u calling me a weirdo
look this profile wuz for downloading vids but plp starteD posting
no i am frends with everyone
we were i didnt know u were goin out
im srry advent is my friend i didnt know
dude were bros we play sports for them
nvm advent got pissed waNNa b FrEnDs
my baD DoNt gO aLl *** oN me gOsH
you do now ;)
will u go out with me
yeah so what you up 2
heart attack maybe an ovr dose of pain killers
he wuz exactly 5O
whos Swordsers seriously im not lying
no itz not im woods bro gosh every1 is thinkin tht its not true
itz sad :(
i know same here did u hear about micheaL jack.
*fail* crap it really isnt good?
i guess i didnt want mine to sound dumb it wuz gonna be xemnas rox but tht sounds weird
howd he do tht and i swear hes my bro