* Riku Whent Up Leaning on a wall in bordem* OOC: thx
OOC: lol lightsabers k well night BIC: well talk to ya tomorrow larxene im going to bed and im sorry maybe you wherent starring at axel but it sure looked like it and i dont wonna fght with someone as nice as you but anyways night
hey i dont like him eaither but i have to say that phrase is very good and it does count as a stare if your gaze passes him every 2 seconds
so all people make mistakes i know you like him its the truth and you've been starring at him the whole day Got That memorized
whoa im sorry larxene hmmm well your looking at axel so muc hmaybe you should ask him *riku said Sarcasticly*
hmm well larxene you should get a date cause the dance is comeing up
hmm very good observation
if its jammed you dont have to beat the S*it out of it all you have 2 do is open the soda machine up its not that hard.. got it memorized
hmm pyro has to beat up the soda machine to get some soda... pathetic.* riku smirked afterwards *
hey pyro hows it going.
ok then ill be Demyx
well larxene i thin kim gonna go to sleep in half an hour
* Riku sat down * yeah i could tell they wanted to be alone... so do you have a date for the dance... and yess i saw you eying up axel over there
hey Larxene i saw you looking at axel
hmm well good for you guys ok well i think i might go talk to Larxene... talk to you guys later
hmmm do you guys have dates for the dance
hmm well im gonna talk to you guys for a bit because i havent seen you around in school latlely and i dont wonna talk to those skater losers
OOC: ok BIC: hmm im staying with Jaxen, Ryann, and Taikou sounds fun
Hi Yuna and ZC whats up i was bored so i got a snack mmm pizza
Hi whats your name