Sex is something to be shared in marriage. Premarital ruins the sacredness of it, makes it dirty, with AIDS, Herpes, and all that disgusting stuff.
God is too prevalent in this universe to not exist. The way it, life, and the Earth are designed are far too convenient and yet complex to be just a coincidence. I see Him in my life every day, in His works, His miracles, and His grace.
...Debate? What debate? Personally, I feel that gay people can have civil unions and let us straights keep marriage as a binding contract between a man and a woman by God. They'll have all the rights without impeding on a sacred millenia-old tradition.
internet dating totally works
I'm reviving this thread because Monster is GOD and if you believe in GOD there may be hope for you, KHV. DIETAHHHHHHH
You have to meat up if you want to get ahead in this pre-apoc world.
The movie was okay but, really?
Go through with the operation. You'll feel a lot better.
Just hire pure KHI staff. That way the merging process will be simple.