Everything about it feels low quality. When I made a habit of constantly saving and browsing Hiei's pics from YYH, I DID notice that picture, including its choppiness, depending on if you got it from a reliable site, or an anime shrine where it sugar coated it with extra effects. I don't think that adding that burnt effect to it to such an extent helped it. The fact that they are annihilated any distinctiveness to his Dragon behind him, it just made it look like an enormous, zigzagged blotch. The effects behind him need coordination to flow in the same direction, rather than being combined as a background, in hopes of filling space. Then, the stock could be shrunken by a bit so you can see that the dragon on his arm, and his 'head' are actually connected. In all seriousness - It just needs more work done to it.
New piece. I think it tops my 'Abel' piece from a few weeks back. Took ages for anything I made to straddle that thing, lmao. Anyway, click on the thumbnail. ****'s huge. CnC, as always <3 I'm not changing this style. I'll enhance it, and push it to newer heights. Otherwise..enjoy.
called some kid's signature generic, and one of the admins that hates me decided to IP ban me for it til Thursday.
heya. what's up? History's about to go down on KHinsider Forums. I got temporarily IP banned for something ******ed and everyone wants my head,...
First - Effects need to be more focused around the focal, rather than so scattered. Second - feels dry, saturated and feels as if its unfinished. Needs smoother composition and contrast, more variation in color. Third - Typography's cute. But the stock can be sharpened a tad, effects can also have more elaborate distortions/smudging Fourth - Negative space here is good, but I think you should have experimented a bit more with expanding your effects to have more of a dynamic effect. nice style. but the tags here feel a bit under developed. jerome was right.
if you ever get in the mood to play with fonts, hit me up in that category. and lul, i totally need to get back on my requests at Stars' back on khi. and nothin much. just baking up a batch of LP's to throw into my portfolio for college. the threads showcasing them are right under this one, lmao. have a looksee.
1st feels dry 2nd's more substantial and eye catching. The text on the left..I know it was a part of the request - doesn't fit well with the right side. Then for the second tag - leaves a bit of a notion that I encourage you to expand your choices in fonts to have more variation in your typography. the stuff's unique. but i think it was just the stock for the first that through you off so much because it isn't something that you'd normally see have outstanding results.
I think it looks professional. but yea. cnc, siempre. tell me what you think, honestly. ..this is so going in my portfolio. but i dunno.
concept's a cutie. but all of the effects lack symmetry to flow evenly into one another. Specifically the arrow should be pointing /toward/ the heart, and the distortions on top should be rotated to fit better with the set on the right. Then those lines on the left are somewhat distraction. You have your focal, no need to direct the eye with those extra effects. Then the font type doesn't fit all the way. Try something not as simple. Maybe change the first letter to something elaborate, than keep it all the same or use a font type not as traditional. All in all, it aint bad. like i said, the concept's cute, love.
Nah. that's as clean as I'm going to leave it. Give me an example of what something 'extraordinary' is in your opinion. my piece looks like a portrait. our tastes differ, so i always welcome a new opinion. sothx =]
It was meant to be a Large Piece. Explain why it fails. I think the picture's gorgeous and I've made a vicious change in its original set up and composition to create it anew. The middle of it sets the tone for it. There was no other font that fit the concept correctly.
hello. what kind of stock would you like that's subtly or openly porn inspired? thx, sugar.
oh hai. made this baby over the course of a few hours. original stock is at the bottom. i'm on a roll. Original Stock: click here. cnc. no ratings.
yours makes me swoon like misty does in your profilepic. oh hai . ;3
The light source looks plastered in and un natural. Since its above her, then there should also be lighting around her to fit that concept. Too overly contrasted, work on your transitions between light to dark, in general. Otherwise, your work will lack symmetry. The effects are too diverse in both color, placement, flow, and execution. The effects should all fit a couple of schemes rather than have a small little explosion of sets that don't compliment one another, let alone with their colors. The piece in general has no sense of direction rather than a stock, a background, and a heavy light source. There should be flow to give it a crisper and more original feel. The contrast lowered the quality of the stock immensely, go easy, baby cakes. Oh. and break the rating system.
There's a choppiness to the stock intertwined with the divided composition in light and dark to fit the concept. Concept in general's nice but the execution feels way too predictable. Font choices should also be experimented with here. Grab a font that isn't as sharp or traditional. Stock needs to be sharpened, including with the cities in the background, or find higher quality stocks for those in the background. Once the eyes get past what you're saying with this, they start to see how choppy and safe it feels. experiment.
Um..no. Everything here is fine. Just add more of a guiding effect to give the rest of your effects direction so it won't just look like its plastered on to help compliment the stock. Speaking of which, sharpen her up ever so slightly. May want to also run this baby through curves to experiment more with the contrast settings. Just a thought. Also, now that I look at it again - Experiment more with font choices. The one you used is a bit too predictable. Tm Cen. Onyx. Futura <- stuff like that is touchable for simplistic tags. I'd wear her. but nehhh. I think you can do better, personally. But good job for something you put together out of randomness. '___insert #/10whoeverusesthissystemisafaghag____'