Sorry I don't make any codes just Test.
Why Cell (from DBZ) of course, no one can be as awesome as him.
Kefka or maybe Chaos or Zeromus either one of them would be good to have,Ciao.
I know it dosen't need a perfect score I just love KH (I don't wan't any more replys to my post.)"Ciao"
It should get 5/5 see that's why don't like x-play they make fun of almost every game they review even though thats just at some of the times they do so "sigh" oh well "ciao"
Hello spdude I like your name, I'm SoKuRi777 though I rather go by sokuri I wasn't really the type to talk when I first joined but know I'm trying to get to know everybody and you seem cool well it's nice to meet you. "Ciao" oh and yes I say ciao at the end of all my post now since I took a liking to super paper mario well hope to see ya some more nice meeting you (again)
That is one brave kid he could make a good body guard. "Ciao"
I can only say one word: Wow "Ciao"
they should execute that mother F@#$&R "Ciao"
I almost forgot about Pepper Ann! I could never get the intro out of my head :xp:"Ciao"
Piccolo even though he had the same VA as Vegeta but I liked his voice alot,"ciao"
All I know is that I am dying to know what Marluxia,Larxene,Vexen,Zexion and Leaxeus will sound like in English,"Ciao"
Heartless would make more since to have as enemies than any thing else hopefully their will be some awsome new heartless,"Ciao"
That would be a cool boss,"Ciao"
I remember Goof Troop very well used to watch it all the time, "ciao"
Who else other than my childhood hero? Jack Skellington of course, Sparrow is cool to but I think I rather stick with the Pumpkin King, "ciao"
I like them both the same but if I must I'll say Digimon probably because used to always watch it but I only liked the first 2 seasons the rest was ok.
Yeah my favorite part was where Godzilla owned that faker Zilla in 10 seconds flat and I really liked the music that was playing at the time also other than that it was a good movie and monster X was cool to.
I can only say well everybody from HSM oh and the Queen of Hearts she is just well I can't say but I just don't like her.
Here's a easy one Men cower at the power In my pinky My thumb is number one On every list But if you're not convinced That I'm invincible, Put me to the test! I'd love to lay this rivalry to rest!