few moments if it is in fact the same girl from decades ago…’ Tia thought as she drew up a complicated symbol in the sand, for someone reason the thought was second nature, for a carbon copy.

    “It’s Sun Goddess!†Jack said brandishing his weapon.

    “Her?!†Riku and Kairi asked looking back at the captain.

    The Heartless became enraged having more people gang up on it, and the siblings were more than happy to fight along side them, but with what Riku and Kairi had told the others, the siblings had made enemies pretty fast.

    “Riku…!†Sora cried out the Heartless was bringing its arm around, and Riku was in his path. Donald would’ve tried to caste Stop spell but it would’ve been too late. The abandoned Keyblade that was on the ground no longer was underneath the Heartless’ feet.

    At that moment Riku braced himself just hoping that he could face the pain quickly, but he felt something in front of him, and the girl sighed in relief, looking back a moment to face Riku. She smiled slightly, and pushed back the Heartless’ arm, keeping it away from Riku at any cost.

    “What are…?†Riku felt the pain come back into his heart, and it was beating slowly, as if it was trying to be in synch with something.

    “You can thank me later…†she said jumping onto the Heartless’ arm and continued what she had started.

    He noticed the older brother and he mimicked the same action as his sister, both of them were tag-teaming the Heartless, and Sora wanted to do the same. Jack and Barbossa took the rear while Donald and Goofy covered Kairi; since her offense left her open now. The siblings took turns casting spells at the Heartless feet, to get it to fall faster.

    Donald threw his staff as it was burning with flames, blocking a n attack that was coming towards Sora, and Goofy threw his shield to parry alongside it.
    Riku tossed Sora into the air, and Amaterasu was within reach to pull him along and she did, throwing him straight ahead towards the Heartless’ head, and Sora braced himself as he could feel his blade push through the dark massed creature.

    ‘Down for the count…’ Amaterasu thought as her brother sliced through its left arm. She looked back and noticed the voodoo priestess, a feeling of nostalgia swept through her mind as she gently landed on the ground.

    Tia Dalma muttered a silent prayer and the Heartless was enveloped in a black mist, to keep it from exploding, it simply started to fade away like the other Pureblood Heartless would.

    Amaterasu sighed, and looked back at Riku feeling a sense of joy knowing that she had saved him, but she knew Riku was thinking the complete opposite. She didn’t blame him, if she had been in his shoes she probably would’ve been thinking the same thing.

    A m a t e r a s u

    ‘Riku, I’m so glad I could protect you, but you’re getting slow! Geez, I’m not going to be saving your behind 24/7, and neither can your friends, you seriously would’ve gotten a concussion or something…I’m glad you’re doing all right though…’ I thought looking at the turquoise eyed teen. I had missed the sight of silver hair for quite some time.

    “Sun Goddess!†I turned around looking at Captain Jack Sparrow. The last time I paid a visit to this world I was probably about 15, that was about two decades ago. I, like Tia Dalma, don’t age that fast, thanks to something that happened a long time ago.

    He’d grown up so much, but I can see why Tia treats him like a child still, he still does act like a child at some points. Captain Barbossa, he joined Sparrow’s crew as first mate while he had run way from home.

    I noticed the look on Goofy’s face, and if he’d recognized my Keyblade, and my appearance then this meeting would turn rather sour and confusing. Lucky I just heard him say I looked awfully familiar and I sighed in relief. I have a though that something else was going to come since the other Chasers probably would’ve caught scent of this whole fight.

    The Pureblood Heartless was strong, which was my own fault for trying to collect the darkness that was stored in the heart of this world. The energy, I can’t forget holding that in my hands just thinking about all the memories it held within it.
    Jack Sparrow had caught sight of me and Heartless seeped out from the shadows to protect the ball of darkness, I was in charge of them, but they quickly turned on me when a previous chaser member found me.

    “Well, well, well…†my heart began to race. ‘That voice… I know that voice…’ I thought to myself withdrawing both of my Keyblades. “Come on now little one, you won’t look at me right away?â€

    “Get away from here, Lucifer!†Tachigami called out summoning her Keyblade. It was a black and green coated blade. It looked like an abstract version of Kingdom Key. “You have no right being here!â€

    Lucifer Soble, a low ranking Chaser but since we lost our position he’s higher than us, but only because of the system. He wore a black shirt with matching black pants, and apparently he had taken off his soldier armor, since he had his black coat on top of his clothing. Along his pants were noticeable red seams and black boots, he had short blonde hair with an earring on his left ear.

    “Last time I check Tachigami… You no longer have any business here, or anywhere else for that matter, you’re all banished, remember?!†he said pulling out a black and white Keyblade. “I’m giving you guys three seconds…â€

    “Go fu-†I wanted to yell it out to him, but Yomigami placed his hand over my mouth.


    “Get lost Lucifer, go running to Gabriel…†Moegami said holding his Keyblade ready.

    “Two…†Lucifer said starting to lose his patience with the younger sibling.

    “Would someone care to explain as to what is going on?!†it was none other than Jack as he fired his pistol to grab our attention for the moment.

    That was by far the worse thing someone could ever do to Lucifer, make him explain himself, we would rather die by his Keyblade then hear him go on and on and on, he loved to talk, and maybe Jack could be the fellow we need to distract Lucifer while we roshambow him in the nuts or something, it’s a pretty fun game, well my brothers like playing that anway…

    Only the deity’s know what kind of person decided that kicking a guy in his sack was a fun way to entertain themselves that they made a game out of it. I’d really love to meet the fellow who invented this.

    “They’re ex-Chasers, and I’m a Chaser…†Lucifer said trying to explain it to Jack and the others. “It’s a hard concept…â€

    “I bet it is lad…†Jack said making simple gesture that got Lucifer upset.

