hmmm im not on the dorm list yet well i guess ill wait here till i am
hmm im lonly thought namine
no i think he did join when his heart became dark and he became a nobody well if he was neaver in it ill be Demyx
* Riku saw to people talking so he went over to mee tthem * gonna go meet them Larxene... hi whats your name im riku
umm can i be Riku i know hes not on the list but he was in Org XIII
yeah i asked Sharix and she said yes and now im realy pumped for the dance... she was undicieded but now shes a prep
ok well thank you mark and ayame
ooc : No problem BIC : hi Larxene whats up havent seen ya for a while
OOC go to the first page skaters/rebels im a prep skaters in war with prep
* when riku got to the caf he noticed all the skaters* hmm damned skaters well ill get get something t oeat and leave
hmm well Sharix is sleeping s oi guess ill get a snack * Riku walked over to the caf*
uhh yea him namine nice to meet you
umm excuse me *Namine tapped mark's shoulder* Uhh Im New here can you show me the campus
OOC: ok thats cool hmm well i hope every one likes me here Namine thought
can i be Demyx from KH 2
uhh yea hi posted on page 201 asking to join as Riku And Namine but no one answered me so im just re asking
uhh can i be ViVi if you do not know who vivi is google search him he is in KH 2 and FF
Hi Kairi so whats new in your life riku said happily
OOC - kk thx
OOC: k well ill start Riku walked into the school hopping people would like him and that he would be popular oh plz plz like me everyone