I dont believe in a material god. I am into the theory that any material god that humans have ever seen as a material thing are really aliens (sounds crazy I know, but when you think about it, it kinda makes sense...). The true god, if any, can only be explained by an ideal, and that is truth and justice. righteousness.
You look at it as simply counting, but that means your closed-minded and aren't thinking of the possibility of it being something more. Why 3? Why not 6? or 4? or 10000000000000000000? There is a significance. Numbers are infinent. You have a "variety of options". 3 is significant. Counting? Hmph, shows what you know "Ms. Scarlet". thanks for agreeing, and I know, I'm not saying all religoin is based off of numbers. I'm merely trying to point out their mager significance.
You make god seem like an actual person. You see, thats why I believe that the God in the Bible is really Satan, but the real God is out there. Satan can take any form right? Well, what if the real God was doing something off in another galaxy fixing problems, and Satan saw his chance. He turned himself into the image of god, and started proclaiming lies. Then Moses wrote it down, thinking it was the real god. Then when the real God "got back", he saw everyone being sinful, got really pissed and started punishing everyone. I believe some of this, but its only a theory. U are ridiculing mine and flaming (by calling me a dumbass). Hypocrosy. Have patience in your reading, think things over, READ CAREFULLY. If you miss a word it could throw everything your reading off. I think your simply misunderstanding what your reading Pikachu.
Clinton was viewed badly because he didnt deal with anything. He could've prevented 9/11. But he was in that scandle, and Bush is bad because he knew all about it and didnt do anything to stop it either. They were both in on it. They are both very unqualified for being President, which prooves America is F'ed up because if our votes really count for anything we put two dumb F's up there.
So presumably you are at least a deist if not subscribed to a religion? Good. But why do you think its crap? Do you know how much of religion is based on numbers? I guess not....... 12 disciples God created the world in 7 days. Jesus rose from the dead the 3rd day. Triune god means 3 in 1. Jesus said 7 things before he died. Adam had 3 sons. Noah had 3 sons. Isaac had 12 sons. Jesus earthly ministry went on for 3 years. 3 messengers appeared to Abraham. 7 seals the Lamb opened in Revelations. 7 angels with the 7 trumpets given to them from God. 7 bowls of the wrath of God. And of course theres the 144,000. Numberz r everywhere.....
How is it "stupid"? explain, otherwise your poor choice of vocabulary makes your side of the argument sound ignorant and closed-minded.
Interesting. I agree with you, but we can do it with the morals and concepts you so believe in. I am in the belief that God IS the moral concept, he isnt a being to us because we can not understand him as a being of material. The best way we can understand god is an ideal, a spirit, a entity that is not of body or matter. R U Jewish? If you read the Torah you should still know.
and/or code. The Bible has been manipulated, but why? Why look at the faults constantly when you can look at the possibilities? I know it has its faults, I love to point them out to. But there is also something more, something the "average somebody" doesn't see.
haha, trying to be funny? Your quote was out of context and made no sense... Okay, I'm sorry I came off so harsh, especially sense I'm new. I just feel this weakness from Taco-Grenade that I dont like, like a cry-baby. If he wants to fix his problem he needs to stand up to these kids, because even if I dont agree with him, I hate bullies. I was teased all during grade school. I'mnot looking for sympathy, because I dealt with the kids who gave me crap. And you know what, they stopped. Again, read my last post. Your looking for sympathy. All groups do. Heck, if you wanna make a group for someone like me Jerome, and my religous views, were probably less than Athiests. So dont give me any "boo-hoo's", cause I ain't gonna give you more respect that way, only less. I think I've established the fact that I hate cry-babies.
No, in Revelations it says 666 is "man's" number. and your right, there is the whole thing about 616. and what does 6+1+6=? 13. What's the unlucky number in the West? 13. Whats the unlucky number in the East? 4. 1+3=4. 4 is the number of death and destruction in most astrological belief systems. So I'm open-minded to the 616 theory very much. as for the other part, heh, numbers are a hidden religion Bun.
Agree completely. I've hand a theory on this for a while. I think the door to Kingdom Hearts is two things. The actual Keyblade that is given to the Chosen ONe (Terra), and the ultimant weapon, a heart, Ven's heart. As MX summoned KH, Terra tranformed into Xhenahort, meaning MX now had both keys. But something must've gone wrong, maybe Aqua did something to Terra's body to stop MX from getting KH.
666 = man's number. 2/3= .66666666666667 are we the fallen angels? Or are we the angels left over?
Well, I can name 5 people off that list that your wrong on. Where'd you hear all of this? This list is all bullshit? First off, Benjamin Franklin, John adams, and Thomas Jefferson were all in fact apart of a secret ferternity called the Free and Accepted Masons. George washington was also apart of this ferternity. All of our Founding Father's were. Although T.J. is somewhat questionable. The Masons are a complex society of religious secrecy. TO BE A MASON YOU MUST BELIEVE IN A GOD OR GODS. Thats their number one rule. And Voltaire and Abe Lincoln weren't Athiest. Voltaire was into other religions besides Christianity, and fought for religious freedom. And Abe was an open Christian. All of our President's were at least small believers in god. None were Athiest. Also some of those names I'm not sure YOU can be sure were in fact athiest. Do some "research" on those people before you "judge" them in such a manner as to say they had no belief in a higher power. I think a lot of them did. I agree with you completely here Repliku. Your right, except I'm more on the side of religion in this statement, and not on the side of "athiesm".
Nope, Axel's somebody isn't Reno.