    “I’m not crazy!†Lucifer said pointing his blade close to Jack’s neck.

    “I beg to differ!†I shouted out finally letting Yomigami to let me go. “What the hell are you doing here? You don’t like this place…†I said standing up to face him.

    “You finally decide to speak, little experiment…†Lucifer said I could feel his gloved hand gently touch my cheek. “Heh, you still haven’t changed a bit…†I felt his hand squish my cheeks together. “Little, little girl…â€

    “Go fush yoshelf…†I said trying to make the words audible to him.

    “Let go of the lass…†I heard Jack’s pistol click, it was aimed for the back of Lucifer’s head.

    I pulled away from Lucifer, and brought one Keyblade close to the middle of his eyes, and he gulped slightly, he wasn’t much of fighter, he was just all talk. I how I resisted roshambowing him, it was very tempting, and how I wanted him to fall, so I could put him out of his misery, but I can’t, which is horrible to my whole being…

    “I won’t fight you today…†Lucifer said reappearing behind me as I felt his arms around my neck. “Aw, reminds me of the good old days…â€

    “Yeah well ****ing creep, keep your hands off of my sister!†Gekigami said bring Lucifer downth a kick to the back. “That’s sick you freak!†Geki yelled at him, this time he was mad, which probably was a bad thing for Lucifer

    Lucifer coughed up some sand, and the others, meaning Sora and the gang just stared feeling confused about the whole thing, well Tia the voodoo priestess knew what was going on.

    Lucifer got up and faced me with his weapon, and I pulled out my other blade, slashing one side down and the other to the side. Lucifer blocked them, but he barely had anytime. ‘Come on Riku, if you can hear this from your heart, help me out…’ I wanted him to hear what my heart wanted to badly, but maybe I was asking too much already. At that point Riku stepped forward with the familiar looking Keyblade.

    “I’m going to be the one that gets her, not you Lucifer…†Riku said standing next to me with his weapon drawn.

    “Don’t go killing the lass just yet… I want to see her fight once more…†Jack said hoping to get another glimpse of my fighting skills he did like watching me fight as a kid. And from what Tia told me earlier before he fancied someone who could fight almost as well, her name was Elizabeth, so I guess he just liked me for my sword work, and because I remind him of Elizabeth when it came to fighting, oh the joy, well not really but you get the point…

    Sora stood next to Riku, he probably thought that he owed us since I saved Riku for that small moment in time, which is a good thing, because Lucifer is horrible against 3-on-1 battles.
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Archives
  6. rikufanattic


    Leila walked down the street this time and yawned. It had been awhile since she had tuned out the noises at will. She would've given anything to be a normal human with normal hearing, but then again that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

    "At least I'm happy I don't read minds." she said looking to the side and noticed the arcade, one of the noisest places for her now. "I'd give anything to play... but..." she didn't know if her will would be strong enough. She noticed someone playing on expert and she chuckled.
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. rikufanattic
    Nero moved about the area keeping himself on his toes. He didn't like the fact that there were so many of them here on the earth just walking about. 'Anyone could pick a fight right here and now...' he thought to himself.

    He turned his head around slightly watching from the corner of his eyes. The demonic humanoid thought he felt another presence nearby.
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. rikufanattic
    The professor noticed Case stick her head out from the hallway and into the kitchen. There was no doubt in his mind that she was hungry and the demon in her was starting to take advantage of her weak body. 'She better relax...' he didn't know if Markus could hold her back if she lost control.

    "Like I said once the two of you are done eating, you should go and see the outside world..."

    "..." Case nodded and looked back at Markus. "Are you hungry?" she asked her friend.
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. rikufanattic


    Leila yawned looking out the window of her new home, where ever that was. People were moving, the place looked like a camp of some sort. The faint sound of a rapid heartbeat pierced her skull and she looked at the door behind her.

    "...It's okay..." she responded softly.
    "Gabriel..." Maya looked at him for a moment as he lifted his head up in acknowledgment. "We should..."

    "Get moving I know..." Sylar said quickly as he rose from his chair. That irritating ticking noise was starting to stir up when he looked at her. He wanted her power, but he couldn't for fear of having his life taken away so quickly. 'I'll play this by ear, I've been doing that for two years... more time couldn't hurt...' he thought.
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. rikufanattic


    ((Not to sound a bit impatient, but are we going to start pretty soon?))
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. rikufanattic


    ((I wouldn't mind taking Maya, I love her. And I'll take Sylar. Plus I'll make my own OC.))

    Leila Diaz
    Power: Has bionic hearing, she's even able to hear the beating of a heart and tell the vibarations around her, like if someone's nervous or if a bomb went off miles away.
    Appearance: Leila Diaz
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. rikufanattic
    Well you guys I love to draw and mak signatures, I'm not that great but I use to do request for some of my friends on other forums. I've been using Photoshop LE 5.
    I did one for Xejicka though I don't see her on that much on this site.

    Enjoy people, and CnC is more than welcomed.

    Cloud sketch
    It took me two whole days because of his hair... note I drew this before AC came out when they were still just giving screenshots.

    Bringing darkness
    I got bored and so I just did this thingy. I made it for myself when I was on WLA or as it was known as WLM. My old RP name was Case, and it's evident on some of my other stuff too.

    Happy Birthday
    I did this one for Xejicka since she liked Aqua a lot, I didn't want to make Aqua's drawn image screen with the background.

    Fate of the Unknown
    Yeah I was listening to the song when I was making this one. Luminosity... I like tampering with it.

    Birth by Sleep
    Yep that's the one I love the most out of all of them, I think it's because of the eye in the background.

    To protect
    I'm not to proud of this one though... I'll redo this one when I can find more screen shots of BBS.
    Thread by: rikufanattic, Nov 29, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  13. rikufanattic
    I saw my friend cry today when she read this part of New Moon... but that's not the point...

