Elliott:What stuff are you taking cause I could use my bike to take some of the small stuff?
Elliott:not sure they were just both in my Science class I think there new. Ready to go We'll probably be done by lunch time.
Elliott:alright, I met Alexis today in Science, and Alaric. We have a pretty good chance at winning.
Deus Ex:*slashed and slashed, over and over* I think we could have a parade of heartless, don't you?*jumps to evade an attack then slams his swords into the ground killing several heartless*
Deus Ex:*ran past about 15 heartless striking each as he ran* This might take all day at this rate.
Deus Ex:Woo hoo*jumps into a large group of heartless and spins like a tornado killing all in range*This is kinda tough.*get's hit in the leg*
*Bell rings* Elliott:Better go find Ryan I have to help him move in.*walks off towards the library
Deus Ex:*pulls out Katanas*Finally some action! *starts hacking and slashing*AWESOME!
Elliott:It's K man, I think she likes you too
Deus Ex:*starts walking with him*where are you heading?
Elliott:*whispers*do you like Dawn? or something like that?
Deus Ex:were you flying that gummiship *looks at the wrecked gummiship slammed into the castle wall*
Elliott:Who knows? Are you going to leave school for lunch today?
Deus Ex:Radiant Gardens, where you from?
Deus Ex:*lands the gummiship near Alaric*Hey where did you come from haven't seen you around before.
Elliott:*pulls out his MP3 and starts playing Air Guitar* Elliott:Hey Alaric, have you met your partner yet?
Elliott:*turned in his assignment 7 minutes after Dawn*That was easy.
Elliott:Man I should have brought my guitar today*Starts reading in the text book*
Elliott:*under his breath*Finally *looks at his watch*only half the class went by.
Elliott:Hmm that's strange me too so we could practice a bit more*checks his job schedule*You know what's weird? EB Games is right next to GameStop.