Yay jordi night me and sister must transferr so tomorrow no school hahaha
oc:sharix is with demyx now ok darkheart sissy wantd me to tell you
I,just got my sister Swordser2,sanctuary and simple andn for her movies .We just got movie media and now iam looking for clips of kh,Hmmmmmmmmm......Well since she got banned for 2 months i hope this makes you fell a litttle better.
yeah well my sister is ok and i dont like rp i do my sisters i dont like joining hehehe
save my sister people shes inoocents cill make ya beter sig that for you [IMG*]http://i184.photobucket.com/albums/x76/swordser2/thcute-1.jpg[/IMG] take star out
iam soraisaurdhole i know name sucks well iam kind of new my sister is swordser2 she got banned for 2 months for umm a thread.well iam lke her but iam more girly and she said for me to do all her rps she gave me a list pof things she wants nme to do andi have a bit badder or gooder grammar.any feinds of my sister swordser2 add me and tell me what she was doing or anything
ummmmm.......*asked sister swordser2*she thinks its funny a bit andi htibnk no
helo may i join this since darksmile got bNNEDC
likie my sister swordder2 was banned for saying about her period heheh shes evil hahaha
as sam sat a guard came "madam come we need you in the kingdom"he said bowing sam nodded and telepporte away android18 looked at the paupu fruit tree and reads a book about it "if 2 people eat one tyhwre souls shall be togeher for ever where ever and never be alone"it read andoriod 18 picked 1
ooc:ill start bic:hades slammed his hand in the wall "i hate it"he yelled zexion sat in his seat madly a bit
sam then sighed and she teled off to the castle.as she walked to thwe taining room she took her weapon sam then started to put a hologram on appeared a kraken she started to kill the kraken she too ka hit in the eye then its stomach.it got mad and attack sam hard sam dodged and then does a back flip puts her scythe in the krekens mouth.the kraken pewks blood.
my sister is stupid hahaha bic:sam smiled and ate popcorn
ooc:yeah he just does nothing bic:Sam finished her stake"yummmm"Sam said .she then looked at al "First time know whos eternal"Sam said. cid finished up winy and kaire too
ooc:go to spamzone and seee my threaeres te d bic:sam licked her icecream on the clock tower thinking "Hmmm wheers the others"sam thought a little
ooc;go to spamzone bic:tincan then put some oil on his arm wj nodded and then went to a computer
hello,iam soraisacrudhole iam swordser2's sister.She is banned for 2months she told me i can go on the cp and play her rp as her characters,er sams So please who ever her frinds are add me and tell me what they were doing and the rps. p.s. I have better grammar p.s.s. Oh yeah my uaer namae is sora is a crud hole Please iam new
you all suckith hahaha pioe *pie everythwre*hahah
sam ran to venxeah "hey come on fight dont just stand and look ugly you too fenris" she told them and ran off moki was confused she just sat there relaxing she wast aking a short breask
i liek the one you have rightn ow mate so dont woorie lad we wil get there soon enought