    Yeah I have cried when I read books. I cried when I read White Fang, I don't know why though but I read it when I was young. In 'The Silver Kiss' and a couple of other ones too.
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 29, 2007 in forum: Literature
  14. rikufanattic
    I don't know I mean when I got the seventh book and I was estatic to read it, and then at the end I was just... pfffft. I'm not lying that's the sound I made when I read the last word of the epilogue.

    The whole thing was nice, but I just didn't like the epilogue bit too much. Plus I wasn't a fan of the shipping she did... That's why there's the epilogue I suppose to start with the new generation.

    I'm sort of still upset of the fact of how many people died in the story. I think it was over 30 deaths in total.

    She did a great job don't get me wrong, heck she's like almost my idol when it comes to writing, but really why kill the people we like?!

    Okay that's enough... I really did like Neville in this one though I was rooting for him all the way.
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 28, 2007 in forum: Literature
  15. rikufanattic


    Wow, I remember when Twilight first came out not that many people bought it, and the movies been scheduled for production I think in Feb. of next year.

    The fourth one is going to come out soon.

    A lot of people have killed the book for me though and I already knew about Jacob from just reading Twilight.
    I'm giving the book another chance and I'm reading it this time from cover to cover. To be honest I don't really like Bella but I have to bear with it because it's in her POV. I don't know, I just never liked her I guess. Edward on the other hand, of course the girls here love him.
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 28, 2007 in forum: Literature
  16. rikufanattic
    This is one of the games I've been waiting for for almost forever!

    I mean when I first heard about it 'Birth by Sleep' in my mind I was thinking, so then this will tell of the dark age of the Keyblade?
    Of course I'm still holding true to that thought since of course there are a lot of things left unsolved thanks to the secret trailer and all.

    I've been hearing about Dis-soul a lot too... I don't know I mean what are 'souls' your enemies too now? That's what I thought anyway. We don't know what they are but one can only dream of the possiblities, right? It probably has something to do when the heart leaves the body. Besides energy just doesn't leave it goes somewhere else.

    You know Master Xehanort still creeps me out... weird old man! >_< I just really hope that Aqua doesn't suffer the same fate that Kairi did, with the whole damsel in distress thing.

    Man I can't wait for December!
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 28, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  17. rikufanattic
    "Aww man he's making coffee!" Case said not being able to control her undying hunger. The aroma of the coffee beans started to envelope all her sense, for a moment she felt as though she could feel the steam of the hot drink wrap around her.

    "Come on Markus, let's go and eat!" she could feel the entity within her chuckling at her animalistic nature. 'Still the same as ever, little one...' a voice mumbled far within her mind.

    Nero stopped short for a moment watching someone look down at their shoe and continued on their way.

    "So many..." he said to himself softly eyeing a young looking female elf in the distance, he scent was different from the humans. Far off to the right of her was no doubt a werewolf, and the scent of freshly spilled blood was on the far right, no doubt a vampire had feasted sometime ago.

    "Geez... Paradise sure is giving hotels and motels a good pay..."
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  18. rikufanattic
    I'll post another one later tonight. Thanks for the views you guys!
    The next ones get longer.

    Chapter Seven: Her Desire

    “Hey you guys welcome back!†the ninja said happily, greeting her friends with a bone crushing bear hug.

    Sora wasn’t paying attention at all to what his friends were saying. He saw a couple of dark shadows from the top of the stairs. In the blink of an eye, as quickly as he saw the shadows, they seemed to disappear, almost melting at the foot of the stairs, Sora couldn’t believe what his eyes were seeing.

    “Hey… Did any of you guys see any dark shadows up there?†the blue eyes boy asked, pointing to where he last saw the dark outlines. Yuffie and the others exchange confused glance with one another.

    “How have you guys been?†Leon asked in his same old fashion tone, he was changing the subject.

    Sora went on rambling about how their vacation time was cut short and what not. The young ninja placed a smirk on her face as she teased Sora about how things were working out with Kairi. Both of the blue eyed teens looked at each other and laughed nervously, both individuals trying hard to cover up the tinge of embarrassment placed on their faces. As Sora recovered from his little embarrassing dilemma he started to go on and mention the new friend they had left behind.

    Riku shifted his weight to his right leg, feeling a bit out of place, he decided to go and sit down on one of the wooden chairs next to the girl with the green eyes. Aerith welcomed him with a warm smile.

    “Riku really like her a lot,†Sora said rubbing the back of his head as the others were hearing his story. “Her name was-â€

    “Aw, well I guess that means I can’t introduce you to a good friend of ours. She just came back from a trip.†Yuffie said moving her head a bit to get a better look at Riku, who sat in one of the chairs that was propped up against a wall. Sora looked back and noticed the look on his friend’s face; no doubt Kairi knew what Riku was thinking about. Sora did feel a bit ignored, but he knew he shouldn’t feel like that. He went on to talking about other things hopefully to make Riku feel a bit comfortable.

    Aerith smiled at Riku slightly and asked him how things had been with himself. By that Riku knew well enough that she meant how was his heart. Was it still being plagued by the darkness he wished to dispel?

    “I guess, I’ve been okay,†the turquoise eyed teen didn’t know where to start. “I’ve been feeling a more at peace though. We just came back from Atlantica not that long ago, it was pretty hectic, Heartless everywhere…â€

    He recounted a tale about a vicious attack by a gigantic squid like Heartless. Donald had been knocked out and Goofy was shielding him from on coming attacks. Riku, he had been injured on his left shoulder. Kairi was dodging on coming spells with ease, and she was getting use to blocking with her own keyblade. Sora charged with full force underwater, and Riku was in back of him, as well of course back up.

