can i be Demyx
can i join here my character sheet Name: {Vivi} Gender: {Male} Number: {10} Power: {Sound/visual perception} Weapon: {Guitar} Title Name: {Deme}
may i join in name: Demyx ( if i can not use this name i can get a dif one) Age: 11 Type: Human Weapon: Oathkeeper and Oblivion (keyblades) Description of Appearance: looks like my avatar (exept the kayblades)
* Demyx walks down the road * Im To Smexie for my cloak to smexie for my cloak so smexie it hurts
can i be Rikku
OOC: yeah i think so
to let you know Vivi is in FF IX AND In KH2
OOC: uhhh when is the dance
k there ill change the name
Rank: II Name:Vivi Gender: Male Race: Heartless Age: 17 Height: average for is age Weight: average Eye Color: green Hair Color: blond General Hair Style:in the image IMAGE: Weapon: Shuriken and Guitar Element: music Strengths: Darkness Weaknesses:Light Personality Description: nice uhh thats aout it he acn be moody sometimes tho if i cant use Demyx i can edit
hmm damn man im so Smexie i know thell be talking about me the whole time cause im so Smexie
* Rikku opened the caf doors and walked in at sat at the table in the middle of the room * mmm... hey rikku OOC: Black = Riku Blue = Rikku Italic thought
can i be Demyx plz
can i be Luxord
OOC : idd also like to be Rikku from FF
* riku then pulled a book and started to read *... wow just wow
* Riku sat down at the usuall table for the preps eating *
hmmm i think ill get something to eat * Riku Left the wall and used a dark portal to get the the caf *
can i join as Luxord