sorry to bother you but thnx again!!!
wow lol how long did it takeyou to do that picture?
Thank you a lot.One more question do i have to beat sephiroth in order for him to do that hole(or whatever it is)?
So before i start Kingdom Hearts 2 Final Mix.I wanted to know is there a certain mode that you have to play in order to fight the Absent Silhouettes?When i say mode i mean proud,critic etc.So again the question is do i have to play a certain mode to in order to fight the Absent Silhouettes?
uhh what coment? and i'm good and you?
wow you can't spell for your life lol.I just thought they were Kingdom hearts 358/2 days.Also how was i suppose to know you don't know how to extract models from ds games.
lol my thought exactly!!!
uhh ok lol.anyways i'm going off for now see ya later!!Take care.
ok i was asking in case.I wasn't sure if you had anyone else to talk to and whatnot.
cool hope you have fun!!Anyways i was thinking off logging off now is that ok?
again i don't know.Probally just hanging out with my friends and/or playing games.Not to mention i have Art homework.Again lol what about you?
wow lol that's it.?
ohh ok well in that case what did you do today?
oh i honestly don't and my friends are going to see Vampire Assistant.They tried to drag me to see new moon...but there is no way i'm...
ops i wrote i fell i meant i feel bad for but i actually do.
ouch i fell bad for you lol.
Ohh yeah there made of real leather i own one!!!suckers lol.
lol sorry about how was it?
uhh back form what/where?ohh **** lol you mean your dad's house?
i'm superb thnx for asking and you?