    “I got careless and the squid like Heartless flung one of its tentacles at me hitting my whole body,†he said using his hands as he spoke. “Kairi came up from behind and hacked off one of the tentacles on the Heartless…â€

    Aerith watched him with the same attentive gaze Selma use to place on him whenever he spoke. He finished off his talk saying that the giant Heartless was defeated. He felt the tinge of pain in his heart subdue, and his heart beat returned to normal now. Sora and Kairi looked at the expression Riku placed on his facial feature, he looked more relieved now.

    r i k u

    I looked up a moment sighing in relief as the pain in my heart was finally going away. It wasn’t heartburn but more like a pain in my chest, but it wasn’t anything serious. I don’t really know what it was anyway, maybe it’s got something to do with that fight I had earlier with that giant Heartless or something like that.

    Aerith went on and asked me who the girl was Sora heard her mention. I told her that shewas a very good friend of ours. At that point I felt my cheeks get a bit red and I looked down so that my hair could cover my face. I could sense that Aerith was smiling, but I didn’t want anyone to see that I was blushing that badly.

    I do miss her, but I know we aren’t far apart in spirit where ever I go a piece of herwill be with me and I know it’s the same for her. After all she is my friend and I don’t want to lose that special place she’s already made in my heart, it’s unbreakable, that and the fact that we shared a paopu fruit together…

    I’m never telling anyone what I did that day, or else they’d never let me live it down. It’s better I keep it like that because then me and her have something we can talk about in secret. I hope I can keep the promise I made to myself…

    “I’m going to protect you and Mom,†I said to her smiling slightly before I left to board the gummi ship.

    “But you’re going to be far away…†Selma said clearing her throat a bit.

    “No matter the distance I’ll always be with you,†I told her that from the bottom of my heart.

    “All right but you have to promise yourself something.â€

    “A promise to myself?†I asked her a bit confused.

    “Yeah when we see each other again promise me and yourself you’ll have found your light by then, okay?â€

    ‘My light… If only she knew,’ I thought to myself as I heard someone calling out my name. It was Yuffie, I waved a small hand to her and she smiled. I excused myself from where Aerith and I were sitting and said a goodbye to the others as I went to go walk outside.

    I remember how depressing Hollow Bastion was, and I understand how it got its name, I’d really like to go see it though, the decaying castle. I walked around the town passing the shops with accessories and what not. Something by the Moogle’s stand caught my eye.

    A pair of light blue earrings with a black essence swirling around it, and attached to the blue little orbs were feathers from some bird called a Chocobo whatever that was anyway. The Moogle, with its bouncing pompom thing, called it ‘Earrings of Destiny’. I would have called it ‘Earrings of Bankruptcy’ they were too expensive, about one hundred thousand munny, and I didn’t have that kind of money, even if I did I wouldn’t buy it. It was just eye candy, see that’s why I like window shopping. I like browsing and bugging some certain people.

    The Moogle was being nice and asked me if I have any items or recipes for synthesizing. I remember pulling out a couple of scripts of Moogle text from this little pocket on the bottom right side of my jeans. All my synthesizing items were in a little box somewhere back on the gummi ship.

    “Got any items you want to synthesis, kuppo?†the Moogle asked me.

    I shook my head in reply, and I noticed at the text was being translated I had more than enough to make some certain items that caught my eye, I really wished I had taken my little material box with me today, but I didn’t.

    Deeper inside the HBRC building…

    “How did you like Destiny Islands?†Reeve asked looking at the Diaz family.

    Reeve, Cid, Merlin, and the siblings were in a room now that was completely different from the meeting held in the other area. The walls were of a plain beige color, it was easy to tell that the whole floor was wooden and it shined bright from the wooden polishing liquid. There was a big metallic like desk in the center of the room, it looked like a round table, and metallic like chairs around it. There was an enormous screen on one of the walls near the table. This was another kind of meeting place.

    “I liked the place a lot, a shame though it got swallowed up so easily…†Gekigami said making himself comfortable in the room. “We could’ve stayed and fought off the Heartless but we didn’t know if they would be there…â€

    “Exactly…†Tachigami said nodding in agreement with her younger brother. Selma on the other hand was still feeling some emotional attachment to the isles as they were by far the best places she ever went too.

    The gummi ship expert noticed the look on Selma’s face and was the first one to ask her the question, “Whatcha got on your mind, kid?†Cid knew of course that she was by far older than him, but he still got use to calling her that.

    “Nothing much, Cid Highwind,†Selma said a smile forming from the corner of her mouth. “So how are you and Shera? You two still argue?â€

    Cid’s face turned a bit scarlet at the mention of the woman’s name. They of course had some history that the Diaz family, as well as Reeve and Merlin knew. Reeve cut to the chase and told them that the two of them had gotten married.

    “I wonder what the kids are going to look like…†Geki said tilting his chair back a bit. Moegami smacked his brother on the side of his head.

    “No doubt you have met the keybearer?†Reeve asked raising a questioning look. He noticed that Selma looked away from his gaze. “Did you get a chance to meet him, Amaterasu?†he would rather call her by the name her mother left her with.

    “I’ve met him a couple of times, but so long that we’d get close…†Tachigami snickered as her youngest sister started to answer. “I did meet the one who was destined to be the chosen one, but as you know he picked the path to darkness, so that title was given to Sora.â€

    “She extremely got attached to that one…†Kazegami said giving a big smile to her older sister. “Didn’t you, Amaterasu?â€

    “Is it true, Amaterasu?†Reeve couldn’t help but lean in on his chair, he did seem interested in the personal life she had given herself.

