wow that was unexpected lol......why did you change your picture?(not that it really matters)
that's good.....playing kingdom heats 2 final mix...but i think i'll be playing Mario Kart Wii soon lol(what a difference)
Lexaeus uses a Tomahowk.....ARGHHH stop getting it mixed up!!!
LMAO!!!He really wasn't hard!!!
so what are you doing?
i'm good thnx for asking!!!....To be honest i really don't know lol(sorry)
Hey how are you?...i know this may sound weird or random but are you still dating that riku of darkness person?
Wow where have you been hiding?Come to think of it i actually missed you....hope your doing ok!?
Ok too everyone who said it might suck or have little to no levels......It's God Of War(3)they would never do that in a game like this.Plus none of them have been bad,i don't see why this would be.........
Hey,yeh i'm good thnx for asking....hope the same goes for you!?
i just do.Damn them all lol.
He/she never said list games that are out...he said list good ps3 game!!!
FOOLS!!!!! can you leave out God Of War 3.Also Darkness is a good game.Ohh and Heavenly Sword(sorry for the bad spelling). *EDITED*one more...Mortal Kombat v.s DC
Final Xemnas imagine you could do that attack were he shots like a thousand energy beams.
yeah!!!!some pictures.....i need's also hard to find Vega pictures
No way a street fighter group........i have to get pictures lol.
Omg can't he just make 3 of those stupid clones.
lol it's funny watching you two talk to each other XD.
Friends.Yeah i guess i did lol.Along with john he completely demolished the guy's friend lol.Ohh and bye.