when i draw manga i can do it, but i always have problems with the eyes. i just cant get em right!!
pointless and stupid, but i absoloutely love it. you seriously should turn this into a funny flash animation series or something. itd be great. its also written as a script which could help.
OMG Thats just plain silly. WTH???? how can they think pokemon are REAL... i mean they DO....but its just INSANE!!!!!
y didnt u just send a pm?
well if u do i wont read it
Hahaha Rofl
in kh1 i didnt beat him but i played kh2 more and felt that i could beat him in this game, so i did.
WOW JEEEEEEEZZZZZ well that was definitely very clear. clearer than wiki. but some of it i think was made up...(not sure??? :S) i now understand the thing about the three brothers, so thankyou. you may have just copied it from somewhere or w/e but i thank you very much it was helpful!!! :)
I got it for christmas, along with my first games console - PS2. Kingdom OF Hearts, we called it. And i didn't really like it. Go round collecting logs....oh how fun!!! But as I got into it i found out what it was really like, and I even loved the storyline...by the time I got to Halloween Town I was ADDICTED. Now this is slightly off subject but I remember extraordinarily, i was stuck on the battle where you first meet Ansem (in Rikus body) for almost a YEAR. True - I DID give up and not play for about 7 months...but...WOW.
WOOP chapter 2 =P This chapter kinda sucks. It was hard to write, but I don't think I did a very good job anyway. OK, well enjoy - Dont let this chapter put you off!! I've written half of the next one and its GREAT!!!! CHAPTER 2 Donald lay back, on the sun bed, looking up at the blue sky. He watched sleepily as white birds flew over ahead, under the clouds. The bright yellow sun to his right lit up the sky and the beautiful fields that lay stretched out in front of him. He was so warm, as if he was lying on a heater, and he was incredibly relaxed. The weather was amazing. But, like Daisy said, it wouldn’t last long. So he had to make the most of it. He had been here, lounging around and sunbathing in the picturesque castle gardens, with Goofy, his best friend, for the past 2 months. Mickey would be back soon, and he would be able to join them. ‘Goofy.’ ‘Yup, Donald!’ Goofy goggled, turning to look at him. ‘Do ya think everythin’s gonna be okay?’ ‘Errm…not sure whatya mean there, Donald.’ ‘I mean…with all the heartless and the nobodies an’ stuff.’ ‘Ye, o’ course.’ ‘Good.’ They both turned back to look at the sky. Donald breathed in and out deeply. It was a great life. Then, it was just a glimpse, a slight flash, but it made both him and Goofy leap up. In the sky there had been a white light spinning and flashing, and it meant something was coming. ‘KING MICKEY!!!’ squealed Donald in excitement and shot out of the gate, Goofy following cheerily behind him. The Gummi Ship came where it usually came, landing in the courtyard. Mickey stepped out, smiling, and grinned at Donald, who was leaping at him. ‘Hey, wait for me Donald!!!’ Goofy wobbled over.He ran to Mickey and started immediately asking him questions about his journey. ‘Woah, woah, guys!’ Mickey laughed, ‘I’ve only been a way half a year!!’ ‘It’s so sunny here!’ exclaimed Donald, ‘Look! You don’t know what you’ve been missing out on!’ ‘Okay, okay,’ Mickey walked over to the sun beds and sat down, taking Donald’s place. ‘Don’t get too excited about everything though; there are some things I have to warn you about.’ Donald and Goofy exchanged worried glances. ‘It’s just a warning, nothing serious, but I’ve been looking into it for a while.’ ‘Tell us.’ ‘So, you know that when Sora died, shortly afterwards – Roxas came into Organisation XIII?’ ‘Yup!’ ‘The Organisation has always been called Organisation XIII, because it’s always had 13 members in it. So, before Roxas came in, there was another member. But, one day he dropped out, and later that day, Roxas came in.’ ‘So?’ Donald asked. ‘He’s still alive. And we think he might be trying to rebuild the Organisation.’ Nobody said anything. There was a sudden gust of wind and Donald shivered. It was the first time he had felt cold in a month. ‘Now, guys,’ Mickey said, standing up and chuckling, ‘it’s nothing serious. Even if he does rebuild the Organisation, it’s not likely he’ll make any big movements. And it’ll be way past our lifetimes that he does it.’ On that, he jumped up and ran off yelling: ‘Howdy-ho, guys! I’m home!’ and was greeted by his wife at the entrance. Donald turned round. The sun was still shining. He smiled contentedly and lay back to rest, Goofy doing the same. Neither of them spoke for an hour. MORE COMING VERY SOON!!!!!
who didn't? HAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!!!
arr yes.... but then i'll have to spend the whole game not knowing anything about the storyline, and i'll only work it out after the game, when ive watched the slideshow. but ah well. wikipedia seems 2 have helped me ok.
ok forget the organisation part....that was just an example. but u get my drift lol
:stupid: i feel really stupid right now. wikipedia is obvious. and i dont really wanna cause a gigantic argument about whether its right all the time or not lol
well i wouldnt really want to see Tarzan in Kingdom Hearts again; i found the Deep Jungle world very tedious actually. He wasnt even a good character. but as young Tarzan it would be quite funny. it wouldnt be really a violent world, more like the book of pooh or something, because you cant really charge into battle with Organisation XIII, a little kid at your side. lol. just picturing it makes me laugh. It would be nice though, yeah.
o welll thats simple enough. grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. i have 2 delete this thread
I'm very soon going to be getting Devil May Cry 4 for the Xbox 360, but I have not played any of the previous games in the series. If anyone could write me a quick summary of the first 3 games and a quick plot summary of DMC4, then that would be really nice. :) thanks.
MAYBE...Its just SLIGHTLY possible....that they like devil may cry...
kk thanks 4 the help!!
Hey, can anyone tell me anywhere i can get Devil May Cry 4 for Xbox 360, for less than £20??? I dont mind if its preowned. PLEASE REPLY!!! I NEED THIS GAME!!!! thanks