    “We’re very close friends, but that’s about it,†she said laughing nervously and she rubbed the back of her head. “Um, anyway,†Selma changed the subject at a more important matter at hand. “The darkness how far has it started to spread?â€

    That was a topic every single person there got into. Merlin used his wand to bring the enormous screen to life with images of different worlds. Reeve invited everyone to sit down on the chairs, and from the metallic looking round table screens from the table protruded from the top of the table. The siblings looked at one another and every one of them were thinking the same exact thing ‘Too many spy movies.’

    Yomigami watched the screen as different places were being monitored. No doubt Cid and Shera were in charge for the satellite’s orbital patterns and trajectory pattern. One of the satellite’s images were starting to get a bit hazy when the two twins, Moegami and Kazegami pointed it out. Everyone watched the screen on the number titled XII. The world was slowly being covered in a black like aura, it came from the south pole of the planet.

    “Watching this, you can almost imagine the planet crying…†Reeve and Amaterasu said feeling sorry for the planet and its inhabitants. They looked at the planet as the darkness started to swirl around it, and as if it were like an eclipse, a strange black star with an ominous orange and red tinge hovered over the planet. It was responsible for the darkness that covered the planet, and with that transmission from satellite XII was cut.

    “It’s been happening, but at a slow rate,†Merlin the wizard explained finally taking a moment to speak. “Six worlds have already been swallowed up, including the inlands.â€

    “What were the other worlds?†Amaterasu asked leaning against her seat.

    “The world where Beast’s Castle was located,†Reeve said transmitting an image from his screen to the other screens. “The Pride Lands, Port Royal and the rest of that place, the Coliseum, Traverse Town, and Twilight Town…†with that Reeve pressed a button so multiple satellite pictures of those various worlds could be viewed on the other screens.

    “Wasn’t Twilight Town just a…?†Tachigami started to speak and she noticed Reeve Tuesti nodding in agreement.

    “None the less it is a real world, well now it is anyway…†Cid said wiping his nose with his thumb. Moegami noticed the toothpick in Cid’s mouth it was unlike his nature to have something so simple against his mouth.

    “Weren’t you smoking the last time we saw you?†Moegami asked raising his eyebrow a bit.

    “Shera’s making me quit…†Cid mumbled under his breath.

    “The Chaser’s are starting to surface again,†Reeve said noticing a look of disgust on the sibling’s expressions.

    “That they are…†Amaterasu said speaking in a cold tone for the rest of her family. “They’re going to be giving us hell if they find out we’re alive…â€

    “Then, are you willing to train them, the group of Keyblade wielders?†he directed them to Yomigami considering the fact he was the oldest.

    “To fight the Chasers?†Yomigami asked, smirking with a twisted smile. “You know how I teach. I’ll train them as killers, not protectors…â€

    “I take it then, we have to let a dark age come back?†Amaterasu said looking at Reeve straight in the eyes.

    “Not exactly, we have to train them to be the darkness… Yomigami and you yourself specialize in that… But please Yomigami don’t let your bloodlust take the best of you.†Reeve shifted uncomfortably as he said this noticing a menacing smile Yomigami placed on his lips.

    “Aw, don’t worry old man,†he said laughing a bit. “That’s why Amaterasu will accept the job position. I bet she doesn’t want me killing her boyfriend.â€

    “What?†Selma looked at confused eyes.

    a m a t e r a s u

    The Chasers, to be honest we lost that position a long time ago when I met a young boy who King Ansem had found, the real King Ansem not the imposter I watched grow up. My brother and I were a result of a great experiment called ‘Project Blitz’. Even though my brother is by far older than me, the two of us were picked since we each held curiosity to the darkness.

    A man by the name of Hojo directed the whole thing, and that’s where Yuki’s, Yomigami as he is called now by his real name, blood lusting ways were instilled into him.

    That’s where I met others like me, a girl by the name of Shelke Rui, she was only nine years old when they kidnapped her from a country east of Radiant Garden. She was placed in operation ‘Deep Ground’. Vincent Valentine willing became a an experiment and he no longer considered himself human so he slept for thirty years…

    It really was a dark age back then, which was almost about thirty years ago, I think, I know it was way before Leon and the others went to Traverse Town.

    But enough about that, it’s not important now. It’s going to be hard considering that I do have some relationship with the people who will be taught under us. I’m not saying that I’m going to go soft on them either, if they get involved with a Chaser they’ll be dead before they can even blink.

    The meeting was adjourned, and I soon felt that pain in my heart again, I leaned over for a moment in my chair making sure everyone had left the meeting room. At that moment from my back pocket something was vibrating. I opened it, it was a text message from him and I knew I was turning red.

    ‘Hey Selma, I miss u 2… I’d love to see the drawings you’ve made so far, hey send me one on your phone. We’ve been missing you a lot over here, I feel bad for Kairi she’s the only girl in the group. I’m glad you liked the sunset, I’m going to be leaving soon, so I have to go, ttyl.’

    I ran my fingers over the buttons to reply back but something stopped me, logical thinking. ‘He’s closer in the area so it’ll take less than five days for him to reach the message, I’ll just have to wait a day or so…’

    I really wished I could just run up and hug them all, but I can’t it’s a price being a Chaser… An ex-Chaser now, but I don’t want to dwell back on my family’s profession from a long time ago it’d take hours to even break down what a Chaser is, but for now I have to keep my mind closed a bit, so as not to get distracted.

    Chaser… I really wish that was what our family sometimes, instead of running away, but I don’t want the sins of our family to catch up with us. It’s better that no one knows the real truth, see what Chaser’s do want is something dangerous if they get their hands on it, and yet we still hold on to our Chaser like nature.

    “What we desire most of all…†I whispered to myself looking up at the ceiling trying to imagine the light blue sky. “Is total control of darkness…â€

    I just wanted to get this one out of the way. Thanks again.

    Chapter Eight: Kind Heart?

    Aerith sighed for a small moment looking up at the broken roof from inside the chapel. It brought back a feeling of nostalgia when she gazed up there, watching the clouds move as the breeze passed by. It had been a couple of weeks since she decided to visit the place where she met the blonde haired man.

    The sunbeams were piercing through some of the pieces of rotting wood. This place had been abandoned for decades, probably before even Amaterasu and her siblings were born. Still this was the only place that she knew, in her lifetime that would produce flowers. The soil underneath the wooden floors was very fertile.

    Aerith had changed her attire, rather than wearing the two piece outfit she had worn last year, she decided to wear that certain pink dress, as a way of grieving. She met Cloud while she wore this dress, and somehow she thought that this time he’d come back for sure, just like he did last time.

    Aerith walked up the stairs to where the meeting was being held, and she caught sight of many familiar faces. She held a big open smile, feeling her eyes form tears. The dark haired girl turned around hearing her true name being called out. The green eyed flower maiden ran forward holding on tight to young girl as if she would melt away.

    “You’re back!†she said smiling as tears slide down her cheeks. Amaterasu gave a sad smile and patted Aerith gently on her back. “I thought we’d lost you…â€

    “Last time I saw you, you were wearing a dress really similar to this one…†the ex-Chaser said trying to get her to feel happy.

    “Yeah,†Aerith paused for a moment before letting the young girl go. “I’m sorry for being late everyone, I overslept…â€

    “You… Oversleeping? Cloud use to do that…†Gekigami said, not knowing how much is pained Aerith to hear his name.

    The other siblings stared at Gekigami with a rather hurt look. As Yuffie was taking them to the meeting she had explain to them that Cloud had left yet again. Yuffie though, in retaliation to the name smacked Gekigami on his head, and he apologized. Aerith like always placed a strong mask on her face and told her that he would come back, because his light would guide him.

    Aerith remembered how Yomigami, Cloud, and a boy named Zack had all been close before. It was all in the past now, but she wished that those days would come back, because that was when nobody even knew the darkness existed.
    She was able to get Amaterasu to stay a bit after the meeting.

    “Please, Ammi…†Aerith began calling her by her nickname, “I want to know if you’ve seen Cloud anywhere.â€

    “…I…†it did pain her to say the truth. “I haven’t Aerith, I’m sorry…†Amaterasu said looking away from her.

    “…Oh…†she was so sure that Amaterasu would have seen or heard from him. “It’s okay, I’m sure he’ll come back.â€

    “You’re a very brave girl, Aerith… I wish I could be like you.†Amaterasu said hugging her. “He’s probably in Traverse Town… You know, where those who’ve lost their world go to.â€

    Aerith didn’t know that at the second meeting Traverse Town was swallowed up by the darkness. It was best that she didn’t know for now, and probably no one would ever tell her.

    Aerith heard leaves crack under the weight of her brown boots. She walked past the decaying pews of the chapel. And now stood directly under the hole in the roof, she looked down at the white and yellow lilies that were underneath her feet. These were the same flowers that broke Cloud’s fall. They were all young teens then, with Yuffie being the youngest child there.

    This was the same place where she met Amaterasu and Yomigami, when the two of them were still undergoing experimental procedures. Aerith had walked in on them as they were discussing whether or not steal the darkness within the heart of the world. Discovering that a child had walked in on them during their conversation, they figured it best not to carry out the deed.

    “So many memories…†Aerith said sitting on one of the broken concrete columns near the alter of the chapel. “I hope you’re looking back at some of those wonderful memories Cloud, where ever you may be…â€

    “What’s this?†Aerith asked holding a lumpy brown seed in her hand.
    “A paopu fruit seed.†Amaterasu said gleefully. “I got it back from Destiny Islands. You should plant on near the old chapel.â€

    “A paopu fruit, you mean those star shaped fruit?†Aerith asked wondering how such a little thing could produce a star shaped fruit. “I thought you didn’t believe in things like that, Ammi?†she knew the legend behind the fabled power of the star shaped fruit.

    ‘Should I plant one?’ Aerith thought about it long and hard, her green eyes looking deeply at a small patch of dirt. It seemed to be the right size for a tree to grow in, and it probably didn’t hurt to try. Here in this are the paopu trees were very rare, and maybe planting more of them would do the agriculture good.

    “As for me… I’m going to plant a lot of them where ever I go!†Amaterasu said taking Aerith’s hand in her hand. “A little reminder for a special friend of mine…â€

    “I take it it’s one of Sora’s friends?†Aerith said noticing the blush on the girl.

    “I’ll plant one here…†Aerith said pulling out the side from her side pocket. “If Cloud does come crashing down here one day, he’ll have something else to break his fall.â€

    Within Radiant Garden…​

    “This place it brings back a lot of memories, doesn’t it?†Yomigami asked his youngest sister.

    Yomigami this time styled his hair a bit different. He brought his bangs forward and spike up the rest of his hair in the back. The blood lusting, ex-Chaser, was wearing a black baggy t-shirt with tight jeans and a black studded belt, and white tennis shoes.

    “Some I wish I could forget…†Amaterasu said pushing her hair back a bit.

    She decided that this time she’d go by her real name, rather than her middle name. Amaterasu decided to keep her hair natural wavy, as it was once before. Though to throw some certain people off guard she curled the tips of her hair. She liked it better this way, a better improvement she thought on her part.

    Amaterasu wore a white shirt with graffiti like letters in red that read ‘Coracoa Selvagem’ Portuguese meaning ‘Wild Heart’. The text had more of a blood splatter effect, it was something her older brother despised partially due to his blood lusting, but he had learned to control his actions when she wore something that affected his nature.

