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  1. Beauxxx
    just in the first two, right?

    otherwise, the colors look burned with the composition.
    If the lighting was nixed, or if the brightness was just altered -

    it'd look ******.

    oh. two new ones f/ kids who wanted them.
    moved the stock out of the second because it made it look somewhat disgusting.

    Post by: Beauxxx, Dec 28, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Beauxxx
    New stuff.
    I'm trying new things out.
    Still' hella addicted to color like heroine.

    CnC, por favor.


    made my ex boyfriend into a tag:

    Thread by: Beauxxx, Dec 28, 2008, 7 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  3. Beauxxx
    the first is better by far.
    just go into /Curves/ and add more contrast to it.

    And try adding text in either fonts;
    Futura or TM Cen MT Condensed.
    Post by: Beauxxx, Dec 27, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  4. Beauxxx
    Oh. hey again.
    Large pieces. Moss' one is the most recent.

    Smaller babies:
    December. November. November.


    Bigger toddlers:

    November. October.



    August. September. October.




    don't be afraid.
    Thread by: Beauxxx, Dec 26, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  5. Beauxxx
    4th one has the potential to look incredible, if it wasn't for the extra, sharpened, stretched, scatter of effects at the bottom to fill up space.

    Alongside that, other one I like a bit is the first. The style's a nice one to have, but I'd suggest to work on not clumping your effects together once you have every other aspect of the tag set up. It makes it look rushed rather than neat and crisp. I have more of a chaotic style myself that I'm gradually working out of. So in this case, I'd challenge you to finding other methods of making your effects /merge/ together, rather than throwing them in there.

    Then for this style -
    Color might be an issue. I'd suggest to start combining more layers of colors on top of each other, otherwise your pieces may start to look a bit flat and monotone rather than engaging and 3 dimensional.

    Step outside of your comfort zone.
    Post by: Beauxxx, Dec 26, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  6. Beauxxx
    The render's too dark.
    I honestly had no idea what it was until a minute after staring at it trying to figure out where the face was. Nix the burn layer over it, if you have it. Or at least, lower its opacity to still give it that /edgy dark - look/, but not to the extent where some can't tell what it is.

    Rotate your effects there to make it look more like a 'circle' when you look at the tag from a distance. At the moment, they're a bit too knocked off course. The white splatter brush at the bottom also is a distraction.

    I'd suggest to add a small light source to this.
    If it doesn't work, then intensify the colors that you have worked in the background there to make your focal stronger.

    When looking at everything completely,
    the effects are a bit too clustered together, but the execution of it makes it a strong piece. It just needs some cleaning up here and there.
    Post by: Beauxxx, Dec 26, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  7. Beauxxx
    I'd say that you overkilled it in effects.
    I could tell that you put a lot of effort into making it as original as possible, but you loaded it down with too many smudges and distortions.

    All of the effects as a /piece/ don't really make it fit conceptually with the stock or the text. I'd suggest to nix the effects in the center and along the top of the peace symbol. Fade the grayish distortions on top so the eye can be better directed.

    Then, style wise -
    The typography fitted there would be more interesting if it was worked into each section of the peace sign some how. But if that isn't possible, just center the word, 'Peace'.

    As a whole,
    I'd give you an A for effort. But the execution's sloppy.
    Post by: Beauxxx, Dec 26, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  8. Beauxxx
    I'd say that you over killed the thing in saturated effects.
    The effects shouldn't be so scattered, and should surround your focal.
    The armor on the stock is either choppy, or over sharpened. The duplication on the left should be tilted a bit to make the tag look more symmetrical.

    The little rainbow effects should either be intensified, or should be scrapped and replaced with rusted oranges, forest greens, and creams and set to a lighter opacity, rather than just saturated or burned. The huge, random black dashes give it some direction, but they're too alarming to the eye.

    To create smoother effects to fit better with this style, I'd strongly suggest to just create duplications of him, set them behind him, and practice smudging and distorting them until the sig in general...looks balanced rather than a whirlwind of clustered effects.

    The text should also be sharpened.
    As a whole, I could see what you were trying to do, but the execution was too messy.
    Post by: Beauxxx, Dec 26, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  9. Beauxxx
    oh damn.
    good lord you people reply fast.

    thanks for the comments.
    might join a clan and push in more innovative tags into your woodwork.

    Post by: Beauxxx, Dec 26, 2008 in forum: Arts & Graphics
  10. Beauxxx
    oh hai.
    Haven't logged into this thing in going on 3 years.
    I'm a self taught little thing.

    Here's a portion of my re introduction.

    Newest - Oldest:


    And I'll post some larger pieces in a bit.
    CnC from the kids who know what they're talking about.
    Thread by: Beauxxx, Dec 26, 2008, 3 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  11. Beauxxx
    ^And that "a while" would mean what..a good month or so? A dear friend (now literal lover) of mine had inisisted that I make an account on this website. -But other than that, who am I? I am a friend to anyone who takes the innocent amount of time to get to know me. A good handful of you may recognize the username (Melons <3..possibly you? :3). I'm an open person, & it will be more than a pleasure to meet as many of you as I can.

    /End timer.

    -xoxo/fu: Beau

    Thread by: Beauxxx, Nov 16, 2006, 6 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures