Naminé-lalala daydreaming
Naminé- so who won the sparing match or was it a draw
Xion or Namine that is one tough choice
ok well I had an off day Tues. and Wednesday
so your having an off night too
I went to a convention for three days it was fun
Team Ventus
I Like both but if I had to chose one it would be ROXAS
Team Nobodies
hi eveyone
Avatar: 7/10 Signature: 7/10
I've been to the one in Sioux Falls. I'm going to Nebrakon this year in Omaha on Nov. 5-7.
most likely they have
Silence and Motion by Nobuo Uematsu (Final Fantasy 8 soundtrack)
I'm reading Moon Over Tokyo by Siri L. Mitchell Manga I'm reading: Kimi Kiss, V.B. Rose, Fullmetal Alchemist, Vampire Knight, and Black Bird.
I use Windows Live Movie Maker.
I'm doing good
Awesome job I like it
I have all three seasons. Great Show
Naminé- ok I'm tried going to sit down