    “Forget…? Amaterasu, surely you’ve got more wonderful memories than bad ones…â€

    “It’s about half and half then, Yomigami,†she said looking at her brother for a moment. The look of surprise was drawn across his face. “I’ve decided to go with my real name again, we’ll see how long it lasts…†she said. Her eyes traveled down the empty ravine and located the once proud castle of the former King Ansem. It was now reduced to ruble. “It breaks my heart, knowing what happened to the castle.â€

    “Yeah well, you have you’re ex-boyfriend to thank for that.†Yomigami said harboring some resentment to the person he was referring to.

    “We never were together…†she tried again justify her actions. “We were good friends nothing more…â€

    “That good friend of your cost us our position as Chasers…†Yomigami said, “If he were alive today I’d kill him for what he did to our position…â€

    “His memory is out there somewhere, why not just kill that?†Amaterasu said looking at her brother for a moment.

    “Because we need that…†Yomigami said smacking his sister gently on the side of the head. “I don’t want to screw up the promise we made to King Mickey.â€

    “How many promises have we made to people?†she asked trying to count with her fingers.

    “More than you could possibly ever count…†Yomigami placed his hand down at his side, as if he was going to pet something, and he looked down confused for a moment. “Where’s Chico?†he asked looking around the area.

    “A Shadow Hound’s loose?!†Amaterasu said looking at her brother. “You idiot why’d you bring Chico outside!?â€

    With Sora and Kairi… ​

    “We should start heading out to other worlds soon.†Sora said looking at Kairi slightly.

    “Hush Sora, don’t speak…†Kairi said watching her pencil capture the image before her eyes. “It’s hard to draw your face when you keep moving your eyes like that, not to mention your mouth…â€

    Sora had volunteered to be Kairi’s little model, since Riku wasn’t around right now. Other than that Sora did want some time to be alone with her, but this wasn’t the kind of alone time he was thinking about. Sora shifted his gaze back to what he had been focusing on earlier. They were inside one of the various inns that Radiant Garden’s had to offer the Keyblade Wielders.

    Something moved about outside the window, and Sora could faintly hear something growling near the window, and it seemed unearthly. Kairi stopped what she was doing and looked up as she saw Sora move out of the wooden chair.

    “Sora what are…?†Sora cut her off with a raised hand, and he placed a finger to his lips. He walked up to the window near the ivory colored walls. He could still hear the unearthly sounds coming from outside and his heart was beating fast in curiosity as to what is could be.

    Kairi stood behinds Sora as she finally came to hear the same sound her companion heard. Sora pushed the dark curtain away from his view so he could see outside. Sora sighed in relief as he saw nothing, and he turned around and laughed it off as he told Kairi it was a false alarm.

    Kairi raised her eyebrow a bit as she saw a shadow pass by the window, but thought it was just her imagination. At that moment the sound of breaking glass flooded their ears, and Sora turned around quickly, but the last things he could remember seeing was a black mass of fur with legs and teeth charge straight at him, and Kairi pulling out her Keyblade, he could remember watching the heart shaped tip of the blade, with the flowers around it.

    A couple of blocks away from the Inn…

    Riku hummed to himself a song he had put on as he walked back from the Moogle’s synthesis shop. As he was reaching the inn he noticed that on the side of a building a window had been broken into. He started to pick up the pace and noticed that the door had been forced out.

    Riku broke into a faster stride, and at that point he started to run. He pushed himself past a couple of people and ran through a red light in traffic. He finally made it to the inn and noticed something roughly push him to the side. He spun around and looked at the creature making a mad dash with Sora’s Keyblade.
    Kairi busted out from the door chasing after the creature to get the Keyblade back. Riku didn’t waste anytime on pulling out his own Keyblade. He peered in for a moment and noticed that Sora was resting against a wall in the room. With that Riku ran after Kairi and the creature that had the Kingdom Key weapon in its grasp.

    The creature led them down the street, in and around traffic, all the way to a somewhat excluded area. It growled as it knew it was cornered by the two people that blocked its path. The two humans were gasping for some air as their human lungs supplied oxygen to their muscles.

    “Stop right there!†Kairi said pointing the Keyblade in the direction of the creature. It just growled a bit, like if it were laughing. It started to move to the side, and Riku followed it.

    At that moment with neck breaking speed the creature rushed past Riku, using Sora’s Keyblade as a weapon, and Kairi blocked the dashing attack, and she strained under the force the creature had used for such ant attack.
    Riku decided that two on one was far, and went from behind to attack it, but with the creature’s sense of hearing, it dodged Riku’s attack with ease. Kairi jumped back as Riku’s weapon almost collided with her.

    The creature taunted the two of them by tossing Sora’s weapon in the air for a moment. This living thing obviously had a higher level of intelligence than most other species of animal alive. Riku jumped into the air trying to perform an Aerial Sweep, but the creature performed a similar version of Strike Raid, tossing Sora’s Keyblade directly at him.

    “Stopra!†Kairi yelled out raising her Keyblade, any second too soon at the Sora’s Keyblade might have collided with Riku’s face. The creature turned its attention to Kairi now and let out an unearthly barking sound in protest to the spell.

    a m a t e r a s u

    ‘Where in the world did Chico go?’ I asked myself walking around the city now. I shook my head and noticed a couple of cars. They looked like they got into a car accident. A couple of people were saying that two kinds started to run in and out of traffic chasing something, but that they didn’t get a good look at it.

    I started to look around some buildings and alleyways. My brother was walking around the area whistling to coax the Shadow Hound out of hiding. I rubbed the back of my head and ended up whistling, knowing that Chico, the Shadow Hound, was capable of hearing that well. I noticed that an inn had its window broken, and the front door was broken into as well.

    The owners of the inn were taking care of someone who had been knocked out. I looked inside and noticed to my surprise that the mess of brown hair, and that familiar black outfit, it had to be Sora. ‘ Chico’s not even that strong, and he got knocked out by him… He needs a lot of work, Sora, not the dog…’ I thought to myself asking the owners of the inn how the boy was doing. They told me he was fine, he just got knocked out from the impact of the floor.

