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  1. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    It was raining.
    He could see his breathe.
    His eyes turned a light blue due to the chill. He whore a dark cloak around his light mythril armor he woar.
    He yawned.
    He was tired.

    He sat on the side of the road.
    It was night time.
    He was waiting for his friend Tidus.
    ".....wonder were he is......"-Zeb
    Post by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    OOC: yeah, I just did.
    Post by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 21, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    exactly. And these primitive men in the sense that their definition of god wasn't determined yet, saw these beings as "supernatural" and "almighty", because they created everything around them.
    But what I believe is that these beings of course don't deserve praise as gods in any sort, BUT(!) there is a god of a spirit realm that exists, and had created this realm (the materiaL REALM) as a punishment for the evil souls that turned against him.
    (In this statement, yes, I AM saying that the Legends of the Fall of the Angels is the basic over story of the origin of the realms. Lucifer fell, and brought a third of the souls of the spirit realm, "heaven" if you will, to the material realm ("hell"). And thus we are here, in Punishment...)
    Post by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 21, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  4. Dr. Mythril Roxas
  5. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    OOC thread:
    Its time.
    The war drums are pounding to the beat of a dragons heart.
    The rain falls down, as it touches the bodies of the dead, a Mist of fire is aroused by the chaos of the elements.
    The air is cold.
    So cold its burning.

    20 years ago it happened.
    A war between the dragons and the mages......

    They fought.
    Sword clashed with claw.
    Fire clashed with magic.
    The sky clashed with earth.

    The dragons were lead by a beastly dragon named Sabre.
    The humans were lead by a Mage Lord named Titus.
    The war lasted a weeks time, but it seemed to them like an eternal hell.
    The humans forged 3 weapons to slay Saber, and win the war.
    The blade of Chaos: Emer
    The staff of Light: Lina
    (And) the sword of Dusk: Saoshyant

    They slayed Saber on the last day, and claimed victory over the dragons.

    The dragons fled, and hid in the mountains and oceans.
    Plotting for revenge, waiting for hope...
    And thus, a prophesy was given to the humans. One of destruction to the humans, and bliss to the dragons....
    "A winged soul will save the hearts of fire. His name is Saoshyant."
    The mage Lords hid this from the dragons, until a dragon named Ravein stole the prophesy, and delivered it to the dragon people.
    The dragons look to the prophesy for hope, searching for this Savior named Saoshyant.
    But he would not come. For the word Saoshyant wasn't meant for one being.....but for something else entirley......

    Thread by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 20, 2009, 40 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    I agree with you completely. Thats why I am in most ways against organized religion, because it could merely be another way for them to have complete control over humanity. By controling were there minds and hearts are set. That and obvious religious hypocrosy that many of you already know it goes with out saying.

    I agree with you here. Accept, I don't believe God is a metaphor. Most Christians are really stupid, and only know what their priest or pastor preaches to them. So they're very hypocritical. They think they are so bound by faith to their belief that they can even stand up to death, but all men are corruptable, and because they are in the belief that they are so bound, they are even more corruptable through the use of their so called belief than the average man. Thats what I think anyway, thats what I've seen.
    Post by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 20, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  7. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    Whoo-hoo! Savage Nation!!
    I don't like everything he says, but I agree with him on some things. He's an interesting guy.
    Great Thread :)
    Post by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 20, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  8. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    Profile Post

    what is this?

    what is this?
    Status Update by Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 20, 2009
  9. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    Intreeging (spelled it wrong, I know). You do seem to know a lot about this stuff, really Repliku. And I respect that a lot. I see things the way you do, but you have more say taken the Athiest option in destiny, were as I have taken a more spiritual/belief in god type of path once I learned of much of the knowledge you've just explained. But I have a conspiritorial father, and he has opened my eyes to see some really horrifying but interesting possibities for the future concerning such things as the stars, aleins, and religion/polotics. So it seems you know much of what I know, execpt I come from the conspiritorial and spiritual perspective, rather than your view of there being no god at all, and that everything was "made up" by primitive man.

    The most interesting thing was what you said right here:
    These type of statements I like, because I think much of the god that we seek, WE SEEK. We pray to him, we worship him, and ask him for forgiveness. But whenever in history you hear god reply back, I believe that "that" "god" is really a type of "alien". Imagine, imagine if they could cure anything, destroy planets by pressing a button, create new life forms with advanced technology and science. Wouldn't that be an equivalent to what we know as "god"? Personally, I believe so.
    Post by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 17, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  10. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    Yeah, soon. Next time I get on I will, fo show.
    Post by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 16, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    "True Enlightenment comes from within". I can't proove anything to you, you must find it yourself.
    They don't seem to pay off......srry. If they are "advanced" studies, you should know about some of the things I'm talking about Scarlet. But its good your in that class, maybe you'll learn some cool things. I wish they had a religious studies class at my school....
    Post by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 16, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  12. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    Name: Zeb
    Age: 33
    Race: Dragon
    Element: Darkness
    Personality: Kind, Passion for justice, quiet, lonely.
    Appearance: regular-[​IMG]
    History: has been fighting the magest human countries for a long time by himself. He searches for the truth behind the war and the prophesy.
    Post by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 15, 2009 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    have you ever been stabbed or punched? Yeah, I didn't think so.
    If words hurt you as much as a really good punch to the face, or knife to the hand, then your an emotional pussy.
    Post by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 15, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  14. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    War between dragons and mages.
    Dragons can become humans if they fall in love.
    Humans can become dragons if they obtain the powers of darkness.
    A war has been raging on for 20 years between the two races.
    But a prophesy of a Savior brings hope to many hearts.
    Choose a side.
    Live as a dragon or mage, and find the secret to living in darkness....

    little spam.
    Keep all questions on OOC.

