hey everyone. i made a myspace. the names axel so if u want a friend you can add me. my url is myspace.com/AxelChakrams
awesome. i already made the diagram for it. it kinda sucks. btw is it all one peace? or is it seprate from the outside spikes. one more question. how long does it take to make them? im planning on using glossy paint so it will be shiny.
thx for the help nashida
Nobodys cant age at all
im gonna rule the world not u.
i like halloween the best
i am wanting to make axels chakrams for a cosplay im wanting to do. so if anyone knows what the best/cheapest way then please tell me.
i dont think it does anything.
ya they should be.
hello. sup?
hello how are u
my standards are normal but girls at my school are stuck up except my friends that are girls.
fine. ill kill everyone in org 13 except roxas. aaaaaaaaand id eat my chakrams. XDDD
id murder Xemnas. XD lol mansex. XDDDDDDDDDD
my friend might make me a roxas wristband. XD
talking on here. XD im thinking of sometime in the future cosplaying as axel. but i dont know an easy way to make chakrams. XD sooooooooo. basicly...
my bro and i did a deathnote skit that was 5 min long. took 8 hours to load!
i got a contest at ASU to go to. my friend sara made her own roxas costume and has a keyblade. shes wearing it tommorrow