    I whistled to my brother and he came running in my direction. He started to pant a bit shaking his head for a moment. He asked me if I had gotten a led on Chico.

    “Yeah… I’m assuming it’s down there…†I said pointing with one hand down the street. I watched my brother draw an invisible mark with complicated lines on the concrete, and within moments the darkness sprouted up from the cracks on the sidewalk, and we melted into the ground.

    In a matter of seconds there was a pool of black goo under our feet, and it started to give us our height back. We found ourselves at the entrance of a somewhat excluded area. I looked back at my brother as his right arm started to turn back into its flesh tone color. I didn’t really like the whole idea of traveling like that, but it was the easiest and the fastest, I can say that much for sure.
    “ Chico can hear our whistles from all the way over there…†my brother pointed out from where we came from.

    “Something’s got him preoccupied…†I said extending my hand out, before my very eyes a Keyblade of a wicked shape and form materialized from the air. The Keyblade formed a hilt on my palm, and it started to reconstruct itself, like a broken, almost liquefied, puzzle. “I guess we can spare a bit with them, before we test them next time…â€

    “It’s not fair, Sora’s knocked out…†Yomigami said flashing a wicked smile on his face. I knew he was ready to taste blood, but he’d have to control himself. “I’d really like to see that kid fight…†he extended out both of his hands and two Keyblades mixed with a design similar to that of Oblivion wrapped around an invisible spin to form itself like a weapon. “You’re not using your other one?â€

    “No… Besides we have to get Chico away from there, not make it worse…â€

    “I hate it when you’re right…†he said withdrawing one of his weapons. “Just for that I go after Riku…â€

    “You wouldn’t dare…†I said giving him a warning.

    “Watch me…†he said flashing a cruel smile before running down the alley.

    r i k u

    “Move back, Kairi!†I yelled slashing through the air as the creature moved to the side.

    It was fast I’ll admit, but everything has a weakness right. I jumped back as it swung a clawed paw at me. It was growling, swing the Keyblade around.
    ‘Why hasn’t it gone back to Sora yet… Unless this thing has a strong heart…’ I thought kicking the creature away from me. Its breath smelled really foul, like rotten eggs or something. I don’t know but it made me want to gag. Kairi was casting spells, but I told her to be careful and not use up all her energy.

    “Riku, left!†she yelled out.

    All I knew was that my Keyblade blocked an attack from the creature. There was a loud whistle around the area and the creature barked at me and then to Kairi. That’s when it started to growl again at us.

    “Drop it!†I heard a male call out.

    The creature did as it was told to do, apparently this guy was the owner, of that thing. The Keyblade clinked as it hit the ground and the creature moved away from Kairi and me. I looked back at the entrance and noticed two people there. They were holding Keyblades.

    One of them greeted me with a wicked smile that sent shivers down my spine. Again, that pain in my heart came back, it was starting to annoy me so badly, that and because I didn’t know what in the world was causing it.

    The girl, who held the more malicious crafted Keyblade, her left arm twitched a bit. Something about her looked so oddly familiar but it was probably just the skin color that was all.

    “So then…†the male spoke. “You’re the ones that kept him from coming back…â€

    “What?†I asked lowering my weapon down for just a second.

    “He was trying to get back to us when you were fighting him…†the girl spoke out, her voice seemed so distant, like if I heard it in a dream or something like that. “It’s not nice making a Shadow Hound late for something, they like being punctual most of the time.â€
    sorry…†I said raising my weapon in a defensive stance. “Mind telling me why you have Keyblades?â€

    “Nope…†the male with the studded belt said. He rushed forward and before I knew it I was knocked down to the ground. “You’ll have to knock me down, and then you’ll find out…â€

    Kairi was having her hands full with the female fighter, she had a good defense but she lacked offense to back it all up, she was unbalanced. The girl with the wicked looking Keyblade, it looked like she was an expert or something.

    “Hey…†the guy said, I could feel the blade from his Keyblade pierce my right shoulder. “Don’t get distracted… You’ll die…â€

    Current Scene…

    Kairi moved back casting Reflect, but that had no affect on the female attacker. She yelped as the wicked Keyblade missed her by an inch, but the force of the attack itself was enough to cut a small indent on her side.

    “Don’t get cocky…†the wicked Keyblade wielder told her. “Just because you have that Keyblade, doesn’t mean you’ll be guaranteed safety…â€

    “Amaterasu, stop playing with her already!†Yomigami called out as he dodged Riku’s attack with ease.

    Yomigami dodged Riku’s second oncoming attack and rolled forward, grasping Sora’s Keyblade in the process. The blood lusting individual grinned at Riku as he displayed his own attacks with two Keyblades.

    “You’re just lucky Kingdom Key is slowing me down…!†Yomigami said feeling Riku block his attack. He knew though that Riku was straining to push the attack back.
    Kairi hit the wall with enough force to almost dislocate her right shoulder.

    Amaterasu mentally apologized, and silently casted a Curaga spell on her shoulder. Kairi dashed forward, and almost stabbed Amaterasu in the leg if she had moved slightly.

    “You got lucky I have such a kind heart…†Amaterasu said locking her Keyblade with Kairi’s and flung it into the air.
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 28, 2007 in forum: Archives
  19. rikufanattic
    Simply beautiful and well done. It's a good thing I read this in one sitting. I love how the story flows! *squeels*

    You've got me hooked that's all I can say.
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 28, 2007 in forum: Archives
  20. rikufanattic
    "I take it you're not too keen on the whole Paradise thing." Nero said walking away. "It's up to you whether you want to believe it or not," he said looking forward. "Just don't get in their way..."
    Post by: rikufanattic, Nov 28, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home