    Character Template-
    History (optional):
    Thread by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 15, 2009, 10 replies, in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    We are debating over my somewhat theory. Do you think its "plausible"? Or do you think its crap-o-la. I'd like to hear some of your thoughts.

    @childofturin: Yes, I've tried to say that I hate all organized religion, because of much of their hypocrosy. But some of these ancient religions didn't use animal or human sacrifice. Such as Zoroastrianism. And maybe some of the people who believed in the religion didn't agree with the sacrifices. But they were forced to take part in the worship were there was sacrifice. We can't really know for sure. And heres a good point, History is written by the victors. If Christianity found out about these ancient religions, and didn't want them to interfere with their own, then through out history they probably killed these ancient peoples(and their cultures), and called them pagan, saying things like they would sacrifice humans and animals and stuff, but maybe they really didn't. Christianity could've twisted the religion, making it seem evil, or "pagan", but really it was good. It wouldnt've be the first time Christianity did something hypocritical and down right evil.

    But lets say they really did sacrifice humans. It would actually go along with my theory. Now, we all know that these ancient people weren't dumb. They built pyramids, great bridges, lots of really fastinating things that are still around today. These things were made to last.
    The Egyptians knew a lot about early medicine to.
    So my point is this, why would these intelligent ancient people do something as barbaric and stupid as to sacrifice humans? I mean really, they couldnt've been that dumb. They built things that not even we fully understand how to build, and you'd think they'd do somthing as stupid as that for some god? I know there are religious radicals out there, but no one would ever do that as a people/civilization without a true purpose.
    Its these real gods, Annunaki, a reptialian race of aliens that much of ancient civilizations claim to be their creators wanted to say, eat humans, then why go hunt them when you can have them served as a sacrifice on a platter?
    AND BE LOVED FOR IT. Its evil, down right evil. Anyways, I'd like to hear so comments...

    Heres a video on my theory. Its pretty insightful.
    Post by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 15, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  16. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    Alright, let me explain a little bit from were I'm coming from before I jump right into what this thread is all about.
    I am a deist, I see organized religion as almost Satanic, because of its dogmacy and desire for utter control over people's minds. I see modern religion as a big part of this, and there maybe people within religion to JUST MESS THINGS UP AND SCARE PEOPLE AWAY FROM GOD. I see ancient religions in a more positive light. It seems to me that Christianity is a compilation of many ancient religions into one. But through the Roman Empire, it has been twisted and corrupted into what you see today. So there will be parts were I might seem really against Jesus, but I am also in the open-minded belief that Jesus could be a really good guy, and very full of truth and justice, but his "story" has been twisted and manipulated over the years.

    Now, as for what this thread is truly about...I've read the Bible almost 5 times (seriously, all the way through). I have a hard time seeing the god talked about in the Old Testament as a "spirit". There are so many parts were they make god seem like a sinner almost, more human than god, and I think that the god in much of the Bible is really aliens. But I truly do believe in a spiritual god, Like I believe in a combination of karma, reincarnation, and the Fall of the Angels as for belief in a afterlife.
    Thread by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 13, 2009, 13 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  17. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    I'll make a Sci-fi Christianity thread then and explain it soon.
    Post by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 13, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  18. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    I am sorry, I haven't had the proper time on the computer to give your great sources and "proof", so that is my own laziness, and I am sorry. I'll try to get a good source for you all by the next time I'm on, cause I've been grounded for about ever from the computer. Again, you are right, I am being lazy. And I'm sorry. I just haven't had the time.

    Misunderstood Ms. Scarlet. If you fail to see an OBVIOUS significance, then you are at fault. Its your problem. Like I said, true enlightenment comes from within. So maybe you should do some reading on other religions to see what I'm talking about...
    Post by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 13, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner
  19. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    Just wondering to see really how many Athiests are on tis site. And to see if there are any deists on here like myself.
    Thread by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 11, 2009, 3 replies, in forum: Debate Corner
  20. Dr. Mythril Roxas
    obviously you are a lazy athiest because you dont even know anything about religion. Why do I have to explain myself to a lazy ass who knows nothing? To teach you something? But your as stubborn as they come? Even if you learned something, you'd find a way to try and make yourself seem right in your head, but your wrong.

    I've thought of it, but I've "done the homework". I'm not saying I know everything, and I'm open minded to the possibility that I'm wrong, but I need the proof. If someone can proove me wrong, I will surely listen.

    As for "enlightening you", I can't. True Enlightenment comes from within.
    Post by: Dr. Mythril Roxas, Feb 11, 2009 in forum: Debate Corner