lol i seriously doubt the fact Billie Joe Armstrong was shot by 50 Cent, and I know they didnt die in a car crash cos billie joe is still in pinhead gunpowder, his other band. Does anyone think its possible that they broke up, then got back together again - to finish the new album?
it would be riku, but hes kinda tortured through a lot of his childhood, so erm... squall is pretty cool but hes kind of annoying kairi - cos she just doesnt do anything cloud...purely cos hes cool axel AHAHAHAHHA axel u get the picture i have no idea
i hope i win!! :D btw i luv ur sig. the exploding computer 1. lol
No u dont understand!!! That was what somewhat wrote to me!!! when they were editin my quote
sorry but that has nothing to do with the message that I posted. but i am sorry for the innappropriate message I posted. BUT C'MON SERIOUSLY, DUDE!!!!! I TOUCH MY MOMMA????
i like their new stuff better than their old stuff
My friend told me Green Day broke up. He says it was ages ago, but I didnt hear about it. Is it true??? Or are they still working on that new album??? lol hopefully this thread will branch out into a conversation about Green Day and similiar music, but I dont know. Just please answer.
rofl sorry, mate. i couldn't resist
Ok guys its fine now... we got rid of the virus...thanking all who replied to this thread with help. :)
HELP NEEDED!!! whilst on MSN my friend sent me a message saying: Is this really you? and then following it was a link to a picture file on the internet that had my name in the title, and that came up as a white screen. The site prompted me to download a file called IMG00231.JPG-live.messenger which was an MS-DOS Application. It had Live Messenger in the title and my friend had sent it me, so i didnt suspect anything strange about it until i downloaded it and opened it. It automatically sent the same message (Is this really you? , and then a link to the same site) to the other person i was talking to, only instead of having my name in the title, it had theirs. I didnt find this out for about 10 minutes because until i started a video call, MSN randomly blocked me from talking to them. We looked into the file and it turns out it is a virus called W32.Mimbot.B. Neither of us are sure how to get rid of it - I was wondering whether any of you guys had had the same problem, and whether you knew how to get rid of it. I NEED HELP!!! PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW AS SOON AS POSSIBLE!!!!! lol EEEK i hope its not serious XS
get a computer tablet. its a small pad with a pen and what you draw on the pad is copied onto the screen. you can use it as a mouse too!! theyre great - I have one.
i dont make mistakes. lol i dont find it that funny either. i just happened to on that night...for some reason ¬_¬
haha lol sorry
yeah. its still not funny though is it? FTW means for the win
lolol u spoon yes it sure was lame...but thats what i was trying to say... some ppl laugh at this joke when its not even funny
My friend told me this joke at a sleepover, and the three of us that were there burst out laughing for about an hour. Seriously. Thing is - the joke isnt even funny. Here it is: There was a boy, who didn't like cabbage. And then his mum made him cabbage for tea. His mum went out of the room and the boy fed his cabbage to the dog When his mum came back in she said: 'Wheres your cabbage?' and the boy said: 'I 'ate it!' Then his mum said: 'Good boy! Have some sweets,' and gave him the sweets. Leave feedback. I wanna know whether you think its funny or not.
once destroyed a fire engine with a chainsaw and a smoke grenade
a lot of you guys have probably heard of the king of AMV makers - Pwilliard. his youtube account had a lot of stuff relating to this website. then i forgot about it shortly after, i got into media and started making AMVs. and i found the clips here. simple. 2 reasons